Three Counties Ability Counts League
2017 -2018 Season Team and Player Registration
First, please accept our apologies for the late delivery of these registration documents. We have had administrative issues regarding our new constitution that are still being resolved but that have now been approved on an interim basis. The interim constitution is attached to this email and as agreed at the Annual General Meeting there is a requirement for ALL team managers and a second team official to sign the agreement to comply with the League Rules as expressed through the constitution. A copy of the agreement is also attached and must be returned with your registration and fees. The League competition rules will remain as they were for previous seasons and can be found on the League website.
This year, as a prelude towards use of the Whole Game System next year, the team registrations will be handled using an Excel spreadsheet application. This spreadsheet should download into Excel, Open Office, Microsoft Works or even to Google Sheets, if you have a Google account. In the event that you do not have access to any of these apps, then please PRINT the attached PDF version of the forms to do a manual handwritten submission. If this also causes a problem, contact the League Secretary immediately by email to request assistance. IN ALL CASES THE TEAM AND PLAYER REGISTRATION, WITH FEES, MUST REACH THE LEAGUE SECRETARY NO LATER THAN 8th OCTOBER 2017.
(May vary a little if you use Apple Mac or are an expert!)
- Download the attached file to your computer.
- Open the DOWNLOADS folder and COPY the file to a working folder, or to your Desktop.
- OPEN the file and immediately SAVE AS.. a new file with a name that is like this… 2017teamname.xlsx (.xlsx part can vary in different systems)
- You can now enter the information that is laid out on the form.
- You will note that there are 4 separate worksheets in the file:
- Team 1
- Team 2
- Team 3
- Extra Players (only for use if you are registering one team with more than 12 players to be listed)
- Start at Team 1 and fill in all the details. If you need to register more than 12 players in that SINGLE team, click the link at the bottom of the Player list. DO NOT add them to either Team 2 or Team 3 sheets or you will attract a further £70 team registration fee.
- If you wish to register a second or third team, THEN use the Team 2 or 3 sheets.
- On each sheet there are links to jump between the Team sheets.
- Remember to save your work regularly, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE END, or you may lose everything.
- Finally, go to TEAM 1 sheet and note your TOTAL FEE at the top (check it is correct!), SAVE the file, then attach the whole file to an email back to the League Secretary and pay the fee. DOUBLE CHECK you have used the name for the file as per Item 3.
The League can accept your FEES PAYMENT either by cheque delivered by mail to the following address, or (preferred method) by direct bank transfer, BACS, to the following account:
BY Mail:
J Williams
3CACL League Treasurer
Worcestershire FA
Craftsman House
De Salis Drive
Hampton Lovett
Bank: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-39-64
Account Number: 03151549
Reference: yourteamname (This is essential!)
(amount will be £70 per registered team plus £18 per registered player, which should match amount at top of Team 1 sheet in the Excel Application.)
We understand this procedure may cause a problem or two but if you make sure to inform the Secretary of difficulties, I am sure we can manage. Thank You and I look forward to seeing everyone on OCTOBER 15 in Worcester.
Derek CunninghamLeague Secretary email:
30 September 2017