International Water Footprint Training Course
Organised by the Water Footprint Network
Period:16-18 November 2010
Venue:Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Target group
The training course is aimed at professionals in the water and environmental sector interested to learn about the application of the water footprint concept and tools in their daily practice. The course aims at professionals from both business and government, and also consultants that advise corporations or governments. The course is mainly technical; it addresses questions regarding how to carry out a water footprint assessment. In addition, time is spent on understanding how water footprint assessment can ultimately contribute to better water governance and more sustainable water strategies.
Learning objectives
The learning objectives of the training course are:
(1)to become familiar with basic concepts in the area of water footprint assessment, such as: direct/indirect, internal/external and operational/supply-chain water footprint; green, blue and grey water; virtual water trade; water saving through trade; business water risks, environmental flow requirements;
(2)to learn about and gain hands-on experience with methods of water footprint accounting and impact assessment (applied in either business or government).
(3)to learn about case studies for specific products, business sectors and countries/regions;
(4)to get insight in how water footprint assessment can contribute to extending business water strategy and national water planning by incorporating supply-chain and import strategies.
Draft programme
Tuesday 16 Nov09.00 – 09.10 / Welcome
09.10 – 09.20 / Introduction by Prof. Arjen Hoekstra,
Scientific Director of the Water Footprint Network
09.20 – 12.00 / Role play on the globalization of water
Arjen Hoekstra
12.00 – 13.00 / Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 / Water footprint assessment: accounting, impact assessment and response formulation – introduction of key concepts
Arjen Hoekstra
15.00 – 15.30 / Coffee break
15.30 – 18.00 / Technical session: Calculating the water footprint of an agricultural product, using the Cropwat model
Maite Aldaya
Wednesday 17 Nov
09.00 – 12.30 / Corporate water footprint – Ertug Ercin
Exercise I: Developing a corporate water strategy
12.30 – 13.30 / Lunch
13.30 – 15.30 / National water footprint – Arjen Hoekstra
15.30 – 16.00 / Coffee break
16.00 – 18.00 / Exercise II: Incorporating water footprint thinking into national water policy
Thursday 18 Nov
09:00 – 10.00 / Water footprint analysis at the river basin scale: examples from Spain.
Maite Aldaya
10.00 – 10.30 / Coffee break
10.30 – 12.00 / Water footprint state-of-the-art: Applications of the concept, relation between WF and LCA, carbon and ecological footprint, overview of the different water initiatives: ISO, CEO Water Mandate, AWS.
Arjen Hoekstra
12.00 – 13.00 / Wrap-up session: Time for participants to address remaining questions.
Arjen Hoekstra
13.00 – 14.00 / Lunch
The training is delivered by:
- Prof. dr. Arjen Hoekstra - Scientific Director, Water Footprint Network
- Dr. Maite Aldaya – Researcher, Water Footprint Network
- Ertug Ercin – Researcher, University of Twente
Training materials
•Water Footprint Manual
•“Globalization of Water” Book
•All the presentations
Additional information and requirements
After concluding the training, participants will receive a training certificate to show that they have concluded the training course.
The training is an integral part of WFN’s effort to promote technical knowledge exchange and learning. Organisations and individuals participating in the Water Footprint Training Course are required to feedback the knowledge and lessons that are generated in the application of the Water footprint methodology.
Commercial organisations that are trained by WFN and provide Water footprint services to clients, are required to donate a grant to the Water Footprint Network, as explained in the Water Footprint Training Agreement for commercial organisations (below). In this way, commercial activities on water footprint will financially support the execution of key research and development activities as formulated in WFN’s technical work programme.
All participants are required to sign the attached Water Footprint Network Training Agreement. There are two separate agreements, one for non-commercial users and one for commercial users.
Registration & payment
Please send the attached registration form to: .
After sending the registration, please transfer the training fee and R&D grant to:
Account name: Water Footprint Network
Street: Drienerlolaan 5
Postal code: 7522 NB
City: Enschede
Country: The Netherlands
Account number:
IBAN: NL68 TRIO0786802480
Bank name: Triodos Bank
Physical address Triodos bank:
Street: Utrechtseweg 60
City: Zeist
Country: The Netherlands
Water Footprint Training Course – Registration form
16–18 November, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
To be sent to: .
Details of participant
Name / m/fTitle(s)
Name of organisation
P.O. Box
Postal Code
Telephone number
Fax number
Non WFN partner rate:
Category I: 2300 € (training fee 1800 € + R&D grant 500 €)[1],3
Category II: 3550 € (training fee 1800 € + R&D grant 1750 €)[2],[3]
WFN partner rate:
Category I: 2050 € (training fee 1800 € + R&D grant 250 €)1,3
Category II: 3300 € (training fee 1800 € + R&D grant 1500 €)2,3
Sponsoring WFN partners are entitled to a discount of 50% on the above-mentioned training fee and the R&D grant.
Payment needs to be done immediately after submitting the registration form and WFN training agreement through a transfer of the respective sum the bank account above.
Training agreement. Fill out and sign the training agreement below for your organisation and send it together with the registration form to .
Water Footprint Network training agreement
for non-commercial organisations[4]
After completion of the Water Footprint Training Course I will receive a certificate.
I declare that I will not use my water footprint knowledge for commercial purposes and I agree to the following:
- I will share the knowledge and data that my organisation generates by applying the Water Footprint methodology with the Water Footprint Network and its partners.
- I will always use state-of-the-art water footprint knowledge in my projects
Name: ……………………………………………………………
Organisation: …………………………………………………
Place and Date: ……………………………………………..
Water Footprint Network training agreement
for commercial organisations
After completion of the Water Footprint Training Course I will receive a certificate.
I declare that I may use my water footprint knowledge for commercial purposes and I agree to the following conditions:
- I am committed to participate in refresher courses provided by the Water Footprint Network to keep up to date with the most recent developments.
- I always use state-of-the-art water footprint knowledge in my projects.
- I agree to share the knowledge and data that my organisation has generated by applying the Water Footprint methodology with the Water Footprint Network and its partners as much and widely as possible as allowed or negotiable under confidentiality agreements that might be in place.
- My organisation is allowed to use the Water Footprint Training Certificate and the related “trained by WFN” logo in the communications with (potential) customers to show that I have been properly trained in water footprint assessment.
- My organisation gives an annual donation (R&D grant) to the WFN Research & Development Fund equal to 10% of the total value of all contracts that contain Water footprint work and that are signed by my organisation, with a maximum of 1500 Euro per calendar year.
Name: ……………………………………………………………
Organisation: …………………………………………………
Place and Date: ……………………………………………..
[1]Category I applies to governments, civil society, international organisations and universities.
[2]Category II applies to commercial organisations (business and consultants).
[3]The rate consists of two components: a training fee and an R&D grant. The fee is a non-commercial fee covering the actual cost of the training and includes training materials and three lunches. The grant to the Water Footprint Network R&D Fund is obligatory and will be spent on research and development in the area of water footprint studies.
[4] Government, academia, civil society, international organisations.