SCMRC Meeting Minutes July 17, 2017
Meeting Minutes
Spring Creek Model Railroad Club
Meeting on July 17, 2017
Home of Linn Garrison
Club Attendance:
· James (Bart) Askew, Deb Bartimus, James Bobo, Charles Brown, Kevin Buchanan, Pete Consigli, Mike Crawford, Glenn Diefenbach, Linn Garrison, Leo Gregg, Dave Griffith, Alex Morrow, Sherry Morrow, Dane Ridenour, Eric Saenger, Chris Siemantel, Leonard Siemantel, Thomas Stephens, Rik Timmons, Bill Warner, Doug Woodward, Frank Wright
· The meeting was called to order by the President, Chris Siemantel at 7:32 PM.
· There were no new or returning guests at this meeting. A shout out and thank you to Linn and his wife for the beer and pizza prior to the meeting as well as the brownies and cookies post meeting! In large measure, I think this was responsible for the great turnout in attendance!
News from the President:
The Next Train Show:
Fall Plano Train Show (IM) September 29, 30, Oct 1, 2017
Location: Plano Centre, 2000 E. Spring Creek Pkwy. Plano, TX 75074
Setup: Friday, September 29th (7am - 9pm) Floor Taping to begin at 7AM
Run: Saturday, September 30th (10am - 5pm)
Run: Sunday, October 1st (10am - 4pm)
Teardown: Sunday, October 1st Staring at 4pm
There will not be any South Garland Library Show this year according to Will Massey. The S. Garland Library is apparently undergoing some repairs/renovations.
Reports of Officers:
Secretary – Doug Woodward:
· The June meeting minutes were approved by acclamation.
Treasury – Mike Crawford:
· Previous Balance - $ 1183.48
· Expenditures - $ 403.66
o $ 78.05 Mouser (Connectors, pins, LEDs, tap splices)
o $ 201.25 Tony’s Train Exchange (Tortoises, Switch-Its)
o $ 23.96 DMT (button board)
o $ 22.89 Altex (Tap splices, PB switches) Phase 5
o $ 17.24 Ace (cup hooks) Phase 5
o $ 52.74 Home Depot (2 conductor wire)
o $ 7.53 Glenn for supplies
· Income – $ 346.25
o $ 200.00 Member contribution for Tortoises & Switch-Its
o $ 146.25 Member contribution for Club dinner location at Country Place
· Present Balance - $ 1126.07
VP Corner – Linn Garrison:
· There were a lot of issues that arose during the Garland Central Library show. Most of those issues are covered in the appendixes attached to this email, particularly in Appendix B.
· The IL bridge relays were stuck all weekend so the bridge was hot even in the down position. This is on the list of repairs in Appendix B.
· The setup and teardown at the Garland show went very well.
· Linn continues to be disappointed in the lack of participation by club members prior to the show in signing up for train times. Many club members signed on during the show, but it is concerning that we cannot determine ahead of time whether enough trains will be running to conduct our shows during all of the allotted operating hours.
· One new member application was handed out and returned.
· Linn recognized Glenn and Leonard for their efforts during the show to get the system up and running so that we could conduct train operations during the show operating hours.
· Attendance for Show: Approximately 122.
· There was a discussion about the lackluster attendance and the relatively little amount of advertising placed prior to the show. There were some suggestions that we prepare and place posters next year at all of the Garland library locations (with their permission) at least one week before the show date advertising the show. Leo has the flashing crossing signal that he has used for previous shows in Plano, and he suggested that we place this signal near the entrance of the library with a sign advertising our show to catch the attention of anyone coming into the library during the show.
· Fast and safe teardown: 1:35. Chris stated that the club teamwork for teardown was exceptional, and nothing was broken.
VP New Member Recruitment – Dane Ridenour:
· Nothing to report on new membership contacts.
Committee and Project Reports:
North Texas Council – Dave Griffith:
· There is no regular meeting in the month of July!
· There will be a Board meeting later in the month. The North Texas Council has operated for years without much emphasis on formal organization. Due to a recent vendor inquiry for a W9 and insistence that it was necessary (it is not necessary), the Council started thinking about its organizational status. There is a realization that the Council has grown from humble beginnings to an organization that passes more than $100,000 through its coffers annually. It operates like a non-profit organization, and has corporate status with Texas, but has lost its Tax ID number. Therefore, the Council will be deciding to pursue formal 501(C)(3) status with the IRS and receive a Tax ID number. One of the CPA members on the North Texas Council has volunteered to take over as Treasurer and pursue the tax filings.
