Name: Candace Stout Kee
IRA Standards / Artifacts / RationaleStandard 1. Foundational Knowledge.
1.1Candidates understand major theories and empirical research that describe the cognitive, linguistic, motivational, and sociocultural foundations of reading and writing development, processes, and components, including word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading–writing connections. / In RE 5040,
Teacher as Researcher Action Research Paper
RE 5210, the reflection paper on RTI, demonstrates my knowledge of diversity in the ways that students learn to read and write.
RE 5120 Psychological Bases of Reading-Final Reflection / As an educator that has been in Title 1 for several years as well as Exceptional Children’s Department as a teacher I have found that many of our struggling students have a need to communicate with someone in their own way without fear of retaliation for grammar and spelling mistakes as well as receiving harsh judgment for their life’s problems. Many times the educator does not understand why students act like they do or do not seem to value education. In RE 5040 For my action research plan I decided to implement Daily Journaling in my junior and senior Exceptional Children’s classroom. The journaling not only motivated my students to write but it also motivated them to read the daily feedback I wrote for them. As the student’s continued to write they began to model better sentence construction, grammar and neatness in their journaling. I felt lines of communication opening with them and was able to understand their educational needs as diverse and unassuming. Implementing a new strategy of learning can make a major impact on student learning and teacher understanding. RE 5210 also gave me opportunity to further understand diversity and learning capabilities of my students.This final reflection paper demonstrates my knowledge of both RTI models and my understanding of evolving trends in testing and tier interventions for struggling readers. All teachers need to be trained in the origination of RTI models, the pros and cons of each and the tier interventions if RTI is a forthcoming testing and intervention for their school. This knowledge base can create a more effective teacher as well as how to implement more effective interventions.
1.2Candidates understand the historically shared knowledge of the profession and changes over time in the perceptions of reading and writing development, processes, and components.
1.3Candidates understand the role of professional judgment and practical knowledge for improving all students’ reading development and achievement.
Standard 2. Curriculum and Instruction.
2.1 Candidates use foundational knowledge to design or implement an integrated, comprehensive, and balanced curriculum. / RE 5140 Advanced Study of Children’s Literature, author’s Study, Book critiques set 1
RE 5730 Read, Write Think Lesson Plan through Teaching the Language Arts
RE 5140 Advanced Study of Children’s Literature- Book Critiques set 2
RE 5130Teaching the Language Arts Memoir / In RE 5140 I compiled an annotated list of children’s award winning literature ranging in genre from multicultural, fiction and non-fiction tests. Each of the reviewed books were purchased and made available as an integral part of my resource literacy library along with the description of each. In RE 5730 I designed a lesson plan using the Read, Write Think format and IRA standards. This k-2 lesson plan integrated science as well as a plan to distinguish the difference between real and make-believe characters. Web resources and activities were listed for use in this plan to insure every child would understand the goal of the plan. Several fiction and non-fiction books were purchased and used for the unit as well.All the materials have been organized into wonder boxes on real and fake animals and have been made available for the classroom use in K-2. In RE 5140, I read and reviewed a variety of award winning books, (Coretta Scott King Award books, Schneider Family Awards, James Adam Award). These books have been placed in my multicultural library in my literacy center with my critiques. In RE 5130, I experienced reading several true memoirs including The Glass Castle. This book depicted the life of a struggling female adolescent through adulthood. Her environment and family gave little support for her in her endeavor to be successful. This book has been placed in my classroom library to be read and use as an inspirational account of a struggling adolescent that conquered her childhood and became a very successful writer.
2.2 Candidates use appropriate and varied instructional approaches, including those that develop word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading–writing connections.
2.3 Candidates use a wide range of texts (e.g., narrative, expository, and poetry) from traditional print, digital, and online resources.
Standard 3. Assessment and Evaluation.
3.1Candidates understand types of assessments and their purposes, strengths, and limitations. / In RE 5100, midterm final
I planned units of study in RE
RE 5730, Reading and Writing strategies
RE 5120 Psychological Bases of Reading
RE 5715Reading Assessment and Correction / Reading assessments, lesson plans and on going observances of student learning are based upon research contributed from leading educational researchers. Artifacts from RE 5100 exhibit my awareness and understanding of major theories and research in reading and writing, learning and teaching. Understanding the developmental process of reading and writing and how it progresses over time, have helped me develop curriculum that is applicable to a child struggling in reading and for emergent and beginning readers. My artifacts show that I can provide individualized and correct instruction based on students’ individual needs and diagnosis. I learned how to give and interpret many different kinds of information as shown by examinations in RE 5100.In RE 5730 I compiled a list of annotated classroom strategies for learning many concepts in language arts. These strategies with websites and locations included have been made available for classroom use as well as parent use. In RE 5120 I learned of theories and research based practices in the processes of learning to read. Through a weekly blog, I shared and reflected on my readings from some of the most infamous reading psychologists in history. I learned theory behind word letter and word recognition, decoding, fluency, vocabulary development and comprehension. In RE 5715I not only learned how to administer assessments but learned how to enter the information into the ASU Summary Assessment Sheets and plan curriculum for my students based on this information.
