1. Creation
Without God’s thinking, feeling and acting, there would be no possibility of creation. Although there is no creation in the spiritual world - for there the planets are beginningless - there is creation in the material world. In either case, however, both the spiritual and material worlds are manifestations of the energy of acting, in which Krsna acts in the form of Sankarsana and Balarama. (TLC Ch. 7)
There is no possibility of creation without thinking, feeling, willing, knowledge and activity. The combination of the supreme will, knowledge and action brings about the cosmic manifestation. (CC M-l. 20.254)
The spiritual world is considered to be three fourths of the energy and opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whereas this material world is only one fourth of that energy. (CC M-l. 21.55)
PURPORT: Hari-dhama (paravyoma) and Goloka Vrndavana are beyond the material cosmic manifestation. They are celebrated as three fourths of the Lord's energy. The material world, conducted by the Supreme Lord's external energy, is called Devidhama and is a manifestation of one fourth of His energy.
Because it consists of three fourths of the Lord's energy, the spiritual world is called tripad-bhota. Being a manifestation of one fourth of the Lord's energy, the material world is called eka-pada. (Laghu-bhagavatamrta 1.5.286).
The inconceivable energies of the Lord are spread throughout the creation. He is all-pervading, and by His energy He sustains all planetary systems, yet through His pleasure potency He remains situated in His personal abode known as Goloka. By the expansion of His opulence, He is present in all the Vaikuntha planets as Narayana. By expanding His material energy, He creates innumerable universes with innumerable planets within them. (TLC 15)
Through His all-pervasive feature, the Supreme Personality of Godhead expanded the entire creation. He is holding and maintaining this creation by His extraordinary potency. By His conjugal potency, He maintains the planetary system known as Goloka Vrndavana. Through His six opulences, He maintains many Vaikuntha planets. (CC M-l 24.22)
PURPORT: In His gigantic form, Lord Krsna has covered the creation. He holds all the planetary systems and maintains them by His inconceivable potencies. Similarly, He is maintaining His personal abode, Goloka Vrndavana, through His conjugal love, and He is maintaining the spiritual world containing the Vaikuntha planets by His opulences.
Part of the brahmajyoti, the shining effulgence is covered by the mahat-tattva, the material world. Other than this, the major portion of that shining sky is full of spiritual planets, which are called Vaikunthas, chief of which is Goloka Vrndavana. (BG 15.6p)
Under the Goloka, there are other planetary systems. They are called Haridhama, Mahesadhama, Devidhama. Now this universe, this material world is called Devidhama. Devidhama. It is under the control of the material energy. Srishtisthiti pralayasadhana saktireka chhayeva yasya bhuvanani vibharti durga. This energy is also personified called Durgadevi. So above this planetary system there is Maheshadhama. Maheshadhama. In the border between spiritual sky and material sky. Above that, there are Haridhama, the Vaikuntha planets where Narayana, in various forms is predominating. And above all of them there is Golokadhama or Krsna's dhama. (PL Gen. 21.8.73)
Below the planet named Goloka Vrndavana are the planets known as Hari-dhama, Mahesa-dhama and Devi-dhama. These are opulent in different ways. They are managed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (B-s 5.43).
Krsna is the supreme proprietor of all dhamas, including Goloka-dhama, Vaikuntha-dhama and Devi-dhama. The paravyoma and Goloka-dhama are beyond Devi-dhama, this material world. (CC M-l. 21.54)
PURPORT: When a living entity is liberated from Devi-dhama but does not know of the opulence of Hari-dhama, he is placed in Mahesa-dhama, which is between the other two dhamas. The liberated soul does not get an opportunity to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead there; therefore although this Mahesa-dhama is Lord Siva's dhama and above the Devi-dhama, it is not the spiritual world. The spiritual world begins with Hari-dhama, or Vaikunthaloka.
