Unapproved minutes
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Present: Thomas Reed (SBE); Kenna Bolton Holz (HBJD); Priscilla Starratt (SI); Jamie White-Farnham (WLS); Mary Churchill (TED); Lorena Rios (NSci); Chad Vollrath (COMM); Glenn Carlson (HHP); Wendy Kropid (WLLC); Richard Robbins (Music); Sergui (MCS); Wole Famule (VA)
Guests: Jeff Kirschling, (Registrar), Emily Schoenborn (ASL); Suzanne Griffin (Assoc Dean); Ethan Christianson (SBE); Cortney Alexander (Advising); Esther Gieschen (Continuing Ed)
The meeting of the University Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council was called to order at 2:35 p.m. by Mary Churchill, Chairperson in Swenson 3004.
Move to approve agenda with untabling of items in Section 6. Wendy/Kenna and editing ANTH/HIST 133 to 333.
Motion to approve March 28, 2017 minutes. Priscilla/Kenna. Approved.
- Chair: No report.
- Secretary: No report.
- Gen Ed Committee: USP transition complete, catalog copy on the agenda today. Assessment plans for fall next concern
- Registrar: Last meeting of catalog copy.
- Dean of Faculties and Graduate Studies: No report.
Items for Discussion/Information
a.Change“Typically Offered” semesters in Art courses
b. Art 329 –Remove the crosslist verbiage from the description.
c. Art 460 title change
d. IDS 300 name change: individually designed major planning (Comprehensive)
Items up for a Vote
a. Pre-req changes in Math courses LIST THEM. Priscilla/Wendy. Approved.
b. Math Catalog Changes from 3/28. Removal of Math 102 means that a similar course coming in from transfers will be recorded as Math 189, an elective. Registrar suggests a review of possible equivalencies of Math 102. Wendy/Priscilla. Approved.
c. Finance Catalog Copy from 3/28. Ethan speaks to the adjustments to the SBE majors based on WRIT 209 becoming a USP course. They mainly added electives to replace the 3 credits. Going with the transfer policy of UW-Superior in regards to Core Writing Courses. This is going for all areas in SBE. Tom/Priscilla. Approved.
d. Marketing Catalog Copy from 3/28. Tom/Priscilla. Approved.
e. HHP New Course proposal from 3/14. Glenn/Wole. Still a note about using the current DSM V. Question about its place in a new program; it does not exist yet, this is the first step to try it out. Approved.
f. IDS changes from 3/28 including catalog copy. This is the piece of the Individually Designed Major/Minor, Non-Comprehensive. Priscilla/Glenn. Objection to the fact the minor requires the approval of the chair, but the major does not. A question arose about the purpose of an IDM: is it to offer a student a chance to major in something we don’t offer? Approved. One opposed.
7. New Items
a. UniStuds Catalog Copy for 17-19 w/ friendly amendment to remove chart with placement scores for Writing based on recommendation of Registrar. Jamie/Glenn. Approved.
b. Credit Change for IDS 297: Exploring majors and careers. Would like to change it to 3 credits. The pass/fail arrangement limits the help the course can give students to boost their GPAs. Priscilla/Kenna. Approved.
c. Change in Pre-reqs for ART 102, 241, 360, 491, ArtEd 482, Art 210, 211, 240, 260, 270, 275, 279. Wole/Priscilla. Approved.
d. Additions to Global Studies Minor. Priscilla/Glenn. Approved.
Add HIST/ANTH 104 to the Comparative
Studies of Culture and Society category
· Add GEOG 357 to the Elective category
· Add HIST 119 to the Elective category
· Add HIST 120 to the Elective category
· Add HIST 385 to the Elective category
e. Crosslisting of ANTH/FNS/HIST 333. Kenna/Jamie. Approved.
f. Global HIPs Designations: ART 224, ART 331, SPAN 360, Global Studies minor, MUSI 161, COMM 167. Wole/Kenna. Approved.
g. ASL HIPs Designations: ART 484, CHEM 281, COAC 250, ENGED 418, BUS 373, BUS 375, LSTU 233. Glenn/Priscilla. Approved.
h. SYE HIPs Designations: Math & Computer Science; English Ed; Accounting, Visual Arts, Communicating Arts, Theater. Chad/Wole. Approved.
i. Election of Chairperson for 17-18. Nomination of Jamie White-Farnham. Mary/Wendy. Approved.
j. Election of Secretary for 17-18. No nominations. Will be taken up in fall.
Adjourned 3:15 pm.
Next meeting: April 25, 2017