Born in Trieste on 16th January 1947. Graduated in Economics at the
University of Trieste (100/110). Italian mother tongue, Fluent English,
Intermediate German and French. BasicSpanish. Married. Living
in Trieste.
Skills overview
Insurance Retail business: optimization of processes, study and launch of
new products, optimization of product catalogue, personalization.
Portfolio management: monitoring system, portfolio cleaning, pricing
execution, management of sales forces reaction. Experiences: Deregulation of
MTPL Market (1994/95); Project Leader in New 4R Project - Study and Launch -
(1995); Automated MTPL Underwriting System (1996); Global review of the
Motor U/W process (1996); Portfolio Management - the best claims frequency
in the market - (1997/2004).
Organization and line management in big Companies.
Professional Experience
·December 2012 – present: Retired
November 2011 to December 2012: Assistant of the CEO for the realization of the project “Digital Agency – Retail Business “ (Allianz Spa)
October 2007 to November 2011: Responsible of Personal Lines Retail Business (Allianz Spa)
October 2007 to November 2010: Board Member and General Manager (RAS Tutela Giudiziaria)
October 2007 to November 2011: Board Member and CEO (L’Assicuratrice Italiana Rami Danni)
June 2004 to October 2007: Responsible of Personal Lines Retail
Business (Lloyd Adriatico S.P.A.)
From 2000 to 2004: Visiting Professor at MIRM - Trieste, Italy,MSc in"Insurance and Risk Management"
January 1997 - June 2004: Responsible for Motor Department (Lloyd Adriatico S.P.A.)
April 1993 - January 1997: Deputy Head of Motor Department (Lloyd Adriatico S.P.A.)
April 1988 - April 1993: Motor Department (Lloyd Adriatico S.P.A.)
September 1970 - April 1988: IT Department: severalpositions: Deputy
Head of Software Dept., Project Leader, System Analyst (LLOYD
January 1973 - December 1978: Statistics and IT Consultant (Istituto perl’Infanzia e Pie Fondazioni Burlo Garofolo Alessandro ed Aglaia de Manussi - Trieste - Reparto di Ostetricia)
Published Articles
· "La sorveglianza del travaglio di parto mediante il monitoraggio
biofisico e biochimico. Limiti di normalità e valore diagnostico-prognostico
del metodo”- Mandruzzato G.P., Carlomagno G., Sabbati M.C., Pezzullo R., Zerilli S. - in "Annali di Ostetricia e Ginecologia e Medicina Perinatale"-
Anno XCVIII - N. 4 - July-August977 - pp.241 - 251
· "Sul rapporto peso - età gestazionale. Valutazione su 11.701 nati" -
Mandruzzato G.P., Bellani R., Carli F., Carlomagno G., Sabbati M.C. - in "Annali
di Ostetricia e Ginecologia e Medicina Perinatale" - N. 9/10 1973 - pp. 595 -
Professional Memberships
January 2012 to December 2012: Member of Consiglio di Indirizzo of Ania Fondazione per la Sicurezza Stradale, ANIA, Rome, Italy
August 2006 to December 2009: Member of Allianz SE Sustainability Project, Allianz Group – Munich, Germany
September 1999 –December 2007: Member of INTERNATIONAL KNOWLEDGEMANAGEMENT, Allianz Group -Munich, Germany
January 2003 –December 2007: Expert Team Manager of the AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE: PRODUCTS AND TARIFFS Expert Team – InternationalKnowledge Management - Allianz Group - Munich, Germany
January 2000 - April 2001: Member of the Temporary Working Group in
LEGAL PROTECTION INSURANCE - International Knowledge Management -Allianz Group - Munich, Germany
September 1998 –December 2011: Member of the International Summit of
Technical Managers and Chief Adjusters - AZT - Munich, Germany
January 1997 –December 2012: Member of the Motor Commitee of the ItalianInsurance Companies Association(ANIA)
1995 – December 2012: Member of the Commitee of Motor Data Bases of theItalian Insurance Companies Association
1992 - 1994: Member of the Commitee of Motor Deregualtion of the
Italian Insurance Companies Association
My leisure interests are: discovering European medieval castles and celtic rooths; reading Russian literature of the 19th Century and all what is involved in King Arthur mythology; reading north-european thrillers.
I like embroidering and making laces and collecting old magazines on these topics.
Maria Clara Grego Sabbati
+39-3483249708 (mobile)
23rdFebruary 2016