
Marion County Adult Education


The Mission of the Marion County Adult Education Center is to provide the educational opportunities needed to achieve educational equity for the undereducated adults of Marion County without regard of creed, race, sex, age, disability and economic circumstances.

Director’s Discretion: Adult Education is a privilege. Maintaining a safe and quality environment for learning is the director’s main objective. A student may be dismissed from Marion County Adult Education at the discretion of the director to ensure the educational environment for all students is safe and of quality deserved by all who enter to learn.

AGENCY SPONSORSHIP - it is the students’ responsibility to have copies of agency timesheets and to have them completed within two week of the attendance dates being verified. Attendance verification is not provided prior to 40 hours of instruction.

ASSESSMENT –Post-testing takes place when students have a minimum of 40 hours since last testing and with teacher recommendation.

ATTENDANCE, TARDIES AND EARLY DISMISSALS - For first period only, students are given a 5 minute grace period to be in class. If late, wait in the Commons Area or leave campus until next class begins. If not in class, students should be off campus within 5 minutes of leaving class. Any time missed from class is counted against your attendance. Students will not be taken out of class for visitors unless it is an emergency. During 8 week session students can miss 3 days in each period. In summer sessions, students can miss 1 day. These are pro-rated based on your start date. Example: Session 3 starts September 12. If you start October 3rd, you can miss 2 days. If you start October 31, you can miss 1 day.

During inclement (bad) weather, our school follows the school district schedule. If District school classes are cancelled, our classes are cancelled. If the District classes are on a two hour delay, our classes are on a two hour delay.


Students have a responsibility to know and respect the policies, rules, and regulations of the school and District. Violations of such policies, rules, and regulations will result in disciplinary action. The administration offers the following listing of offenses and dispositions for information for students, parents/guardians, and school personnel. THIS CODE OF CONDUCT IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE. The school and/or district administration may take other appropriate measures of discipline when it is deemed necessary. This code is adopted solely as a guideline to be used by administrators and staff.

Per South Carolina State Board of Education regulations, offenses are leveled and defined by actions.


A four-step disciplinary procedure will be followed for all Level 1 offenses:

1st offense: Teacher gives written and verbal warning.

2nd offense: Dismissed from class two days.

3rd offense: Dismissed from class remainder of session.

4th offense: Dismissed from class for calendar year. Automatically reclassified as a Level 2.

Disorderly Conduct (Level 1) offenses include:

• Disobeying rules, request and regulations

·  Leaving class without permission

·  Being in a wrong location

·  Lack of cooperation

·  Sleeping in class

·  Excessive talking

·  Bullying fellow students

·  Violating the MCAE dress code

·  Failure to carry out instructions, directions or assignments

·  Showing disrespect for, arguing with, acting rudely towards or lying to a staff member

·  Acting in a manner that disrupts class instruction and/or annoys classmates

·  Any verbal or non-verbal gestures that indicates or implies membership or affiliation with a group/gang/secret society which presents a clear and present danger contrary to the environment and educational objectives of the Center is prohibited

·  Cell phones and/or other electronic devices violation during class hours

·  Abusive language, gestures or profanity between students

·  Students of legal age may smoke cigarettes in designated areas before class, after class, or during class breaks. Dispose of cigarettes in designated trash cans

·  Inappropriate use of the Internet and/or computer equipment


1st offense: Notification of law enforcement; One year dismissed from school

Disruptive Conduct (Level 2) offenses include:

·  Physical abuse: Provoked or unprovoked - Fighting - Both students involved in altercation

·  Possession of fireworks

·  Abusive language/gestures towards teacher or other staff member

·  Theft (minor - less than $300)- restitution of property

·  Willfully endangering the safety of self/others

·  Vandalism, defacing or willful destruction of materials or property- restitution of property and damages

·  Trespassing by a suspended student

·  Illegally occupying or blocking school property with the intent to deprive others of its use

·  Unlawful assembly and/or disruptive lawful assembly

·  Misuse of fire alarm system or fire extinguisher

·  Making threats against others including staff and personnel

The administration may reclassify disruptive conduct (Level 2) as criminal conduct (Level 3) if the student engages in disruptive conduct three or more times.


1st Offense – notification of law enforcement and permanent removal from MCAE

Criminal Conduct includes:

·  Assault and Battery • Extortion • Bomb threat • Sexual offenses • Arson

·  Major vandalism (over $300)

·  Possession, use, or transfer of weapons

·  Major theft, possession or sale of stolen property (over $300)

·  Furnishing, selling or possession of controlled substances (drugs, narcotics or alcohol)

·  Distribution, sale, purchase, manufacture or unlawful possession of a controlled substance while in or within a radius of one-half mile of school grounds

·  Threatening to take the life or to inflict bodily harm upon a teacher, administrator or members of their immediate family


Students are required to wear clothing deemed appropriate for an educational environment. No article of clothing shall be worn that distracts from the educational process.

·  Bedroom shoes and shower shoes are not allowed.

·  Pants must be worn at the waist. Long pants should be worn with both pant legs rolled down.