The system of bhakti-yoga makes one eligible to enter Hari-dhama, the system of jnana-yoga makes one eligible to enter Mahesa-dhama, and the system of karma-yoga obliges one to remain in Devi-dhama and repeatedly be born and die, changing his material covering according to the standard of karma he performs. (LB)
Beyond the River Viraja is a spiritual nature, which is indestructible, eternal, inexhaustible and unlimited. It is the supreme abode consisting of three fourths of the Lord's opulences. It is known as paravyoma, the spiritual sky. (CC M-l. 21.51)
PURPORT: In the spiritual sky there is neither anxiety nor fear. It is eternally existing, and it consists of three fourths of the Lord's energy. The material world is an exhibition of only one fourth of the Lord's energy. Therefore it is called eka-pada-vibhuti.
Everything in the cosmic manifestation emanates from the Absolute Truth. It remains in the Absolute Truth, and after annihilation it again enters the Absolute Truth. (CC M-l. 6.143) PURPORT: In the Taittiriya Upanisad, it is said, "The entire material cosmic manifestation is born of the Supreme Brahman." The Brahma-sutra also begins with the verse: "The Absolute Truth is that from whom everything emanates." (Bs. 1.1.2) That Absolute Truth is Krsna.
The personal features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are categorized in three cases - namely, ablative, instrumental and locative. (CC M-l. 6.144)
PURPORT: Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura states in his Amrta-pravha-bhasya that according to the injunction of the Upanisads ("the Supreme Absolute Truth is He from whom everything emanates"), it is understood that the whole cosmic manifestation emanated from Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth. The creation subsists by the energy of the Supreme Brahman and, after annihilation, merges into the Supreme Brahman. From this we can understand that the Absolute Truth can be categorized in three cases - ablative, instrumental and locative. According to these three cases, the Absolute Truth is positively personified.
In the Taittiriya Upanisad (3.7.7) it is stated:
yato va imani bhutani jayante,
yena jatani jivanti, yat prayanty abhisamvisanti,
tad vijijnasasva, tad brahma.
This was the answer given by father Varuna when questioned by his son Varuni Bhrgu about the Absolute Truth. In this mantra, the word yatah, the Absolute Truth from which the cosmic manifestation has emanated, is in the ablative case; that Brahman by which this universal creation is maintained is in the instrumental case (yena); and that Brahman into which the whole cosmic manifestation merges is in the locative case (yat or yasmin).
It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam:
"The entire universal creation is contained in the gigantic form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Everything emanates from Him, everything rests in His energy, and after annihilation everything merges into His person." (SB. 1.5.20)
Lord Sankarsana is Lord Balarama. Being the predominator of the creative energy, He creates both the material and spiritual worlds. (CC M-l. 20.255)
That original Sankarsana [Lord Balarama] is the cause of both the material and spiritual creation. He is the predominating deity of egotism, and by the will of Krsna and the power of the spiritual energy, He creates the spiritual world, which consists of the planet Goloka Vrndavana and the Vaikuntha planets. (CC M-l. 20.256)
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is to be known as the supreme reservoir of all material opulences by the one fourth of His energy in which all the living entities exist. Deathlessness, fearlessness and freedom from the anxieties of old age and disease exist in the kingdom of God, which is beyond the three higher planetary systems and beyond the material coverings. (SB 2.6.19)
PURPORT: Out of the total manifestations of the sandhini energy of the Lord, one fourth is displayed in the material world, and three fourths are displayed in the spiritual world. The Lord's energy is divided into three component parts, namely sandhini, samvit and hladini; in other words, He is the full manifestation of existence, knowledge and bliss.
