North Hunterdon Theater Organization
2015 Winter Musical
Audition Packet
AUDITIONSwill be held on Monday, Nov.10th and Tuesday, Nov.11thfrom 3:15 until 5:45 in the theater.
CALL BACKS will be held on Monday, Nov. 17, at 3:15 in the theatre.
The CAST LIST will be posted byWednesday, Nov.19. Cast members are expected to sign the list, indicating their acceptance of their assigned roles.
A FULL CAST MEETING and SCRIPT READ-THROUGHwill be held on Thursday, Nov.20th, from 3:15 to 5:15 in the choir room. Attendance is required. Schedules and essential information will be given at this time.
All performers should clear their schedules for our regular rehearsals on weekday afternoons from 3:15 to 5:15. Mandatory, full-cast rehearsals will also be held on Martin Luther King Day, on Saturdays in January and February, and on Friday, Saturday, and Monday of President’s Weekend. Absence from any single one of these rehearsals is grounds for dismissal from the cast.
Students will sign up for individual audition appointments. Each appointment is about 5 minutes long. The sign-up sheet is on the NHTO bulletin board outside of Cafeteria A. Please sign up for the first available time slot. Directors appreciate performers who show consideration by signing up for the first available spot, rather than waiting until the last minute or the last day.
No one will be permitted to audition without a completed Performer Info form and Performer’s Contract.
Hair length and color have become issues. An actor must look the part. Promises to re-dye hair to a natural color have been broken in the past. Therefore, no one will be considered for a role if he or she does not look the part, including hair. Wear a wig to your audition if necessary. If, by the SCRIPT READ-THROUGH, your hair looks unrealistic for a Victorian man or woman’s hair, you forfeit your role in this show, and another student has the role, beginning at the read-through.
Audition lines are available for these characters: Oliver, Mr. Bumble, Mrs. Sowerberrry, Noah Claypole, Artful Dodger, Nancy, Fagin, Bill Sykes. Please prepare a set of lines carefully. Memorization is a good idea.
For the sung portion of the audition, please choose a song that fits your range and highlights your specific talents as a musical theatre performer. The piece must be from any show that has ever been onBroadway or off-Broadway.Prepareapproximately between 16 and 32 measures, or about 1 minute, of the music (usually a verse and a refrain). You can start at the beginning of the song, middle of the song, or whatever portion of piece shows you off the best. We want you to show us what you can do!
An accompanist will not be provided for you. A keyboard will be provided if you would like tobring an accompanist. You may not accompany yourself, as we want to see how you carry yourself onstage while you sing. A stereo system will be provided if you would like to bring a backing track on CD or iPod. You may also sing your song a cappella.
Audition materials for call-backs will be available on Wednesday, November 12. Students are urged to check the call-back list and acquire the necessary materials from Mrs. Meo (in the Reading/Writing Lab) or Ms. Meo (Music Office) before leaving school on Wednesday.
Break a leg, everyone!
Mrs. Meo, Director
Ms. Meo, Theater Coordinator/Vocal Director
Mr. Angeline, Orchestra Conductor
Ms. Soda, Choreographer
Mr. Hopta, Musical Theater Consultant
- Oliver Twist – 13-year-old orphan boy
- Artful Dodger – Fagin’s brightest pupil, undersized 18-year-old
- Fagin – an elderly receiver, runs training academy for young pickpockets
- Bill Sykes – a villain in his prime
- Nancy – 23-year-old graduate of Fagin’s academy, and Bill’s girlfriend
- Mr. Bumble – the beadle (a police-type authority figure)
- Widow Corney – the workhouse matron, sharp-tongued and domineering
- Mrs. Bedwin – the Brownlows’ housekeeper
- Mr. Brownlow – an old gentleman of wealth and breeding
- Dr. Grimwig – a doctor
- Noah Claypole – a teenaged apprentice of the undertaker
- Mr. Sowerberry – the undertaker
- Mrs. Sowerberry – undertaker’s wife and overseer
- Charlotte – the undertaker’s teenage daughter, flirtatious and inappropriate
- Bet – 13-year-old lass in Fagin’s establishment
- Old Sally – a pauper
- Charles Bates, and other workhouse boys and girls
- Citizens of various classes, street vendors, criers, crowd
Oliver!T-Shirt Order Form
Name: ______
SHORT SLEEVE: ____ S____M____ L____ XL____XXL
LONG SLEEVE: ____ S____M____ L____ XL____XXL
Paid: _____$10 Short sleeve____$12 Long sleeve
This form is due to Mrs. Meo, with payment, on February 1, 2015. Payment must be made in cash.