·  No one should wear slogans which offend gender, ethnicity, sexuality or religion, or promote drugs, alcohol or violence.

·  Caps, hats or other headwear will not be worn in the building.

·  Only prescribed sunglasses may be worn in the building.

·  No revealing clothing such as tank tops, halter-tops, muscle shirts, garments with spaghetti straps, strapless, see-through, short exposing midriff, or low-cut garments may be worn. If these items are worn, you will be asked to conceal them with appropriate clothing or leave. Leaving will be counted as a missed day.

·  Undergarments must not be visible.

·  No clothing should be worn more than 2 inches above the knee.

·  NO Jeggings, leggings or tights unless worn with thigh length loose fitting top to conceal the tightness of the pants across hips and buttocks.

·  No pajamas may be worn or any other bedroom or lounging attire, including blankets.


Law enforcement officials are permitted to use a drug detection dog in the schools of Marion County in an effort to detect controlled substances on school property. The use of the dog is in accordance with strict guidelines and procedures which are available upon request.


No personal electronic devices are of any kind are permitted during class time. The devices can be stored in a clothing pocket, purse, or book bag (out of sight) and in the off mode to not be heard during class time. Vibrating is not in off mode. Marion County schools are not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.


Copy of a transcript $5.00 per copy

Photo copy .10 per page

Fax $1.00 per page

Phone calls .50 per call

WorkKeys Tests: Observation $20.00 each

Retest AM, LI or RI $20.00 each

Copy of WorkKey scores $3.00 per copy

All students are expected to provide their own supplies of pencils, paper, notebooks, etc. Students are required to pay for books, materials, supplies, or equipment they fail to return or damage. Damage to school property and/or equipment will result in legal action.


Periodically during the school year, MCAE will have practice emergency exercises. A diagram indicating exits or safe areas is posted in each classroom and hallway.

INTERNET/ COMPUTER USE MCAE reserves the right to monitor and restrict all computer usage.


When law enforcement officers find it necessary to question students during the school hours, the Center director or his/her designee will escort student from classroom to an appropriate private room to conduct the questioning.


Driving vehicles on school property is a privilege granted by the Board of Trustees. Misuse of a motor vehicle on school property in any manner may result in the withdrawal of this privilege.

·  Students must park only in designated areas.

·  Students must obey the speed limit on campus. The speed limit on campus is 5 mph.

·  All parking areas are off limits except during arrival and departure times.

·  Audio systems are not to be heard while on school property.

·  Visitors are to park in parking lot next to building and enter the building.


Students entering MCAE are responsible for providing proof of identification (licenses/birth certificate) and an updated official copy of their most recent school transcript. All students will be assessed on TABE to determine their academic functioning level. Students will be placed in classes based on their TABE scores.

·  Place in Skills Upgrade class: score below 9 on TABE

·  Place in GED class: score 9 or above on TABE Level D.

·  Special needs students (up to age 21) must have an IEP meeting prior to starting classes to determine if adult education is the appropriate placement.

·  Diploma track: students must have 11 high school credits earned to include: Eng 1, Alg 1 or its equal, Bio 1,

a Social Studies, and seven elective credits. To earn credits in Adult Education, the student must pass coursework and have a minimum of 60 hours seat time for 1 unit and a minimum of 30 hours seat time for a ½ credit. High school credits earned at MCAE can NOT be transferred back to a high school. AE high school coursework must be completed within 2 consecutive sessions. Failure to complete credit will require the student to start over the course over from the beginning.


If an injury occurs, report the injury immediately to the instructor. Injuries resulting from horseplay or fighting ARE NOT COVERED by the MCAE school insurance plan.


NO food or drinks in classrooms. For medical conditions, plain water will be allowed with doctor’s documentation. All trash should be put in trash cans. If you find that the restrooms or other areas are not clean, report it to a staff member. If see an unsafe condition, please to an instructor or staff immediately.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s education records. This law gives certain rights to parents regarding their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student or former student who has reached the age of 18 or is attending any school beyond the high school level. The Center must have written permission from an eligible student before releasing any information. There is a $5.00 fee for a copy of a transcript.


You are encouraged to utilize the services provided to assist in applying to a post secondary school, seeking career information, and developing job seeking skills. Students should schedule an appointment in advance and make classroom instructor aware of the date and time of appointment.


Visitors are required to report to the office. Students may not bring sisters, brothers, cousins, etc. as visitors to class with them during the school day. Both state law and the school board authorize school administrators to take appropriate action to prevent unauthorized persons from entering buildings and from loitering on the grounds. State law allows school administrators to conduct reasonable searches of the person and property of visitors on school premises.


The Center is committed to partnering the school districts to maintain a barrier-free environment so that individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, services and all activities. Every reasonable accommodation will be made to assist employees, students, parents and visitors with special needs related to disabilities.

The Marion County School do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:

Section 504
Marion County Schools

Director of Special Services
719 N. Main Street, Marion, SC 29571

Title IX

Paula Grant, Director of Human Resources

719 N. Main Street, Marion, SC 29571

Revised 6/14/2016

This document is subject to be revised as needed and a copy of the revisions will be posted for the students.