The green highlighted documents can be downloaded in the section Speeches.
DAY 1Sunday 12 December 2004
19.00Opening & buffet dinner (Location: Wintertuin)
Welcome by Pieter van Geel, State Secretary for Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, the Netherlands, chair: Explaining the rationale behind the conference. Energy need of developing countries is the focal point. Possible synergies between economic growth, energy access for the poor and environmental constraints in energy production and consumption. Speech_State_Secretary_Pieter_van_Geel.doc
Patrica Panting Galo, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Honduras: Dilemmas to face and experiences to learn from, how to replicate success and avoid failures.
- Honduras E & D.ppt
José Antonio Ocampo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA: From CSD9 via WSSD towards CSD 14/15, addressing energy, air pollution/atmosphere, climate change and industrial development. Energy and the challenges of sustainability, how to achieve the objectives set by WSSD and the MDGs through the major changes in the present path of energy system development.
E4D PPT slide USG Jose A Ocampo 10122004.ppt
Lulu Xingwana, Deputy Minister of Minerals and Energy, South Africa: Dilemmas to face and experiences to learn from, how to replicate success and avoid failures.
Minister presentation at E4D Conference Rev 3.0.ppt
Day 2Monday 13 December 2004
9.00 – 9.05Plenary session (Location: Wintertuin)
Chair: Pieter van Geel, State Secretary for Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, the Netherlands: Dilemmas and challenges for energy, development and the environment
9.05 – 9.20Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP: Energy, poverty and the environment. The environmental and health effects of traditional fuels and energy needs for developing countries. Win-win opportunities in developing countries.
9.20 – 9.35Jamal Saghir, Energy and Water Director, World Bank: The greatest challenges in energy poverty linkages, 2 billion people without access to modern energy and the investment gap, the choices faced by policy makers, the need for a robust policy environment, including a transparent and stable regulatory environment and good governance. Public and private responsibilities and the importance of mobilizing domestic capital, the role of energy security: calling upon players.
E4D conference speech JS Final Speech December 11,2004.doc
9.35 – 9.50Shoji Nishimoto, Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): MDGs and energy, cross-sectoral linkages, energy and poverty challenges, lessons of in country experiences.
E4D-shoji plenary statement-F.doc
9.50 – 10.05Shri R.V. Shahi, Secretary, Ministry of Power, India: The experiences of India with Energy for Development, energy and the MDGs: access for the poor, energy for economic growth including the role of energy security, environmental concerns: what can be done to drive the issue forward?
10.05 – 10.35Coffee/tea break(Location: Balzaal)
10.35 – 10.50Rein Willems, President, Shell Nederland, WBCSD representative: Presenting the business community’s point of view on how to bridge the investment gap, where’s the business case, good corporate citizenship, liaison with local investors and other segments of society.
energie en armoede eng.doc
10.50 – 11.05Fatih Birol, Chief Economist, International Energy Agency (IEA) / Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): Energy and development, the (challenge to bridge the) investment gap in relation to different scenarios, energy security and the volatility of fuel prices, energy in the MDGs in numbers. World Energy Outlook 2004.
WEO-2004 - Energy for Development.ppt
11.05 – 11.20Sheila Oparaocha, Programme Coordinator, ENERGIA International Network: Outcomes of the NGO preparatory conference.
NGO presentations to E4D2.doc
11.20 – 11.35Facilitator of the chair’s conclusions: David F. Hales, Counsel for Sustainability Policy, Worldwatch Institute: The goal of the conference: what are the key issues on which to focus, narrowing the discussion: key issues to be decided. The challenge: Replicating success.
11.35 – 13.00Panel discussion on the main challenges for the conference
Panel with the speakers of this morning and interaction with the participants in the hall. Moderator: David F. Hales, Counsel for Sustainability Policy, Worldwatch Institute
13.00 – 14.00Lunch(Location: Balzaal)
14.00 – 17.30Parallel sessions, how to replicate successes, project experience?
Three parallel sessions, focusing on policies, sector management and finance.
