1. Background - FIAMHP
Faith in Action Merton Homelessness Project (FIAMHP) is a registered charity set up as a charitable company. The Management Committee (also known as Board of Trustees) is the governing body of the charity and ultimately responsible for everything the charity does.
This means that the Management Committee must set clear aims and objectives, establish priorities, safeguard the charity’s assets (money, property, equipment and human resources) and use them exclusively for the benefit of those the charity exists to help.
The FIAMHP Constitution is approved by the Charity Commission and defines the purpose and operation of the charity. It allows for up to twelve members.
2. What are we trying to do?
Our Vision
To be instrumental in transforming the lives of individuals within the London Borough of Merton who are disadvantaged and/or excluded from the local community as a result of homelessness or precarious housing.
Our Purpose
To provide support, information and assistance to those ‘hard to reach’ individuals, including those with addictive behaviours, who are homeless or precariously housed and for whom there are currently gaps in service provision in order to help them to access improved safety, security and well-being and a living environment that truly meets their needs.
Our Values
We believe
· in the worth and dignity of every individual human being
· that as a priority our individual faiths and humanity call us to show love in practical ways for fellow human beings within the Merton community who may be poor, isolated or marginalised
· in being non-judgemental, honest, open and just
· in welcoming, encouraging and celebrating diversity and promoting equality of opportunity
· in striving for excellence in all that we do
· in working in partnership with faiths and organisations that share similar values in order to maximise resources and influence
3. What does our Project involve?
Drop-in Centre – Facilities and Activities
The Drop-In Centre opened in September 2004. It is currently open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am – 3pm in premises owned by the Salvation Army in Kingston Road, South Wimbledon, that have been specifically modified to include showers and laundry facilities to address the needs of the user group.
In addition to friendship, the Centre offers breakfast, a cooked lunch and light refreshments, clothing, toiletries and food parcels, leisure activities, help with form-filling and approaches to statutory agencies as well as signposting and referrals to relevant support agencies. Partnerships are strong with external agencies including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Street Rescue and Spear Housing Association. Agencies now accessing our difficult to reach client group as a result of FIAMHP’s existence are the Homeless Person’s Unit (HPU) and Merton Adult Crack Service (MACS). FIAMHP is involved in a TB screening programme for service users and with the Primary Care Trust Project for East Europeans
Service Users
We see 65+ service users on each Drop-in day.. As fewer facilities become available for this client group, we are finding that we are drawing in highly vulnerable and disadvantaged homeless people, mainly younger men, from across a wide area of London south of the Thames. Since 2009 a growing number of service users are young male East Europeans. FiA currently has a Service Level Agreement with London Borough of Merton to assist this group.
Most service users are male although a small number of female service users regularly attend. A number of service users are sofa surfers (sleep on friends’ floors, sofas etc). The remainder are either rough sleepers or individuals who are vulnerable for a range of reasons.
FIAMHP employ two Co-Project Managers who operate as a full-time equivalent job share and two Project Workers (21 hours per week).
Currently some 40+ volunteers support the Project at the Drop In. They come mainly but not exclusively from supporting faith groups and have a range of motivations for volunteering. The diverse volunteer base in terms of age, gender, religion and culture is evidence of our beliefs in practice. In March 2008 FIAMHP first achieved Investing in Volunteers status as a consequence of our commitment to our volunteers. This was renewed for three years in 2011.
On Drop-in days, teams of volunteers work in the kitchen and cook three dishes for lunch. On one of these days a volunteer with learning difficulties assists them with serving tea/coffee all day and washing up. Other volunteers work ‘front of house’ on a rota basis; greeting and supporting service users; distributing clothing; supervising the laundry and shower service; playing bingo, table tennis and other games; setting-up and tidying away; offering companionship to service users; supporting the paid staff.
Service Users’ Forum
There is a bi-monthly Service Users’ Forum to ensure that the project remains responsive to user’s views.
Office base
FiA has an office base at the Wimbledon Guild of Social Welfare, 30/32 Worple Road.. The Guild is a generous supporter of the Project, providing office accommodation, use of meeting rooms and use of its Payroll Service free of charge.
The Project started in 2004 with substantial funding from Charitable Trusts and has continued with a range of funding sources, eg the Mayor of Merton’s Charity, a legacy and large individual donations. We have developed of the p[roject through generous donations from local Faith Communities and specific fund raising activities have provided regular income. Our Square Meal Appeal for gift aided standing orders brings in about a third of our current running costs. Our aim is to increase that proportion steadily, and to supplement the regular income with specific fund raising activities. The project is financially secure for two years.
4. What are the responsibilities of individual trustees and the Management Committee?
Trustee duties
The statutory duties of a FIAMHP trustee are to:
· Ensure that the charity pursues its charitable objects as defined in its Constitution and applies its resources exclusively in furtherance of those objects
· Ensure that the charity complies with its Constitution, charity law, company law, employment law and any other relevant legislation or regulations
· Safeguard the good name and values of the charity
· Protect and manage the charity’s assets and ensure the proper management and investment of the charity’s funds
· Ensure efficient and effective administration of the charity
· Contribute actively to the Management Committee role of giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets
Trustee qualities
Each trustee must have:
· A commitment to the charity
· An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
· A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to their duties as a trustee
· Strategic vision
· Good independent judgement
· An ability to think creatively
· Courage and willingness to speak their mind
· Ability to work effectively as a member of a team
Management Committee duties
The main duties of the Management Committee are to:
Mission and purpose:
· Determine the charity’s mission and purpose
· Guard the charity’s ethos and values
· Develop and agree the charity’s long-term strategic plan
· Develop and agree the charity’s policies and procedures
· Ensure that all the charity’s activities comply with its charitable objects and with the law
Assets and resources:
· Agree the annual budget and monitor financial performance
· Ensure the charity’s assets and resources are protected, managed effectively and adequate to meet the charity’s commitment.
Performance and accountability:
· Ensure accountability as required by law (Charity Commission, Registrar of Companies, HM Revenue and Customs) and others such as donors, beneficiaries, staff, volunteers and the general public
· Monitor and evaluate the services delivered by the charity
· Keep the performance of the Management Committee under review
· Establish staff employment procedures for recruitment, support, appraisal, remuneration, disciplinary matters
Management Committee skills mix
The Management Committee as a whole needs skills and experience in the following areas:
· The type of work undertaken by the charity
· Financial management
· Business planning including target-setting, performance monitoring and evaluation
· Publicity
· Fund-raising
· Staff management
· Volunteer organisations
· Legal matters
· Property management and lettings
· Website and IT
FIAMHP aims to reflect the diversity of the faith communities in Merton in the membership of its Management Committee.
5. Interested?
If you would like to explore further the possibility of joining the FIAMHP Management Committee, please complete the attached application form and return to
Y Ball, FIAMHP Chair by 31/8/13
POST: Wimbledon Guild House, 30/32 Worple Road, London SW19 4EF
EMAIL: (please head ‘trustee vacancy’)
We will then contact you and invite you to meet with a small number of trustees for an informal discussion.
Registered Charity No: 1101165. Also registered with Companies House.
June 2013