TIGER Leadership Collaborative
WG #5 – Summary Report
DRAFT OUTLINE V2 - 5/26/08
1.Executive Summary/Overview
- Approx. 1 pg length
-Dana Alexander
-Judy Murphy
2.Scope of the issue and Reason for its Urgency
- Approx. 1 pg length
-Deb Martoccio
-Volunteer from WG #5? ______
Dana will send an email out to solicit a volunteer
3.Background Information/Current State
- Approx. 2 pgs length
What education/programs are available and why there is a gap/need. Utilize the literature review and provide context around the programs available. Review the 5 categories of leadership development programs/options: (1) Academic, (2) Association, (3) Health System, (4) Vendor/Software Supplier, (5) Self. Include references or links to these programs. Include case studies or examples to help illustrate each. – these might be further subdivided between education and practice leaders.
-Jane Brokel (WG #1)
-Pat Hinton-Walker (WG #1)
4.Report on the Leadership Survey assessment
- Approx. 2 pgs length
-Karen Carroll (WG #4)
-Volunteer from WG #5? ______
Dana will send an email out to solicit a volunteer
5.Report on the Critical Competencies for Leaders
- Approx. 2 pgs length
Include how nursing leaders can help nursing staff achieve their competencies as well as how to achieve their own.
-Kathryn Sapnas (WG #2)
-Barbara Boelter (WG #5?)
6.Recommendations/Future State
- Approx. 2 pgs length
The goal of this section is to achieve a conclusion based upon the knowledge and competency gaps identified in the: (1) literature review, (2) the leadership assessment survey, and (3) the competency workgroup. Discuss the gaps in current leadership development programs (from Summary Report item #3, WG #1) and identify recommendations for filling the gaps – i.e., identify the key leadership development needs related to IT and how to achieve them. Since we will not be able to succinctly assess the "gaps" in current leadership development programs related to IT, what we can do is identify specific aspects that need to be included in these programs and leave to others to decide if the programs within their organizations adequately meet the needs. It is not the charge of this group to critique the existing leadership programs. Furthermore, describe the gaps perceived by the nursing leaders themselves in the leadership survey (from Summary Report item #4, WG #4), as well as the gaps to achieve the identified competencies (from Summary Report item #4, WG #2)
-Karen Carroll (WG #4)
-Kathryn Sapnas (WG #2)
-Barbara Boelter (WG #5)
7.Discuss the ramifications to the leadership aspects of Magnet.
- Approx. 1 pg length
-Bev Bell (WG #3)
-Volunteer from WG #5? - Bev connecting w/ Kay Sackett
8.Describe any recommendations and/or next steps for the industry - may subdivide by stakeholders or environment - e.g., education vs. practice.
- Approx. 1 pg length
-Ann Coleman
-Volunteer from WG #5? - hold for now per Ann’s request
9.Executive Summary/Conclusions
- Approx. 1 pg length
-Dana Alexander
-Judy Murphy
10.Appendix (e.g., Bibliography, References, Key Words, etc.)