Session 1:
Rural and urban energy policies(Koninginnezaal)
Sir Charles Nicholson, Group Senior Advisor, British Petroleum (BP)Speakers:
Koos Richelle, Director General of EuropeAidBonard Mwape, Director, Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI)
Mwape.doc (SPEECH)
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of Finance, Nigeria
Dominique Lallement, Energy Management Assistance Programme, World Bank
Rural -Urban Policies Dec 2004 Final.ppt
Irene Freudenschuss-Reichl, Convenor of the Global Forum on Sustainable EnergyCritical observer:
Alvaro Umaña, Leader Environmentally Sustainable Development Group, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)Subjects:
- Integrating energy (policy) into general and MDG policies and planning process, PRSPs, poverty alleviation and cross-sectoral linkages, environmental aspects and gender roles (including the role of legislative assemblies)- The benefits of energy policies and energy security
- Improving rural and peri-urban access to electricity and improving access to clean and efficient household fuels /
Session 2:
Governance and energy sector management(Oranje/Nassau/Windsor rooms)
Susil Premajayantha, Minister of Power and Energy, Sri LankaSpeakers:
Geert van der Linden, Vice-president, Asian Development Bank (ADB)Conference keynote address.pdf
Abeeku Brew-Hammond, Manager Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP)
GVEP Presentation 03 - Abeeku, 13 Dec 04.ppt
Thomas C. Heller, Professor of International Legal Studies, Stanford University
China gas slides 1.ppt
Subodh Wagle, Core Team Member, Prayas (Energy Group)
Democratic Governance v2.ppt
Youba Sokona, Executive Secretary, Sahara and Sahel ObservatoryCritical observer:
Björn Stigson, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)Subjects:
- Sector management: traditional and modern- Government role in sector organization, regulation and planning
- Governance of the energy sector: the roles of each player
- Successful management by private entities
- Energy pricing, subsidies and regulations /
Session 3:
(Entresol rooms)Chair:
Shimon Awerbuch, Senior Fellow, Science and Technology Policy Research, Sussex UniversitySpeakers:
Ian Crosby, Environment and Social Department, International Finance Corporation (IFC)IC Presentation draft 9 Dec.ppt
Philip LaRocco, Executive Director E&Co
E+Co LaRocco 13Dec2004.ppt
Amanullah Khan Jadoon, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Pakistan
EfD-Pakistan.doc (SPEECH)
Sundar Bajgain, Executive Manager, Biogas Nepal and Wim J. van Nes, Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)
E4D presentation Sundar Bajgain and Wim J van Nes.ppt
Richard Burrett, Managing Director, ABN AMRO Bank
Richard Burret ABN AMRO.ppt
Wim Turkenburg, Professor, Department of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht UniversityCritical observer:
Jamal Saghir, Energy and Water Director, World BankSubjects:
- Energy projects within established domestic financing sectors (utility financing, rural projects, urban poor)- Where will the money come from, the role of domestic savings, IFIs, private sector and others in mobilizing investment
- Establishing the business case, how can governments provide framework conditions to make private investments attractive
- Innovative financing mechanisms (including micro-credits and Carbon Finance) and risk management.
- PPPs, the roles of each partner
17.30 – 18.00Plenary session (Location: Wintertuin)
Chair: Pieter van Geel, State Secretary for Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, the Netherlands
17.30 – 17.40Rapporteur Irene Freudenschuss-Reichl, Convenor of the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy
17.40 – 17.50Rapporteur Youba Sokona, Executive Secretary, Sahara and Sahel Observatory
17.50 – 18.00Rapporteur Wim Turkenburg, Professor, Department of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht University
18.30 – 21.30Side events (18.30 – 19.30 and 20.30 – 21.30)
19.00 – 21.00Informal buffet dinner (Location: Balzaal)
Day 3Tuesday 14 December 2004
9.00 – 9.40Plenary Session (Location: Wintertuin)
Chair: Agnes Van Ardenne, Minister for Development Cooperation, the Netherlands
9.00 – 9.40Facilitator of the chair’s conclusions: David F. Hales, Counsel for Sustainability Policy, Worldwatch Institute: Presenting the first views on the outcome of the conference.
9.40 – 10.10Coffee/tea break (Location: Balzaal)
10.10 – 13.00Parallel sessions, how to replicate successes?
Three parallel sessions on key energy issues: cooking and heating, electricity access and security of supply including renewables and energy efficiency (concentrating on the key subjects from the sessions on day 2).