Technology Committee – Glenn Diefenbach:
· The Digitrax Yard Booster failed during the Garland Central Library show and was replaced with a spare booster we had on hand. The failed booster has been sent into Digitrax and Glenn is waiting for a quoted price to repair. The booster is out of warranty. Glenn said it may take a couple of weeks to get a quote back from Digitrax. From this point forward, the spare booster will be attached to our operating board containing the other boosters.
· Glenn is rewriting a setup document showing where all of the DCC system cables go for the Intermediate Layout (Color codes, etc.) so that more club members can undertake correctly attaching the cables in Glenn or Leonard’s absence. He will walk through this process with at least one other club member at the next show. This document will also be posted on the web site.
· The Main Layout has geographical names, but the Intermediate Layout (IL) does not. After some discussion, it was decided that the Standards & Construction Committee should undertake the naming of these locations for the Intermediate Layout.
Standards & Construction Committee & Project Status – Leonard Siemantel:
· Automation on turnouts for Fiddle Yard is 90% complete.
· All work on modules 3 and 5 are moved to August
· Work on the siding track from modules 36 through 30 is complete except for industries.
· The scenery block in the Fiddle Yard and work on modules 22 and 24 have been pushed to Sept due to funding.
· Please see Attachment A for further details
· For a complete list of issues that need attention after Garland Show and relate to the completion of the track work and electrical work on the IL, please see Attachment B.
· Work on the IL will continue beginning this Thursday, July 20 at Leonard’s house.
· The target dates on Appendix A have been realigned to eliminate the South Garland Show target date.
· During the setup and teardown for any of the layouts, both Leonard and Linn requested that the club members exercise caution in grabbing the corners or edges of the modules and placing part of their hands on the surface and the tracks. It is suspected that this has resulted in some of the track getting messed up and out of grade on the edges of more than one of our modules.
· We should have enough material left over from some of our completed projects to cover many of the repairs needed.
Old Business:
· No old business was discussed other than mentioned elsewhere in these minutes.
Upcoming Show Calendar for this year:
· The Fall Plano Show will be September 29, 30 and October 1. IM Layout.
· Richardson Santa Village Show. December 15-17. Full Layout.
· The January Plano Show will be held on the weekend of January 19-21 at the Plano Centre.
Upcoming Meeting Calendar (Next 3 months):
· August 21: James Bobo’s home – Bring Your Own Lawn Chair!
{612 Homewood Drive, Plano, TX 75025}
· September 18: Leonard and Chris Siemantel’s home.
· October 16: Open – to be decided at the next meeting.
New Business:
· The club decided to have the dinner party catered on October 7 at Country Place, Plano. A committee was formed to decide on the catering arrangements. The committee chairman is Linn. Pete and Doug volunteered as committee members.
Open Floor to Members:
· Dane Ridenour reported on the latest book written by Pelle Søeborg called Building a Sectional Layout. The book contains many tips and techniques developed by and used by Mr. Søeborg which are applicable to the layouts we have constructed and particularly relative to some of the scenery plans we have yet to undertake on the Intermediate Layout.
Train Time:
· Train time consisted of a lottery selection for the distribution of the HO locomotives, freight and passenger cars donated to the club by Jerry Coker. Numbers were drawn and the lottery proceeded in numerical order as follows: Ascending numerical order, followed by descending numerical order, and then repeating until all of the equipment was selected and distributed. Everyone was grateful for the donations from Jerry.
The meeting was officially adjourned (prior to the lottery) at 8:22 pm!
Appendix A
Spring Creek Model Railroad Club
Project Status Report
Layout Set-Up Schedule.
Sep29th – Oct 1st Intermediate Size Layout
Dec15th – 17thFull Size Layout
Plan & Status
Harrington Show – Jun 16th – 19th
· Turnout ID markers for IL
· Complete track and wiring for fiddle yard
· Define scenery block for fiddle yard
· Complete module 29 track and wiring
· Complete fiddle yard
· Complete splice tracks
· Complete dropdown bridge (Phase 3)
o Install casters
Garland Central Library Show – July 6th – 9th
· Automate turnouts for Fiddle Yard throat
· Add outside siding and infrastructure for industries
Fall Plano Show – Sept 29th – Oct 1st
· Implement scenery block for fiddle yard
· Modify module 21 & 22
· Complete module 24
· Complete industries and spurs (Phase 5)
· Secure funding for module 3 mods (Hank has provided the funding for 5 & 7)
· Complete mods to modules 3, 5, and 7
· Incorporate IL bridge into FL to replace FL bridge
· Complete module 29
· Turnout automation
Projects remaining to complete the Intermediate Layout.
