Grade: 11 Lesson # 5

What is the role of the federal government in providing consumers with the truth about consumer products and services?

SS.912.FL.2.7Examine governments establishing laws and institutions to provide consumers with information about goods and services being purchased and to protect consumers from fraud.

Correlated Literacy Standards:

LAFS.1112.RI.3.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.

SS.912.FL.2.7 Examine governments establishing laws and institutions to provide consumers with information about goods and services being purchased and to protect consumers from fraud.

I Want the Truth! “Consumers CAN Handle the Truth!”

Lesson Number 5:

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)

  • LAFS.1112.RI.3.7

Essential Question

  • What laws, guidelines, and rules must companies follow to accurately advertise their products to consumers?
  • What is the role of the federal government in providing consumers with the truth about consumer products and services?

Learning Goals/Objectives

  • Know the role and function of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
  • Know and understand the rules advertisers/companies must adhere to in accurately and faithfully advertising their products.
  • Know and understand the rights of consumers when informed of product information prior to purchasing.


  • In this lesson, students will learn the function of the Federal Trade Commission its role in implementing regulations on product advertising. In order to understand how to become more vigilant consumers against false and misleading product advertising, students will design misleading advertisements.


  • FTC Fact Sheet: The Truth, THE whole Truth, AND nothing But…:
  • Un-reality TV: Does it Really Do That? Video from the Federal Trade Commission
  • Poster boards or construction paper
  • Colored markers


  • 50 minutes

Activity Sequence


  • Have students watch “Un-reality TV: Does it Really Do That? Video from the FTC minutes)


  1. Pass out the FTC Fact Sheet to each student. Call on a student to read a section until the entire sheet is read. (5 minutes)

2. Lead discussion questions about the FTC Fact Sheet:(2minutes)

  • Ask students what the three congressional mandates on advertisements are as enforced by the FTC. (see Fact Sheet)
  • Ask students what are the three fundamentals rules of advertising are. (See Fact Sheet)

3. Divide students into groups of four or five and distribute poster boards and markers.

4. Tell each group to develop an advertisement for a product of their choice. The advertisement should violate the threefundamental rules of advertising. One student will be responsible for presenting the advertisement. One student will be responsible for explaining how Rule 1 is violated. One student will be responsible for explaining how Rule 2 is violated. One student will be responsible for explaining how Rule 3 is violated.

5. Walk around the classroom monitoring student progress and collaboration.(25 minutes for steps 3 - 5)

6. Have each group present their advertisement. (10 minutes)


  • Review the importance of evaluating products and services on their cost and benefits and not relying on advertisements to be completely truthful. (5 minutes)


  • Have students watch commercials during prime time (8pm-10pm) on a selected major network. Have them note any commercials with misleading or potentially false information.

Sources/Bibliographic Information that contributed to this lesson:

The Federal Trade Commission