Reclaiming Authentic Education

2015 - 2016




1.1 YouthBuild Charter School of Denver – Mission, Vision and Values

1.1A Mission

1.1B Vision

1.1C Core Principles and Values

1.1D Student Asset Development Goals

1.2 Code of Conduct

1.3 Community Partners

1.4 Admissions and Enrollment Policy

1.4A Admission and Requirements for Admission

1.4B Preferences

1.4C Enrollment Process and Guidelines



1.7 Quick Overview of General School Policies


Courses Required for Graduation

1.8A Summer Programs

1.8B Grading Scale

1.8C Recording and Reporting Grades

1.8D Grade Changes

1.8E Grades at Exit

1.8F Independent Study

1.8G Credit for Independent Study


1.9A Excused Absences for Classroom Based Attendance

1.9B Method of Verification

1.9C Unexcused Absences/Truancy for Classroom Based Attendance

1.9D How to Report an Absence

1.9E Returning from an Absence

1.9F How to Report a Late Arrival/Early Departure

1.9G Long Term Absences

1.9H Work Missed During Absence




1.12A Restorative Justice Policy

1.12B Suspensions and Expulsions

1.12C Adult Students


1.13A Student Internet Use Policy and Agreement


1.13C Violation of Policy

1.13D Training


1.14A To and From School

1.14B To and From School Sponsored Event/Field Trip

1.14C To and From Non-School Sponsored Event/Field Trip

1.15 EVENTS / Fieldtrips

1.15A School Sponsored Field Trips

1.15B Non-School Sponsored Event / Field Trips:



1.17A Sexual Harassment

1.17B Anti-Bullying Policy



1.19A Immunization

1.19B Tuberculosis Clearance

1.19C Medicine administration policy

1.19D Fire Drills/Evacuations

1.19E Procedure for Other Emergencies

1.19F Substance Abuse: Alcohol and Other Drugs

1.19G Violence and Weapons

1.19H Smoking Policy


1.20A Student Records

1.20B Inspection of Records

1.20C Maintenance of Records

1.20D Release and Duplication of Records

1.20E Student Records


1.21 Acknowledgement Form


To be added at a later time.1.1 YouthBuild Charter School of Denver – Mission, Vision and Values

The YouthBuild Charter School of Denver (YCSD) offers a unique, interdisciplinary approach to education for young people between the ages 16-21, in preparation for diploma attainment and successful post-secondary lives.

1.1A Mission

Our mission of YouthBuild Charter School of Denver is to engage young people who have previously dropped out of school or are at risk of dropping out, in a supportive learning environment that holds each student to high expectations, cultivates social justice, and inspires every student to achieve a high school diploma and become prepared for college and careers after graduation.

1.1B Vision

Our vision is that all young people, regardless of their circumstances, have access to an education that will prepare them to counter social inequities and realize their full potential. Our school empowers young people to transform themselves and become leaders in their communities. Our school is a haven of trust and respect, where students can prepare for success in careers, post-secondary education and life.

1.1C Core Principles and Values

1) Philosophy of Education - YCSD students reclaim the right to an authentic education that will prepare them to counter social inequities and historical forces of oppression.

2) Project-Based Approach - YCSD students reclaim the right to be creators of new knowledge in an engaging and contextual project-based curriculum.

3) Post-secondary Opportunities - YCSD students reclaim the right to pursue meaningful postsecondary opportunities in academia, their communities, and beyond.

4) Leadership Development - YCSD students reclaim the right to take their place as socially

responsible leaders who reflectively collaborate with all community members.

5) Caring Teachers - YCSD students reclaim the right to caring and supportive teachers who always express a sincere interest in their life.

6) Alternative Approach to Discipline - YCSD students reclaim the right to be active participants in restorative justice, in which they cooperate to change things with each other, rather than do things to each other or for each other.

7) Commitment to Social Change - YCSD students reclaim the right to play meaningful roles in

creating positive social change.

