Circular 17 of 2013

24 October 2013

To all Registered Foresters and other Stakeholders

Circular 17 of 2013: Native Woodland Establishment Scheme Training Course

Recently, there have been two important changes to the Forest Service Native Woodland Establishment Scheme:

 The procedure for applying under the scheme has been greatly simplified, and no longer involves mandatory ecologist input.

 Agreement has been reached with the EPA to allow applications under the scheme within Acid Sensitive Areas, without the requirement for water sampling (see Cir. 04/2013).

In addition, there have been changes to the native woodland planting mixtures to exclude ash, due to the disease risk from Chalara fraxinea.

A 1-day training course has been organised in Glencar, Co. Kerry, Friday, 15th of November 2013, on the application of the Native Woodland Establishment Scheme. This course is being held jointly by the Forest Service (Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine) and Woodlands of Ireland.

This training course, aimed predominantly at NWS Participating Foresters, will detail the above technical and procedural changes, to facilitate the development of applications under the scheme. Full course details are attached below.

The Native Woodland Establishment Scheme is highly relevant in relation to the proactive contribution strategic native woodland creation can make to a variety of sensitive site types and issues involving the forestry sector, e.g. Freshwater Pearl Mussel, the Water Framework Directive, NATURA sites, Acid Sensitive Areas, freshwater fisheries management. Through cooperation with the various bodies involved, the scheme is opening up new opportunities for landowners and the forestry sector, and is increasing land availability for afforestation in otherwise restricted areas.

In this context, the training course on the 15th of November will be of particular interest. It is envisaged that the course will be repeated elsewhere over the coming months.

Individuals wishing to register for this upcoming course are asked to complete and return the Registration Form (see below) to Woodlands of Ireland, as soon as possible.

Gerry Cassidy

Assistant Principal

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Native Woodland Scheme Training Course

Theme: The application of the revised Native Woodland Establishment Scheme

Venue & date: Glencar Community Centre, Shanacashel, Glencar, Co. Kerry,

Friday, 15th of November 2013

This 1-day training course is part of the ongoing training programme undertaken by the Forest Service (Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine) and Woodlands of Ireland in support of the Native Woodland Scheme. It focuses on the application of the revised Establishment element of the scheme, as detailed in Forest Service Circular 4 of 2013*. This course is aimed primarily at Registered Foresters who have completed the previous Forest Service / Woodlands of Ireland 3-day NWS Training Course (i.e. ‘NWS Participating Foresters’) and who are or may in the future be involved in the development of applications under NWS Est. This 1-day course was held in Mayo in July, and it is envisaged that the course will be repeated elsewhere over the coming months.

(* See

Course agenda
10.30 / Registration & tea/coffee at course venue, Glencar Community Centre, Co. Kerry – for directions, see
11.00 / Welcome & opening remarks / Declan Little (Woodlands of Ireland) and Kevin Collins (Forest Service)
11.15 / Overview of the revised NWS Est., including recent procedural & technical changes regarding the streamlined scenario-based framework, the scheme’s application in Acid Sensitive Areas, and the exclusion of ash from required planting mixtures / Kevin Collins, Forest Service
12.15 / NWS Est. and sensitive areas – new visions, opportunities and challenges / Declan Little, Woodlands of Ireland
13.15 / Visit to a greenfield site in the Bridia Valley within the Caragh Catchment.
 Using the scenario-based framework, course participants will assess the site as part of the development of a hypothetical NWS Est. application.
 Discussion will also take place on the possible application of NWS Est. within sensitive areas.
15.30-16.00 / Discussion & close of meeting (on site)
Notes /  A fee of €30 applies to cover the cost of hosting this event. Please make cheques or postal orders payable to Woodlands of Ireland.
 Participant numbers will be capped at 30 individuals, and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, based on the completion and submission of the attached Registration Form. It is envisaged that the course will be repeated elsewhere over the coming months – contact Woodlands of Ireland for updates.
 This training course is worth eight (8) Society of Irish Foresters Continuous Professional Development points.

The Forest Service and Woodlands of Ireland thank Glencar Community Centre and the Landowner for kindly hosting this training day.

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Native Woodland Establishment Scheme Training Course

Friday, 15th of November 2013

Glencar Community Centre, Co. Kerry

Registration Form

I wish to register for the above Native Woodland Establishment Scheme Training Course.

Block letters please


Professional interest

(e.g. forester, ecologist, landowner)

Company / Organisation (if applicable)


Tel. E-mail

Please complete and return this form to:

Declan Little, Woodlands of Ireland, at

Please note, places are capped at 30 and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