3.2Candidates select, develop, administer, and interpret assessments, both traditional print and electronic, for specific purposes.
3.3Candidates use assessment information to plan and evaluate instruction.
3.4Candidates communicate assessment results and implications to a variety of audiences.
Standard 4. Diversity.
4.1Candidates recognize, understand, and value the forms of diversity that exist in society and their importance in learning to read and write. / RE 5725 Comparative case study and Practicum in the ClinicalTeaching of Reading
Re 5210 Educating Students
with Reading Disabilities comparative case study
RE 5730 Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advanced Learners-Basket of Books / In RE 5725, I assessed, diagnosed and instructed a second grade student and a fifth grade student on there instructional level in reading. In order to properly diagnose and instruct I learned a variety of research based assessments including conducting an IRI, spelling inventory, fluency rate, and writing samples. Strategies and instruction of the student correlated to the results of the assessments given.
In Re 5210 I studied how historical social movements have driven our instruction on identifying, diagnosing and instructing students with reading disabilities. I wrote a comparative case study on two students with disability identification and their struggle to understand concepts necessary for reading development.
A literate environment filled with many book genres and multicultural books are necessary for student learning,development and success. Among the many artifacts in my portfolio I have included an annotated bibliography from RE 5730 known as “A Basket of Books”. In this assignment I not only listed rich history and language books but have also made these available for student’s reading within the classroom. This basket not only contains printed text but also several websites of interest to the student as it relates to content area instruction and interest in the classroom.
4.2Candidates use a literacy curriculum and engage in instructional practices that positively impact students’ knowledge, beliefs, and engagement with the features of diversity.
4.3Candidates develop and implement strategies to advocate for equity.
Standard 5. Literate Environment.
5.1Candidates design the physical environment to optimize students’ use of traditional print, digital, and online resources in reading and writing instruction. / RE 5525 Product of Learning
RE 5130 Teaching the Language Arts The GlassCastle
RE 5730 Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advanced Learners Book Clubs, Book Jackets / In RE 5525 I have been able to explain and display skills necessary to be a literacy consultant within my school system and share some of the best reading practices, strategies and research in the nation.
In RE 5130, I experienced reading several true memoirs including The Glass Castle. This book depicted the life of a struggling female adolescent through adulthood. Her environment and family gave little support for her in her endeavor to be successful. This book has been placed in my classroom library to be read and use as an inspirational account of a struggling adolescent that conquered her childhood and became a very successful writer.
In RE 5730, I participated in a book club with several of my peers. We read and blogged about the graphic teen novel, The Hunger Games. Introducing me to this particular book revived my love of reading and sharing my feelings and thoughts on the plot and characters. I actually looked forward to the blogs and group discussions in class. I was so enchanted by this book and the author that I read the entire trilogy. Even the most reluctant reader can enjoy this type of literary participation and learn to love reading.
Also in RE 5730 I constructed a book jacket depicting the graphic novel, The Marvelous Wizard of Oz. A critique of the book accompanied the book jacket. This type of assignment can provide an opportunity for students that struggle with reports an alternative way to report on their assigned books. I enjoyed the variety of strategies and alternative assignments in this class and will use these ideas as motivational literacy activities.
5.2Candidates design a social environment that is low risk and includes choice, motivation, and scaffolded support to optimize students’ opportunities for learning to read and write.
5.3Candidates use routines to support reading and writing instruction (e.g., time allocation, transitions from one activity to another, discussions, and peer feedback).
5.4Candidates use a variety of classroom configurations (i.e., whole class, small group, and individual) to differentiate instruction.
Standard 6. Professional Learning and Leadership.
6.1Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of adult learning theories and related research about organizational change, professional development, and school culture. / ClevelandCountySchoolsParentLiteracyCenter Coordinator
Member NCAE
Member CEC
Member Reading Recovery Council
Member IRA
Member CCS T-1 Advisory Council
Educational Book Clubs / I enjoyed thirteen years as the Title 1 Teacher and Coordinator in one of the elementary schools in ClevelandCounty. In this capacity I assessed and documented test scores and criterion for students in K-5 with history of academic struggle. With information from the students assessed, I developed a list of “at-risk” readers from most in need to least in need. Each of these students were placed in reading programs including one on one and in groups. I was an advisor and participant in Student Services Management Team weekly where we reviewed progress on the students and discussed interventions. Three years following I had the opportunity to serve many of the same student’s in the Exceptional children’s program in grades 9-12. I handled individual cases and IEPs. Currently I have been moved to a newly established ClevelandCountySchoolsParentLiteracyCenter in Shelby, N.C. as the coordinator. I plan workshops based on the need of the parent and student population in the county and maintain the center as a resource for parents and students. I have been a member of NCAE for seventeen years, Council of Exceptional Children for four years, International Reading Association for fifteen years and have been a member of Cleveland County Schools Title 1 Parent Advisory Council for 17 years.
6.2Candidates display positive dispositions related to their own reading and writing and the teaching of reading and writing, and pursue the development of individual professional knowledge and behaviors.
6.3Candidates participate in, design, facilitate, lead, and evaluate effective and differentiated professional development programs.
6.4Candidates understand and influence local, state, or national policy decisions.