High Level Christian Academy
“Under His Wings”
“He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”
Psalm 91:4
September 2018 Newsletter
It’s that time of year again! Summer is coming to a rapid close; our time of rest is shifting. We are all returning to set schedules, regularity, and normalcy. Here at HLCA, it is no different. Class schedules are made; classrooms newly decorated; teachers are waiting to greet their students. The beginning of this new school year is bitter-sweet. Mrs. Bartlett will be greatly and dearly missed. We are also very excited to welcome Mrs. Payne, our new K/1 teacher! Mrs. Payne comes to us with a wealth of experience at the primary level and I am looking forward to benefitting from her rich expertise. Mrs. Kathy Zorrilla has graciously agreed to be our administrator who also comes with a wealth of past experience, as she was our principal/administrator from 1999 to 2006. We also have some new families joining our school body; I encourage you to get to know them and make them feel a part of HLCA quickly. We are also thankful for our returning staff: Ms. Chu, Ms. Dyck, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Morales, and Mrs. Brock, who have worked tirelessly to set up the school for our students. We all look forward to welcoming and getting to know you.
Our theme for this school year is “Under His wings,” taken from Psalm 91. In light of an uncertain political and educational climate, this theme is a fitting reminder that our faith and security comes only from our relation to Christ. We can “rest in the shadow of the Almighty,” because He is our refuge and fortress. Our God is sovereign in all that happens around us and we can hold fast in confidence that our God is good and He is the Almighty. My prayer is that these truths would prevail in our school family’s hearts and minds throughout this year.
Welcome back!
Ms. Jeffrey
VISITOR SIGN-INPlease report at the office before proceeding to any classroom.
Please stop by the office to sign your child "in" if you are dropping them off after 8:45am or "out" if you are picking them up throughout the day before 3:20pm. This will assist us in knowing which children are on site.
A hot lunch will be offered every Thursday. Order forms will be sent home the last Monday of the
Student Connector Planners (Agendas) will be given to every student at a cost of $5 each which is added to September’s tuition. Parents in Grades K-6, please sign your child’s agenda every day. This helps the teachers know that their messages are gettinghome to you and also helps the students to be accountablefor the work they are doing.
Each last Monday of the month, except September, the youngest child in the family will bring home the Memos with attachments on it for the coming month. Please take time to read the newsletter to keep yourselves informed of the upcoming expectations and activities.
- HLCA Handbook
- Permission Forms (return ASAP)
- Private Information Form (return ASAP)
- Monthly Calendar
- Yearly Calendar
- Memory Verses
- ECS Schedule
- Parent Phone List
- Hot Lunch Order Form (return by Sept 11)
- Student Accident Form
The students in gr 7-9 are responsible to bring the dessert (snacks) for the hot lunches as the profit from the sales will be used toward their year-end trip. Please remember to check for your turn. Names are picked alphabetically from these grades.PLEASE ENSURE ALL SNACKS ARE PEANUT FREE
Sept 13: Jacob Courtoreille
Sept 20: Melissa Driedger
Sept 27: Kaylyn Lapka
Attached is a list of this year’s memory verses related to our year’s theme –Under His Wings. Please ensure your children are doing their best to memorize these verses; hiding God’s Word in their hearts. An award is given to all students who are able to recite all the verses at the end of the year.
We have a student that is allergic to peanuts and peanut products in the ECS/Gr 1 classroom; therefore students in that classroom are not permitted to bring peanut products. We have a peanut aware student in the JH classroom; therefore students are allowed to bring peanut products as long as they don’t share with other students.
If you are interested in buying clothing with the school name/crest, or sports apparel with our warriors logo,
please visit our online store. You can customize your order to suit your needs.
Please check out our website @ for upcoming events and homework. You can also follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on school happenings and for other announcements.
IMPORTANT DATESSept 06: Start of the Year BBQ/Meet the Teachers
at HLCA – bring your own lawn chairs
– BBQ starts at 5:30pm.
Last names starting with A-K please bring a salad enough for 10 people; names starting with L-Z please
bring dessert enough for 10 people. At 7:00 we will give parents the opportunity to meet their children’s teacher by going into their classroom where the teacher will explain classroom expectations. The time slots for each teacher will be 15 minutes as follows:
BOTTLE DRIVE – Saturday, Sept 8
A bottle drive is planned for this coming Saturday starting at 10am. Drivers and collectors are needed. Please come to the school to get directions and maps. Information will be shared at Tuesday night’s parent meeting. / Mrs. Payne (ECS/Gr1) – 7:00-7:15pm
Ms. Chu (Gr 2-3) – 7:15-7:30pm
Ms. Jeffrey (Gr 4-6) – 7:30-7:45pm
Ms. Jeffrey (Gr 7-9) – 7:45-8:00pm
Sept 14: Rocky Acres Fall Celebration – Grades 1-9 will be participating in this event again this year, as it was enjoyed by all last year. We will be sending home permission notes closer to the date which must be returned before the trip date.
Sept 28: PD Day – No School
ECS/Gr. 1:
Gr. 2-3:
Gr. 4-6:
Gr. 7-9:
Highlights and Happenings…