**********ADVERTISING CONTRACT**********
Performances: March 5, 6, and 7, 2015
***ALL ADS AND MONEY ARE DUE BY Monday, February 2, 2015.***
- Checks/money, this form, and the advertisement itself must be put in a sealed envelope along with the lower portion of this contract.
- Ads can be copy ready and on paper. We can resize if necessary.
- We can also accept ads sent electronically. Email ads to .
- Ads and money must be turned in to Mrs. Meo at play practice or Ms. Meo in the Music Office.
BACK COVER (First come, first served) $150
FULL PAGE (5 x 8) $100
HALF PAGE (5 x 4)$50
QUARTER PAGE (5 x 2 OR 2 ½ x 4)$35
1/8 PAGE (2 ½ x 2 OR Business Card)$25
The undersigned agrees to purchase a ______page advertisement for the production program of OLIVER!at a price of $______.
Name of business or individual: ______
Contact person: ______
Address: ______
Phone number: ______
Email address:______
Dear Actors and Actresses,
Rehearsals are the core of the theatre experience. At rehearsals, performers learn their roles, develop their characters, build community, and create energy. In accepting your role in OLIVER!, you are committing to attending 100% of the rehearsals for which you are called.
We hold full cast rehearsals several times per week, including Saturdays in January and February, Martin Luther King Day, and the Friday, Saturday, and Monday of Presidents’ Weekend. Attendance is mandatory.
Students are excused from rehearsal for illness, and are asked to bring a note from a parent or physician if a rehearsal is missed for health reasons. Seniors are excused from rehearsal in order to attend college auditions. We do ask that you try to schedule college interviews and auditions around the play rehearsal schedule whenever possible. If you know you need to miss rehearsal for one of these reasons, please send Mrs. Meo the reason in writing prior to the missed rehearsal, if at all possible.
The following will NOT be accepted as reasons for a missed rehearsal: social events, sports, clubs, Scouting events, Ski Club, attending concerts or shows.
Note that auditions and rehearsals are closed to community members and parents, siblings, etc.
In addition to attendance, the student’s signature on this page indicates his/her promise to:
- prepare for rehearsals by learning the assigned role;
- practice dance steps and vocals outside of rehearsal;
- have appearance (including hair color and length and facial hair, if applicable) according to the needs of the role by the read-through;
- sell at least one program advertisement to support the production.
Please sign below to indicate your acceptance of this commitment.
At the bottom of the form, parents may notify us if they wish to volunteer to help with the production. We welcome all interested parents!
Mrs. Meo
I, ______, promise to prepare for and to attend all rehearsals for OLIVER!for which I am called according to the play schedule. I promise to have my hair (including facial hair, if applicable) in the color and length required for my role by the read-through. I promise to support the production by selling a program advertisement. I understand missed rehearsals may result in losing my place in the cast, and that my participation in the group is vital!
Student Signature:______Date:______
Parent Signature:______
Parent Volunteer Request: Parent Name:______
___ Costumes ___ Ticket Sales ___ Rehearsal Food ___ Set Painting ___Set Construction
NAME:______Student ID #______Height:______
Grade:______Mod1-2 Teacher:______Parents’ phone #:______
Parents’ email:______
ShowRoleSchool or Production Company Year
____ Understudy. Which show? ______Which role? ______
____ Stage Crew. Which show? ______Which role? ______
____ Other (Sold program ads, designed program cover, etc.) Describe: ______
If you are not cast in this show, will you participate as a stage crew member or usher? ______
For which role(s) do you feel most suited? ______
List extracurricular activities:______
Are you performing in another production any time between Jan.10 and March 16? _____
Will you audition for any other professional or amateur productions from 11/10 - 3/9?_____
Are you in NJ Region II or All State Choir? ______
Are you a senior who will audition at or visit a college during our rehearsal process? _____
If possible, list the date of any college audition/visit:______
Will you commit to attending 100% of rehearsals, including MLK Day, Presidents’ Weekend, and Saturdays in January and February? ____ YES _____ NO
List all possible rehearsal conflicts: ______
------Do not write below this line------
Song title: ______Lines of which character:______
Appearance:______Stage Presence______
Character traits/type:______Expression:______Posture:______Gestures:______
Speaking volume:______Inflections:______Diction:______
Motivation: (acceptable):_____high ____good (unacceptable): ___so-so___not evident
Prior years’ record:
Attendance: ______Attitude: ______Preparation:______
Understudy Role or Stage Crew? ______Posters/Ads/Volunteerism: ______