BeginningStrings Syllabusand Handbook
Justice Page Middle School 2017-2018
Sean Prichard
office: 612.668.4040
Welcome to Justice Page Middle School!
My name is Sean Prichard, and I am excited to work with all of our strings players here at Ramsey Middle School! Through the year we will work together, learn together, and make music together.
BeginningStrings at Justice Page (JPMS) will focus on developing our understanding and comprehension of music as listeners, performers, and critical thinkers. This year we will set the foundation for a life of being a musician. Our learning targets are based on the standards outlined in the district’s focused instruction guide. The units are not taught sequentially in a linear progression, rather occur concurrently as different approaches to the pieces that we will learn to perform in Orchestra.
Learning Targets
Assignments are derived from the following long-term learning targets:
1.1 I can read and notate music.
1.2 I can identify elements of music.
1.3 I can demonstrate proper technique.
1.4 I can play music from a variety of styles.
1.5 I can improve a performance based on self-reflection and the feedback of others.
1.6 I can contribute towards rehearsals (rehearsal skills)
Grading and Retake policy
Each assignment will be graded according to the school’s Standards-Based Grading 1-4 policy. Retakes or revisions must be completed by one week before the end of the quarter. Students should take initiative to approach me if they want to retake an assignment. Other assignments are so fundamental to a student’s further development that I may ask each student to retake until they can achieve a 3.
Daily practice is essential for building the necessary skills and technique used in playing anorchestra instrument. Students are strongly encouraged to make practice part of their daily routine at home.
Students will take part in two public performances on January 23rd, 2017 and May 17th, 2018 at 7:00pm in the JPMS Auditorium. Performances are mandatory and an integral part of Beginning Orchestra. Any conflicts must be communicated to the director ahead of time. More performances will be added as the year progresses. I will communicate new performance dates as soon as possible, please check the school website often.
How to Help Your Child at Home
- Please monitor your child’s home practice. They are expected to practice 5 days per week. It is better for your child to play a small amount every day than it is to play 2 hours on Sunday night.
- Show a sincere interest in the orchestra and what your child is doing.
- Help your child arrange a regular schedule of daily practice. This includes a quiet place where practice can take place without interruption.
- Monitor your child’s progress. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call at 612-692-0833 or email to (email is best)
- Never make fun of the unusual sounds your child might make; this is part of the process of learning to master a new skill. Progress may seem slow at first, but your child will soon be playing recognizable pieces. With beginning orchestra students it is absolutely essential to use positive reinforcement.
- Be sure to attend all music activities as a part of your own routine; your presence greatly aids your child’s confidence and playing ability.
- Encourage your child to perform for others when the opportunity arises.
- Attend concerts and listen to programs of good music whenever possible.
- Provide a safe place for your child to store their instrument. His or her instrument should not be shared with anyone not knowing how to play it and care for it.This includes curious younger siblings.
- Keep your child’s instrument in good working condition; when repairs are necessary, consult the orchestra director for advice on where to service the instrument.
Orchestra Expectations
- Be on time
- Be on task
- Give your best effort
- Respect your classmates, their instruments, and the rehearsal
BeginningOrchestraMr. Prichard, Room 11
Please sign and return by Thursday, September 7th
We have read and understand the BeginningStrings expectations.
As a student I agree to follow the preceding guidelines and all other instructions given in class.
As a parent I agree to support my student as a learner and to contact Mr. Prichard should any questions or concerns arise.
We agree to attend all concerts throughout the school year. (January23rd, 2017 and May 17th, 2018)
Student Name (Print): ______Class Hour: ______
Student Signature:______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name(s):______
Parent/Guardian Signature(s):______
Parent/Guardian contact information (e-mail and/or phone): ______
Please contact me about volunteering and/or Orchestra Boosters ______