Session 4:
Cooking and heating(Koninginnezaal)
Syda Bumba, Minister for Energy and Mineral Development, UgandaSpeakers:
Laurent Nkusi, Minister of State for Energy and Communications, RwandaEnergy-for-dev-conference.ppt
Stephen Karekezi, Director, African Energy Policy Research Network (AFREPEN)
E4D - Karekezi Presentation - Cooking and Heating.ppt
Bart Jan Krouwel, Managing Director Sustainability and Social Innovation,Rabobank
rabobank Krouwel.ppt
Christina Aristanti Tjondro, Assistant Director Yayasan Dian Desa, Manager ARECOP
energy for development netherlands.ppt
Karen M. Westley, Programme Manager, Shell Foundation
Karen M. Westley.ppt
Cahit Görkuk, Director Energy and Cleaner Production Branch, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)Critical observer:
Alvaro Umaña, Leader Environmentally Sustainable Development Group, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)Subjects:
- Identify concrete actions and recommendations on cleaner and more efficient household fuels- The roles of governments, NGOs, donors, private sector, international institutions
- Setting priorities /
Session 5:
Electricity access(Entresol rooms)
John F. Turner, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Department of StateSpeakers:
Robert C. Hart,CEO, GlobeleqAmsterdam Hart.ppt
Graham Clough, International Director, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)
E4D sheet powerpoint_Graham 2.ppt
Jan Murray, Deputy Secretary General & Director of Studies of the World Energy Council (WEC)
Nenny Sri Utami, Assistant for Economy and Financial issues to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia
Presentation ED 2004.ppt
Suresh Hurry, Director, IT PowerCritical observer:
Björn Stigson, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)Subjects:
- Identify concrete actions and recommendations on improving the access to electricity- The roles of governments, NGOs, donors, private sector, international institutions
- Setting priorities /
Session 6:
Energy security including renewables and energy efficiency(Oranje/Nassau/Windsor rooms)
Thomas B. Johansson, Director, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE)Speakers:
Shimon Awerbuch, Senior Fellow, Science and Technology Policy Research, Sussex UniversityAwerbuch-E4D-Energy_Security_Slides.ppt
Junhui Wu, Sector Manager, EASEG, World Bank
E4D Presentation-Revised.ppt
Gunilla Nilsson, Principal Banker, Energy Efficiency Team, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Gunilla Nilsson.ppt
Wu Yin, Deputy Director General of the Energy Bureau, National Development and Reform Commission, China
wu yin.ppt
Shimon Awerbuch, Senior Fellow, Science and Technology Policy Research, Sussex UniversityCritical observer:
Mats Karlsson, Vice Chairman HLCP, Chairman Ad Hoc Group on Energy, Country Director for Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, World BankSubjects:
- Identify concrete actions and recommendations on improving energy security and energy efficiency,- The roles of governments, NGOs, donors, private sector, international institutions
- Setting priorities
13.00 – 14.00Lunch (Location: Balzaal)
14.00 – 14.40Plenary session (Location: Wintertuin)
Chair: Agnes van Ardenne, Minister for Development Cooperation, the Netherlands
14.00 – 14.10Erich Stather, State Secretary of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany: From Bonn and Energy for Development towards CSD14/15
14.10 – 14.20Rapporteur Cahit Görkuk, Director Energy and Cleaner Production Branch, UNIDO
14.20 – 14.30Rapporteur Suresh Hurry, Director, IT Power
14.30 – 14.40Rapporteur Shimon Awerbuch, Senior Fellow, Science and Technology Policy Research, Sussex University
14.40 – 15.30Closing panel discussion and interaction with the participants in the hall
Discussion with the panel of four critical observers: Alvaro Umaña, Björn Stigson, Jamal Saghir,Mats Karlsson on their views on the outcomes of the conference.
A panel discussion about the key conclusions and recommendations of the conference, challenging the participants for commitments in order to “drive the issue forward”. Moderator:David F. Hales,Counsel for Sustainability Policy, Worldwatch Institute.
15.30 – 16.00Chair’s conclusions
Chair: Agnes van Ardenne, Minister for Development Cooperation, the Netherlands
16.00 – 17.00Coffee/tea break (Location: Balzaal)
17.00 – 18.00Closing plenary on follow-up actions (Location: Wintertuin)
Chair: Agnes van Ardenne, Minister for Development Cooperation, the Netherlands
17.00 – 17.15Balaram Ghartimagar, Minister for Science and Technology, Nepal
Speech Balaram Ghartimagar.doc
17.15 – 17.30Stefano Manservisi, Director General DG Development, European Commission
Speech Manservisi Noordwijk Dec 04 Rev3.doc
17.30 – 17.45Syda Bumba, Minister for Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda
17.45 – 18.00Geert van der Linden, Vice President, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Energy….closing remarks.pdf
19.30Farewell dinner (Location: Balzaal)