The spiritual world, which consists of three fourths of the Lord's energy, is situated beyond this material world, and it is especially meant for those who will never be reborn. Others, who are attached to family life and who do not strictly follow celibacy vows, must live within the three material worlds. (SB 2.6.20)
2.Three worlds
A mere drop of Krsna's sweetness can drown these three worlds - Goloka Vrndavana, Hari-dhama (Vaikunthaloka), and Devi-dhama (the material world). (CC M-l. 21.104p)
"The beauty of Krsna's smile is the sweetest feature of all. His smile is like a full moon that spreads its rays throughout the three worlds - Goloka Vrndavana, the spiritual sky of the Vaikunthas, and Devi-dhama, the material world. Thus Krsna's shining beauty spreads in all ten directions. (CC M-l. 21.139)
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is all-pervasive. Not only does He carry the three worlds by His inconceivable energy, but He maintains them also. He is also maintaining His spiritual planet, Goloka Vrndavana, by His conjugal love, and He is maintaining the Vaikunthalokas by His opulences. He maintains these material universes through the external energy. (CC M-l. 24.24p)
3. Paravyoma - Spiritual Sky
We get information from Vedic literature about paravyoma. Vyoma means sky, and para means transcendental, beyond this sky. This sky is called material sky, and beyond this there is paravyoma, spiritual sky. (PL CC M-l. 21.1-10, 3.1.67)
What we have experience is material sky. But there is spiritual sky. (PL SB 3.26.74, 22.1.75)
In the effulgent rays of the spiritual sky there are innumerable planets floating. The brahmajyoti emanates from the supreme abode, Krsnaloka, and the ananda-maya, cin-maya planets, which are not material, float in those rays. (BG Int.)
Now, so far the spiritual sky is concerned, there are innumerable Vaikuntha planets, and nobody can measure how great those Vaikuntha planets are. Therefore how great that space of spiritual sky is nobody can calculate. Just like in a stem there are so many branches and flowers, take it for granted it is something like that. Just like if you take a rose flower, there are so many leaves and on the topmost there is the nice flower, so the topmost planet in the spiritual sky, that is called Krsnaloka. Karnikara. The shape of the Krsnaloka is just like a lotus flower. (PL CC M-l 21.1-10, 3.1.67)
The shape of the spiritual sky is compared to a lotus flower. The topmost region of that flower is called the whorl, and within that whorl is Krsna's abode. The petals of the spiritual lotus flower consist of many Vaikuntha planets. (CC M-l. 21.7)
The spiritual sky, which is full in all six opulences, is the interim residence of Lord Krsna. It is there that an unlimited number of forms of Krsna enjoy Their pastimes. (CC M-l. 21.47)
Thus in the spiritual sky there are varieties of pastimes within the spiritual energy. Outside the Vaikuntha planets appears the impersonal reflection of light. (CC A-l. 5.37)
In the upper portion of the spiritual sky is a planet known as Krsnaloka, which is filled with all opulences. (CC M-l. 20.213)
Beyond the material nature lies the realm known as paravyoma, the spiritual sky. Like Lord Krsna Himself, it possesses all transcendental attributes, such as the six opulences. (CC A-l. 5.14)
Beyond the manifested and unmanifested existence of materiai nature (vyaktavyakta) is the sanatana nature, which is called the paravyoma, or the spiritual sky. Since that nature is spiritual in quality, there are no qualitative differences there; everything there is spiritual, everything is good, and everything possesses the spiritual form of Sri Krsna Himself. That spiritual sky is the manifested internal potency of Sri Krsna; it is distinct from the material sky manifested by His external potency. (CC A-l. 5.14p)
We can get some idea of that spiritual sky by a comparison to the material sky, for the rays of the sun in the material sky can be compared to the brahmajyoti, the glowing ray of the Personality of Godhead.