1.1D Student Asset Development Goals

  1. Agents of Social Change - Students will contribute their time and talent to their communities for positive change.
  2. Students will develop this asset by meeting the criteria in the School’s Social Responsibility Index (SRI). Additionally, students will develop this asset by:
  3. Participating in activities that improve local communities and utilize their talents and skills to become agents of change
  4. Examining information presented and distinguishing between opinion, fact, and propaganda to create their own well informed analysis of social issues
  5. Active and Responsive Learners -Students will utilize their attained knowledge to evaluate, assess and solve real-world problems, and address social inequities.
  • Students will develop this asset by meeting the criteria in the School’s Higher Order Thinking Index (HOTI). Additionally, students will develop this asset by:
  • Using technology to access, organize, evaluate and communicate information
  • Working collaboratively to share information, solve problems and make presentations
  1. Resilient- Students will persist in order to access essential resources that sustain their well-being and establish their rightful place in society.
  2. Students will develop this asset by:
  3. Actively participating in Health and Life Skills courses
  4. Taking part in workshops that connect them to community organizations and services
  5. Using restorative justice practices to solve conflicts and challenges
  6. Postsecondary Ready - Students will have the ability to determine what is best for their future by understanding various postsecondary pathways and making well-informed decisions for themselves and their future.
  7. Students will develop this asset by meeting the criteria in the School’s Postsecondary Readiness Index (PRI). Additionally, students will develop this asset by:
  8. Attending college visits and postsecondary workshops
  9. Participating in career fairs
  10. Meeting YCSD graduation requirements and completing a graduate portfolio
  11. Creating and utilizing resumes
  12. Setting goals to attain postsecondary opportunities
  13. Work Sector Leaders – Student will develop this asset by meeting the criteria in the School’s Postsecondary Readiness Index
  14. Students will develop this asset by meeting the criteria in the School’s Postsecondary Readiness Index (PRI). Additionally, students will develop this asset by
  15. Participating in vocational education coursework
  16. Applying acquired skills on the jobsite
  17. Taking on responsibilities during work experience
  18. Understanding career ladders in the industries of their choice

1.2 Code of Conduct

The code of conduct is comprised of agreements made between each individual in the YCSD community. These agreements are centered upon the 7 YCSD principles listed above. It is intended to create a foundation of trust upon which this community can grow and develop. In aligning ourselves with these principles, we commit ourselves to the active pursuit of their fulfillment. Thus our fundamental goals as a community are aligned and we actively support one another in our journey. Every member of the YCSD community has the responsibility to adopt these principles including our students, staff, parents and partners.

1. I commit myself to a lifelong learning process, through the active pursuit of self-development and personal growth.

2. I recognize myself as a creator of new knowledge, and will share my ideas and experience in a constructive way.

3. I commit to playing an active role in my community, and to pursue opportunities forcollaboration with other community members.

4. I acknowledge my own self-empowerment, along with that of others, as the ultimate tool forchange.

5. I promise to pursue opportunities to play a meaningful role in creating positive social change.

6. I promise to practice direct communication, and bring my problems to the person or peoplewho can make a difference.

7. I promise to reclaim my integrity when I break my word, through an acknowledgement of the impact this has on others.

8. In my dealings with others in my school community, I promise to adhere to the level of respect that I myself am entitled to.

I have read and understood the YCSD code of conduct, and I commit to holding myself and others accountable to its authentic fulfillment.


Signature Date

Print Name ______

1.3 Community Partners

YCSD operates within the facilities of the Mile High Youth Corps. Though YCSD works in close collaboration with MHYC to provide the education component of the Youthbuild Model, it remains a separate, independent entity, with its own funding and administrative staff. An ideal YouthBuild site model contains multiple components including Leadership Development, Job Training, College Resources, Counseling / Support Services, and education. While YCSD provides the education element, the MHYC is expected to provide the other components.

1.4 Admissions and Enrollment Policy

YouthBuild Charter School of Denver (hereinafter “YCSD”) seeks to attract, enroll and retain a broad spectrum of students and families representative of the rich diversity within the community of Denver. YCSD is a tuition-free, public charter school and will not permit discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected category.

1.4A Admission and Requirements for Admission

The School is open to any student in the State of Denver who meets the admissions requirements described below. If the number of pupils who wish to attend the School exceeds the school’s capacity, a public, random drawing of all new applicants shall be held to determine placement into the school.

In order to ensure that all students will be placed appropriately and benefit fully from the education program, the following pre-admission procedures will be enforced. Failure to comply with any of these procedures will result in denial of admission. An admitted student can be removed from the School if failure to comply with these procedures is discovered after admission has been granted. All eligible students must meet the following requirements:

Authorization for the School to request and receive student records from all schools the student has previously attended or is currently attending;

Proof of full immunization or exception from the requirement;

Proof of health examinations required by the Health and Safety Code;

Proof of age with the application for admission;

Proof of residency;

Indication that the student may require special education or related services, the student’s home language and if the student may be an English language learner.

Students shall attend a pre-admission Information Open House Meeting or its equivalent.

The School shall follow any required procedures for the transfer of Special Education / ELL Programs. . Additionally, each application will be reviewed by staff to ensure it is complete before the student will be considered for admission. Each application will include a description of the School’s dispute resolution process. Any student that has been denied admission for failure to meet the School’s Admission Requirements and Process may avail him/herself to this process for reconsideration.

1.4B Preferences

In the event that there are more students applying for admission than available space, preference shall be given to pupils currently attending the School and siblings.

1.4C Enrollment Process and Guidelines

YCSD is authorized by Denver Public Schools to operate an alternative education campus as designated by the Colorado Education Code.

