LATA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2104, 12 p.m.

Members Present: Steve Hunter, Don Hare, Helen Sons, Joyce Harrison, Fanni Simmons, Patti McVey

Members Not Present: Chris Nettles, Nancy Powell, Carlos Lozano, Shirley Cope, Tom Schlictman, Tony Gossett

Guest: Michelle Campanella

·  Welcome

·  Special welcome to new Board member; Fanni Simmons and special guest Michelle Campanella

·  Minutes from the December 2013 board meeting were approved as presented

New Business

·  Michelle Campanella noted the purpose of her attending todays meeting is a requirement of the CGPG grant to understand what support and resources LATA may need from the USTASC. Michelle also shared history from 2002 thru to present for membership, adult leagues and JTT.

Old Business

·  Sunburn

·  Steve reported the Sunburn will be held in 2014. Helen is the Chairperson. The comittee is in the planning stages. Helen reported the first meeting will be in early March. Obtaining and re-signing sponsors are the current priority as well as getting the word out that the Sunburn will be held.

·  Community Development Committee

·  Tom Schlictman is the 2014 Chairman. The committee is working on ramping up social media as well as ramping up/re-starting a player's party.

·  Steve distributed a sample of the Dr. Rick Jackson scholarship application. This is a $500 scholarship to a high school seniors for their freshman year. This scholarship is part of Dr. Rick Jackson's sponsorship of the Sunburn Open.

·  JTT

·  Karen reported on the lining of 3 courts/facility for 10 and under tennis thru a USTA grant. Maple Road courts, Murraywood and Quail Valley.

·  USTASC is offering an elementary/middle school beginner clinic grant. A 50/50 grant up to $1000 per season, as resimbursement by USTA SC in support of developing a partnership bewteen schools, area pros who offer beginner tennis clinics and JTT.

·  Currently, an application for partnership with H.E. Corley elementary school and tennis pro, Becky Offenbacher, from Quail Valley, has been approved.

·  Additional applications being worked on are with Lissa Johnston and East Point Academy and Doug Adams and Heritage Christian Academy or Heathwood Academy.

·  Six elementary/middle schools have been contacted thru their PE teachers

·  School assemblies are scheduled for:

·  East Point Academy - March 4th and 5th

·  Cross Roads Middle School - the week of March 4th, 3 times each day, Monday thru Friday

·  New Providence Elemetary- Week of March 10th

·  JTT Marketing Kiosk

·  Kiosks are set up at the Lexington Leisure Center and H.E Corley Elementary. Potential for display are Todd and Moore, Lexington Library and East Point Academy (Cayce and West Columbia campus). Waiting on USTASC for approval.

Next Meeting: Thursday, April 24, 2104 at 12 p.m.