In the highest region of that spiritual sky is the spiritual planet called Krsnaloka. It has three divisions--Dvaraka, Mathura, and Gokula. (CC A-l. 5.16)
4. Vaikuntha - Spiritual World
The Vaikuntha region is all-pervading, infinite and supreme. It is the residence of Lord Krsna and His incarnations. (CC A-l. 5.15)
Surrounding Vaikuntha is a mass of water that is endless, unfathomed and unlimited. (CC A-l. 5.52)
The earth, water, fire, air and ether of Vaikuntha are all spiritual. Material elements are not found there. (CC A-l. 5.53)
The all-pervading Brahman, the impersonal glowing ray of Sri Krsna, exists in the spiritual world with the Vaikuntha planets. (CC A-l. 5.14p)
The spiritual world of the Vaikuntha planets and Krsnaloka, the supreme planet, is situated in His energy of thinking. Although there is no creation in the spiritual world, which is eternal, it is still to be understood that the Vaikuntha planets depend on the thinking energy of the Supreme Lord. This thinking energy is described in Brahma-samhita (5.2), where it is said that the supreme abode, known as Goloka, is manifested like a lotus flower with hundreds of petals. Everything there is manifested by Ananta, the Balarama or Sankarsana form. (TLC Ch. 7)
Although there is no question of creation as far as the spiritual world is concerned, the spiritual world is nonetheless manifest by the supreme will of Sankarsana. The spiritual world is the abode of the pastimes of the eternal spiritual energy. (CC M-l. 20.257)
The spiritual world is divided into two portions - Goloka Vrndavana and the Vaikunthas. (CC M-l. 21.90p)
The internal potency of the Lord, which is called cit-sakti or antaranga-sakti, exhibits variegatedness in the transcendental Vaikuntha cosmos. (CC A-l 2.103p)
The Brahman effulgence is the glowing rays from the body of Krsna. Just like the sunshine is glowing effulgence from the sun globe, and within the sun globe, there is the sun-god, similarly, in the spiritual world, there is Brahman effulgence, impersonal, and within the Brahman effulgence, there are spritual planets.
They are called Vaikunthalokas. And the topmost of the Vaikunthalokas is Krsnaloka. So from Krsna's body, the Brahman effulgence is coming out. Everything is existing in that Brahman effulgence. (PL BG 2.23, 27.11.72)
The unlimited spiritual atmosphere of the Vaikuntha-dhama is far above and beyond the material cosmos. (CC A-l. 5.18p)
According to Jiva Gosvami, Vaikuntha is also called Brahmaloka. (CC A-l. 5.18p)
All the planets in the spiritual world is known as Cintamani dhama. And Goloka Vrndavana is one of the planets. (L 21.8.68)
5. Language of Vaikuntha
Sanskrta means reformed, Sanskrit language. Devanagari. This language is spoken in the higher planetary system, even in Vaikuntha. This language is spoken. Deva-nagara. (PL SB 2.9.4-8, 23.4.72)
6. Krsnaloka
Beyond the limitation of this material world is the spiritual sky, paravyoma, which has many spiritual planets, the supreme of which is called Krsnaloka. Krsnaloka, the abode of Krsna, has three divisions, which are known as Dvaraka, Mathura and Gokula. In that abode the Personality of Godhead expands Himself into four plenary portions - Krsna, Balarama, Pradyumna (the transcendental Cupid) and Aniruddha. They are known as the original quadruple forms. In Krsnaloka is a transcendental place known as Svetadvipa or Vrndavana. (CC A-l. 5.Int)
Above the Vaikuntha planets there is Krsna's planet known as Goloka Vrndavana. The word goloka means "planet of the cows." Because Krsna is very fond of cows, His abode is known as Goloka. Goloka Vrndavana is larger than all the material and spiritual planets put together. (TLC Ch. 14)
That supreme abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by fire or electricity. Those who reach it never return to this material world. (BG 15.6)
PURPORT: The spiritual world, the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna - which is known as Krsnaloka, Goloka Vrndavana - is described here. In the spiritual sky there is no need of sunshine, moonshine, fire or electricity, because all the planets are self-luminous. The shining effulgence of all those planets (called Vaikunthas) constitutes the shining sky known as the brahmajyoti. Actually, the effulgence is emanating from the planet of Krsna, Goloka Vrndavana.
So every place belong to God, but Goloka Vrndavana is particularly His abode. It is lotus- like. All planets are round. But that supreme planet is lotus-like. And from that spiritual planet the light is emanating profusely. That is the real light, which is called brahmajyoti. (PL CC M-l. 20.154-157, 7.12.66)
In the revealed scripture Hari-vamsa, there is a description of Goloka Vrndavana, the pIanet where Lord Sri Krsna eternally resides. (CC M-l. 23.116)
PURPORT: In the Vedic scripture Hari-vamsa (Visnu-parva, Chapter Nineteen), there is the following description of Goloka Vrndavana:
Goloka Vrndavana is situated above all the Vaikuntha-lokas. Goloka Vrndavana is the kingdom of Srimati Radharani and the parents of Krsna, Maharaja Nanda and mother Yasoda.