Schools Forum
Monday 6 November2017
Time:9.30am –12.00 (Refreshments available from 9.00am)
Place: Town Hall – F10
Chair:Jolyon Roberts
Vice Chair:Des Ogg
Academy Representatives: Jolyon Roberts,Esther Brooks, Louise Lee, Martin Giles, Gordon Smith, Mary Turner, Helena Walbrook, Ali Silke, Diana Agyepong, Roger Capham, Mark Southworth, Mark Humphreys
Nursery Schools: Jaqi Stephenson
Primary Schools: Mary Pike, Dan Bowden, Vivienne Esparon
Secondary Schools: Patrick Shields and Kerry Targett
Special Schools: Jonty Clark and Simon Vines
PRUs: Lucy Meagher and Jenny Adamson
Primary Schools: Dave Harvey, Des Ogg
Secondary Schools:
Non Schools
Post 16: Frances Wadsworth/Maureen Gilmartin and Mohammed Ramzan
EY providers: Theresa Staunton
Southwark RC Diocese: Linda O’Callaghan
Southwark C of E Diocese: Nathan Walters
Trade Union:Dave Wintersand Carole Horstead
Cllr Majority: Group Rep: Joy Prince
Cllr Minority: Group Rep: Maria Gatland
MPs: Chris Philp MP, Croydon South
Councillors: Alisa Flemming (Labour), Shafi Khan (Labour) and Margaret Bird (Conservative)
EfA: Murial Rant
General: Matthew Visick Evans
LBC: David Butler, Shelley Davies, Orlagh Guarnori, Josephine Lyseight
Clerk:Heather Beck, Beverley High
School members - Green / Academymembers - Yellow / Non- school members- PinkOnly primary representatives (reps) can vote on primary school de-delegation
Only Secondary school reps can vote on secondary school de-delegation / No voting on de-delegation
All academies members can vote on any other Schools Forum business, including the consultation on the funding formula
Observers – Mauve cards / No voting on de-delegation
Only PVI representatives can vote on the consultation on the funding formula
All non- school members can vote on any other Schools Forum business
All schools members can vote on any other Schools Forum business, including the consultation on the funding formula
Agenda items / Lead / Time1. / Minutes and actions from last meeting (2 October) / Jolyon Roberts / 9.30 – 9.40
2. / High Needs Top Slice / Orlagh Guarnori / Start 9.40
2b / Appendix A
2016/17 High Needs Block Outturn – Q1 2017/18 / Orlagh Guarnori / ==
2c / Appendix B
Operational Guidance on Schools revenue funding / Orlagh Guarnori / ==
3. / Update on bids to the Contingency Fund for school in financial difficulty / Orlagh Guarnori / finish 10.20
4. / Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) School Funding Formula – 2018/19
De-delegation -contingency fund / Orlagh Guarnori
/Jolyon Roberts / 10.20 –10.35
5. / Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) School Funding Formula – 2018/19
Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) / Orlagh Guarnori / 10.35 – 10.50
6. / School Maintenance Report / Jennifer Wade / 10.50 – 11.00
7. / Constitution and work group membership / Des Ogg / 11.00 – 11.20
8. / Update from Schools Forum Work Groups (for information)
a)Early Years
b)High Needs
c)Schools Block / 11.20 – 11.30
9. / Any Other Business: / ALL / 11.30 – 11.40
Meeting dates for 2017/18 all Monday from 9.30am – 11.30am:
11 December, 15 January, 5 March, 23 April, 18 June, 9 July
Item / 11thDecember 2017 / Lead1 / Funding for Key Stage 4 pupils in alternative provision / Chris Roberts
2 / Impact Report on the work of the Virtual School / Gill Manton
3 / Maintained Nursery Schools Funding / Denise Clements
4 / School Admissions Survey Report / Jenifer Wade
5 / Early Years draft budget / Denise Clements
6. / Transition to Adulthood Programme needs approval by Schools Forum / Orlagh Guarnori
Item / 15th January 2018 / Lead
1 / Dedicated Schools Grant School Funding Formula / Orlagh Guarnori
2. / High Needs draft budget / Alison Farmer
STANDING ITEM FOR JUNE – DSG Year-end Outturn report
SF Work groups Meeting Dates
Early Years – Chair is Theresa Staunton
Forthcoming meetings:31st October 2017
High Needs – Chair Des Ogg
Forthcoming meetings:7th February 2018, 18th May 2018.
Schools Block – Chair is Mary Pike, Vice Chair is Dan Bowden
Forthcoming meetings: 8 November 2017