Genetics-Proteomics and BiomarkersSIG (Genetics SIG for short)
February 23, 2011
Present on call: Riki Peters (Chair), Becky Jackson, Tim Assimes, Chris Carlson, Katie Kei Hang Chan, Zhao Chen, Michele Cote, David Curb, Charles Eaton, Corinne Engelman, Nora Franceschini, John Ioannidis, Virginia Kaklamani, Simin Liu, JoAnn Manson, Julie Mares, Kari North, Keri Monda, Heather Ochs-Balcom, Alex Reiner, Gloria Sarto, Bev Snively, Jean Wactawski-Wende, Danxin Wang, Deb Zevallos (minutes).
(Please email any roll corrections to Deb)
Member Updates: Phil Greenland will no longer be able to participate. Julie Mares and Corinne Engelman are new members with Gloria Sarto at Wisconsin. Nora Franceschini and Keri Monda have joined with Kari North at UNC. Kaite Kei Hang Chan is a new member with Simin Liu at UCLA.
Admin Update: The Genetics SIG information will be posted to the WHIOPS Sharepoint site soon. Detailed information will be disseminated shortly with access and log-in information.
- Discussion:
- Becky discussed existing data sets. Within a few months, all biomarker data sets should be in dpGap (6%, BMD, etc.). If biomarkers were obtained where FHCRC was not actively involved, the data will not be in dbGap due to FHCRC IRB guidelines. Ancillary study sites will have to enter data to make available across WHI. Notify Becky if you have data sets that you want to get into dbGap and she will take to the Genetics oversight committee for approval.
- The majority call focused on Chris Carlson’s ESP presentation. Goal is to generate datasets to analyze additional phenotypes in the existing or external data sets. Presentation slides were distributed prior to the call. Contact Deb if anyone needs a copy of the presentation.
- The group discussed the need to identify ways to leverage ESP and larger data sets against each other to stimulate the group, develop project teams and grant proposals.
- Action Items:
- Becky or Deb (on behalf of Becky) will send out information on 14 genetic project groups prior to the next call to see if anyone wants to be actively involved.
- Next Meeting:
- The next meeting will be on 3/23/11 at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern
Dial-in: 1-866-618-2448Passcode: 9920978
- Alex Reiner to present 10-15 minutes on blood cells at next call
- Discussion on ESP/WHIS projects
- Revisit discussion on obtaining PO1 grants at next call
- Revisit discussion on co-chair outside FHCRC to join with Riki and Charles
- Please send agenda items for next meeting to