Health Record for Children in Day Camps & Afterschool & Youth Centers

Health Record for Children in Day Camps & Afterschool & Youth Centers


(This side to be filled in by Parent before presentation to Physician)


NAME OF PROGRAM: Prospect Park Summer Day Camp Permit No.

______/____/____  Male  Female

Child’s Last Name First NameDate of BirthSex

Home Address: ______Tel. No. ______

Parent or Guardian: ______Tel. No. ______

Place of Employment:

Father Guardian: ______Tel. No. ______

Mother Guardian: ______Tel. No. ______

In Case of Emergency, please notify: ______Tel. No. ______

If Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are not available in an emergency, please notify:

1. ______Tel. No. ______

2. ______Tel. No. ______

Important: Has this camper been exposed to any communicable disease during the three weeks prior to camp attendance.

 Yes  No If yes, state type of exposure: ______


HEALTH HISTORY: (Check and give approximate dates)

Allergies / Diseases
Ear Infections ______/ Hay Fever ______/ Check Pox ______
Rheumatic Fever ______/ Ivy Poisoning, etc. ______/ Measles ______
Convulsion ______/ Insect Stings ______/ German Measles ______
Diabetes ______/ Penicillin ______/ Mumps ______
Behavior ______/ Other Drugs ______/ Other Contagious Illnesses ______
Asthmas / ______/ ______

Other Past Illnesses: ______

Operations or Serious Injuries (Dates): ______

Hospitalization (Dates): ______

Chronic or Recurring Illness: ______

Any specific activities to be encouraged? ______

Conditions that require activity to be restricted? ______

Permission for all program activities unless otherwise noted by doctor: ______

Appliance worn (glasses, contacts, etc.): ______

Medication taken: ______

Suggestion from Parent/Guardian: ______

**Parent/Guardian MUST sign this consent for Emergency Medical Treatment


I do hereby give authority to the Day Camp and Year Round Afterschool and Youth Center Program staff to obtain necessary emergency medical treatment for my child with the understanding that the family will be notified as soon as possible.


Relationship Signature Date Telephone No.

Department of HealthThe City of New YorkBureau of Inspections


(To be filled out by Physician. Please note information on reverse side)

The purpose of this health record is to provide the staff with pertinent information, which will help to serve the needs of this child in Day Camps and Afterschool and Youth Center programs.

IMMUNIZATION HISTORY: This is a record of dates of basic immunization and most recent booster doses.
Type / Date / Date / Date / Date / Date
DtaP, DTP or TD
Homophiles Influenza Type
Hepatitis B
Other (Specify):

MEDICAL EXAMINATION: To be filled out by license physician

Examination is acceptable when performed no more than 12 months prior to arrival at camp.

Code:S = Satisfactory

X = Not Satisfactory, Explain:

O = Not examined

General Appearance: ______

Height: ______Weight: ______Blood Pressure: ______Hgb Test (Date): ______

Urinalysis: Date: ______Posture & Spine: ______Throat & Tonsils: ______

Eyes ______Vision ______W/ Glasses ______Extremities ______Heart ______

Ears ______Hearing ______Feet: ______Lungs ______Skin ______

Nose ______Teeth ______Abdomen ______Hernia ______

Genitalia ______

Neurological Findings ______

Describe Abnormal Findings and/or Handicapped Conditions ______


Has child ever received products containing horse serum? ______

Allergy: (Please specify) ______

Recommendations and restrictions while in After-school:

Special Diet: ______

Special Medicine (Name it) ______

Is parent/guardian sending special medicine? ______

Swimming ______Diving ______

Activity Restrictions ______

General Appraisal: ______



I have examined the person herein described, reviewed his/her health history and it is my opinion that he/she is physically able to engage in Day Camp/Year Round Afterschool and Youth Center activities, except as noted above.


Physician’s Name (PLEASE PRINT)Examining Physician’s Signature

Telephone: ______Address: ______

Date of Examination: ______

*Your child’s physician MUST sign and stamp this medical form. Otherwise, it will be returned.