· Complete scenery and structures (Phase 6) (not defined)
· Design and construct skyboards for modules 25, 26, 27 and 28
· Design and complete signaling system
Definitions: (Major expenditure items)
Phase 5 – Industrial and spur track operational. Includes track laying with turnouts to industries fed from mainlines and sidings. Status: Funded for $733.23 Spent to date $ 804.31
Phase 6 – Scenery and Structures. Complete scenery and structures for all IL modules. Status: Not Funded No Budget yet.
Phase 7 – Module 29 and Fiddle Yard. Includes construction of modules without electrical infrastructure. Status Complete! Funded by Club Member. Also includes track laying for operations and making show worthy. Does not include Tortoise switch machines or Switch-Its. Status: Funded for $816.80
Spent to date $1078.12
IL Projects (Club Funded) FL & Other Projects
1) Dropdown bridge (Phase 3)Complete / A) Fix track on module 3 & remove
B) outrigger switch panel (member funded) $38.21
2) Module 29 & fiddle yard (Phase 7) Some portions funded by members
Additional funding by member $100 / B) New base for module 22 (funded)
3) Industries spurs (Phase 5) $733.23
Additional funding by member $200 / C) Modify module 21 & 22 (member &
club funded) $250
4) Scenery & structures (Phase 6) / D) Incorporate IL bridge into FL to replace FL bridge (club funded) $10.17
F) Remove outrigger switch panel on module 5 (member funded) $160
H) Rebuild of yard modules for full layout (modules 13, 14, 15, 16), including modules 12, 17 and 16A. (club funded)
I) Design and complete NG switchback for module 28 (member funded)
Total Unfunded = $0
Appendix B
Module 20:1. NG track out of gauge at tunnel portal
2. Status of turnout 201 unknown.
3. Splice track doesn't line up with turnout on module 21.
4. Platform that supports the NG bridge is not high enough or level & keeps losing t-nut.
5. Bolts that tie module 20 to module 37 should be reversed.
6. Skyboard bolt holes need to be repositioned on module base.
Module 21
1. Turnout 211 does not work.
2. Wiring to turnouts 212 & 213 should be removed from connectors & soldered to pads
3. Points on throw-bar on turnout 213 sit too high and catch loco pilots.
4. Skyboard bolt holes need to be repositioned on module base.
5. There are no bolt connections between modules 20 and 21.
Module 22
1. Turnout does not function.
2. Needs to be rebuilt.
Module 23
1. Turnout at module 24 side needs Tortoise and Switch-It.
2. Scenery at module 24 needs to be rebuilt.
3. Turnout and passing siding need to be added.
4. Module needs new style legs
5. Coffin lid needs repairs
Module 24
1. Rail pulled up at tunnel portal at module 23.
2. NG portion needs to be rebuilt.
3. Tunnel portal needs to be replaced at Module 23 end.
Module 25
1. Turnout status unknown.
Module 26
1. Track at trestle is causing derailments with some locos.
2. New Skyboard is needed.
Module 27
1. Turnouts do not operate.
2. New Skyboard is needed.
Module 28
1. Turnouts do not operate.
2. New Skyboard is needed.
3. Mainline tracks will need to be repositioned to support dropdown bridge.
Module 29
1. Turnout 291 is sticking
2. Turnout 294 does not work with either pushbutton or throttle.
Module 30
1. Feeder wires missing on yard leads
Module 31
1. One turnout in 313 crossover is sticking.
2. LED's are backwards
Module 32
1. Turnouts on back sidings have no Tortoises
2. Turnouts on back sidings have no Switch-Its
3. Inclines need to be finished and painted.
Module 33
1. Turnouts on back sidings have no Tortoises
2. Turnouts on back sidings have no Switch-Its
3. Inclines need to be finished and painted.
Module 34
1. Turnouts on back sidings have no Tortoises
2. Turnouts on back sidings have no Switch-Its
3. Inclines need to be finished and painted.
Module 35
1. Turnouts 355 and 356 do not operate with throttle.
Module 36
1. Power loss at turnouts 371 and 370 @ frogs.
Module 37
1. Fix divit at connection to Module 36.
2. Fix rail joiner and splice track.
Module 39
1. Add Tortoises and Switch-Its to turnouts 391 crossover and 392 crossover.
1. Fix relay problem.
2. Return 150 booster to Digitrax for repair.
Make sure that all turnouts that have Tortoises operates between their rail stops and
function with pushbuttons and throttles with LEDs set to indicate proper position.
All rails secured and in gauge and any damage to Micor is repaired and painted.
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