Because YCSD will allow students to enter monthly, it is anticipated that most, if not all, students who wish to enroll can be accommodated fairly soon after expressing interest in the school. There may be significant demand at the traditional start of the school year and, if the number of students who wish to attend the school exceeds the school’s capacity, admission will be determined by a lottery, which will be conducted on July 1st. YCSD will also participate in the DPS SchoolChoice process but, again, because of the long delay between the SchoolChoice lottery and the time that students would enter the school, we are not relying on SchoolChoice as a major source of students. The only priority given in the lottery, whether through SchoolChoice or, if necessary, before the start of the September school year, will be for siblings. Throughout the remainder of the year, all new applicants will be added on a first-come first-serve basis.

If the number of students who wish to attend the school exceeds the school’s capacity, attendance, except for existing students of the school, shall be determined by a public random drawing. Should YCSD conduct a public random drawing, it will use the following rules and procedures, which will be communicated via public postings at the school, and to the extent practicable, via the U. S. Postal Service, to all interested parties at least 30 days prior to holding the lottery:

aThe school will enlist the services of an outside agency or auditor to monitor and verify the fair execution of all activities related to holding the lottery.

bThe lottery will take place within 30 days before the start of School

cThe lottery will take place on the school’s or at another public venue near the school large enough to accommodate all interested parties.

dThe lottery will take place at a time when most interested parties who wish to attend may do so.

eAll interested parties will know, prior to the holding of the lottery, how many openings are available in the school and in the different grades served by the school.

fThe lottery shall draw names from a single pool of ballots by a representative of the outside agency or organization confirming the results of the lottery.

gThe drawing shall continue until all names are drawn. Those individuals whose names are drawn after all spaces have been filled will be placed on the waiting list in the order drawn.

hYCSD will ask potential students on the waiting list to provide contact information to be used in the event space becomes available. Students promoted off the waiting list shall be informed in writing and shall have 10 business days from the date of postage to respond. In addition, the school shall attempt on at least two separate occasions to contact the student, or their parents/guardians where applicable, of promoted students by telephone. Those students/families not responding within the 10-day period will forfeit their right to enroll their student in the school for that school year.

iThe outside agency verifying the lottery shall confirm in writing that the lottery was conducted fairly, and the school shall keep on record copies of that confirmation.



To be detailed at a later time.


As indicated on the calendar below, during holidays and semester breaks, you are not expected to be on campus. Also note that not all students will require a full academic school year to complete their studies.For 2015-16, the calendar is as follows:


The proposed school day schedule has also been developed with the needs of our students in mind. Because students who are in the 16-21 year old category often have obligation to family or work that make it impossible for them to attend school on a traditional schedule. For that reason, the School will have two “seatings” for students at YCSD. The first group of students will attend classes between 8:00 AM and 1:15PM, completing their required hours of school early in the afternoon, which leaves them with time to participate in some of MHYC’s vocational training activities, report to a job in the afternoon, or take care of family obligations. The second group will start school at 1:30 and end at 6:45, so that they can have a full day of school after likewise having time to participate in other activities in the morning. Also, if a student just needs one class to graduate, the student could potentially work a full day at a job and still complete a class that starts at 4:45.

YCSD’s Proposed Student Schedule (Monday—Friday)

Morning Session:
Period 1a: 8:00am-10:30am
Nutrition break: 15 minutes
Period 2a: 10:45am-1:15pm
Lunch 1:15—1:45
Period 3a: ELD, Numeracy and Literacy—1:45-2:30

Afternoon Cohort:
Lunch: 12:00—12:30
Period 1b: ELD, Numeracy and Literacy—12:30-1:15
Period 2b: 1:20pm-3:50pm
Nutrition break: 15 minutes
Period 3b: 4:05pm-6:35pm

One Friday per mester will be a shortened class schedule to allow for full staff meetings.

YCSD’s Proposed Student Schedule (one Friday per mester)

Morning Session:
Period 1a: 8:00am-9:50am
Nutrition break: 15 minutes
Period 2a: 10:05am-11:55pm
Period 3a: ELD, Numeracy and Literacy Intervention 12:00-12:45
Lunch 12:45—1:15

Staff Meeting

Afternoon Cohort:
Lunch: 1:30--2:00

Period 1b: ELD, Numeracy and Literacy Intervention 2:00-2:45
Period 2b: 2:50pm-4:40pm
Nutrition break: 15 minutes
Period 3b: 4:55pm-6:45pm

1.7 Quick Overview of General School Policies

• You must follow all the YCSD classroom rules. If you have any questions about this, please see YouthBuild Charter staff.

• Computer use is authorized through staff, and students must follow policies and procedures. Students are forbidden to log on inappropriate web sites and/or misuse computers in any fashion. Violating computer lab policies and procedures will result in consequences and suspension from computer use.

• No sleeping during class. Leaving because you are tired will count as an unexcused absence.

• No drugs or alcohol either on "your person" or in "your system" – you are not to have possession of any illegal substances or alcohol at any time. Do not come to class after doing drugs or drinking. Even if you are not blatantly "intoxicated," if there is any suspicion (beer on breath, bloodshot eyes, for example), then procedures and action will be taken.

• No weapons or violence are allowed on campus. Possession of a weapon, or threatening or assaulting others, will result in immediate termination from the program.