Ex-Service Organisation (ESO) Volunteers provide pensions and welfare services to members of the veteran and defencecommunities and their families.
The ESO community relies on the help of volunteers to assist our veterans access services and entitlements. Volunteers have a positive and meaningful impact not only on the lives of ex-servicemen and women, but also their families and dependants. The direct assistance volunteers provide veterans helps build and maintain a strong community which honours their sacrifice and
Thebenefitsofvolunteeringwithintheex-servicecommunity includeyou:
- beingpartoftheESOandwiderveterancommunity;
- helpingandmakingapositivecontributiontoothers;
- learninganddevelopingnewskills,expandingorrefreshing existingskillsandgainingexperiencethatcanbeuseful elsewhereinlife;
- feelingasenseofachievement;
- meetingadiverserangeofpeople;
- buildingself-confidence;
- havingthesatisfactionof'mateshelpingmates';and
- accessingastructuredopportunitytoassistinreturnfor pastservicesreceived.
Thetwomostfrequentlymentionedvaluesvolunteeringcan provideyouare:
The typeofadviceandassistanceyouwillofferveteransand theirfamiliesregardingsupportandservicesavailablecan include:
helpingveteransdeterminewhichlegislationrelatestotheir service;
assistingwithlodgementofclaimsandcaseappraisals;andingveteransandtheirfamiliesongovernmentand non-governmentwelfareservicesavailabletothem.
Providesinformationrelatingtorepatriationand compensationbenefitsaswellasdetailsofhowprimary-level claimsandapplicationsaredetermined.
Providesinformationonandassistingwithaccesstohealth, housingandothercommunityservicesandbenefits.
PreparescasesforreviewbeforetheVeterans'ReviewBoard andAdministrativeAppealsTribunal.
Youwillhaveaccesstoappropriatetrainingthroughthe TrainingandInformationProgram(TIP)soyoucanbesurethe informationandservicesyouprovidetoveteransisconsistent, accurateanddeliveredinthebestwaypossible.
YouwillalsobesupportedbytheESOthroughoutyour journeywithon-the-jobtraining.
TheESOwillprovideyouwithamentorwhowillguideand teachyouwhileyouaredevelopingyourskillsasapensions and/orwelfareofficer.
- gainfromthementor'sexpertise;
- learnspecificskillsandknowledgetosupportveteransand thewidercommunity;
- receiverecognitionof,andfeedbackabout,your
- performanceinkeyareassuchascommunicationandtechnical ability;
- gain knowledgeabouttheorganisation'scultureand unspokenrulesthatcanbe criticalforsuccess;
- havesomeonetosharesuccesses,aswellasfrustrationswho hashadsimilarexperiences;and
- understandthelimitsthetraininglevelimposesonyour abilitytoprovideassistance toclientsanditsrelationshipto professionalindemnityinsurancecover.
WhileTIPandtheESObothsupportandtrainvolunteers,they playquitedifferentrolesinthedevelopmentofthose volunteers.
TlPusesstructuredlearningandsupport toolstogiveyouthe requiredskillsandknowledgetosupportveterans.
TheroleoftheESOistoprovideyouwithmentoringandon-the-jobtrainingtoensurethatyoucanbestusetheskills andknowledgetohelpclientswhoapproachtheESOfor assistance.
TlPisalsorunandstaffedbyvolunteers.Onceyouhave developedasapensionsorwelfareofficeryoumayfindthat youwouldliketofurtherbenefittheveterancommunityby volunteeringwithTIP.
Time Needed To Volunteer Effectively
The amount of time needed to become an effective volunteer at an ESO will depend on the needs of the local veteran community and the level of support currently provided by the ESO.
Once proficient, you would be expected to:
- understand the repatriation system;
- assist veterans and their dependants in their dealings with
- DVA and other agencies; and
- represent the veteran’s interests to the best of your ability.
It is important to note, however, that you will be able to add value immediately.
Volunteer Hours
The number of hours you commit each week will need to be agreed between the you and an ESO supervisor.
There is no typical case and therefore no typical time to complete a claim form, prepare for a review or advise a veteran on possible entitlements.
However, through the mentoring provided by the ESO, training with TIP and working with fellow volunteers on cases, you will, over time, be able to make a reasonable assessment of what commitment particular cases might involve.
Insurance Cover
As you will provide pension, advocacy and welfare services to members of the veteran and defence communities, and their families, you must have insurance. While not the exclusive source of this protection, the Veterans’ Indemnity and Training Association (VITA) is an example of the protection available and your VITA fees are covered by the ESO that endorses you.
VITA was established for the purpose of providing professional indemnity insurance for suitably qualified, trained and authorised members of ex-service organisations (ESOs) who give advice in good faith to the ex-service community on matters relating to DVA pension and compensation entitlements and welfare support.
VITA also provides you with an accident insurance policy if you conduct TIP training so long as their parent ESO is a member of VITA.