"A Call To Decision!"
Exodus 32:26
INTRO.In Exodus 32, we see that Moses had been gone for 40 days on the Mount receiving the Law of God. While he was living at the height of spiritual triumph, the people were about to sink to their lowest spiritual point. All through their journey up to this point God had miraculously provided for them and His presence had been with them. Now Moses was gone and God seemed to be silent. This frightened the people greatly. Instead of waiting on God they went to Aaron, their temporary leader, and said, "We don't know what has happened to Moses. Make us gods, or rather, give us a substitute, that we may follow and that will go before us."
Anytime we won't wait on God and we quickly make a decision apart from His Leadership, we are making a grave mistake! Psalm 25:1-3 says, "Unto my God, do I lift my soul. 0 My God, I trust in thee: Let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. Yea, let none of those that wait on Thee be ashamed..." When we don't wait on God, doubts begin to come! Someone has said, "Clouds of doubt are created when the warm, moist air of our expectations meet the cold air of God's silence." Moses was gone, God was silent; so the people began to doubt!
Aaron, the religious leader of the people, made them a golden calf from the earrings of the people. He built them an altar and proclaimed the following day a feast to the LORD. And the people began to worship the image. God told Moses, "Go down, thy people have corrupted themselves. And have made a golden image to worship." Anytime we forsake the worship of God, we will find something else to worship!
God's anger was kindled against the people, but Moses served as the advocate and God's anger was requited. Moses turned, and came down the Mount with the Tables of the Law in his hands which God had written. He met Joshua who wondered at the noise in the camp, fearing it a war cry. But Moses said, "Nay the noise I hear is of them that sing."
Moses' anger was kindled as he neared the camp, he broke the Tablets, and destroyed the Golden Image. He confronted Aaron who was of no solace. Then as he stood at the gate of the camp, he asked, "Who is on the LORD'S side..." This question was a "Call To Decision." And obedience to it required three things,
EXODUS 32:26a—“Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and
said, "Who is on the LORD'S side?..."
choice tomake. Would they serve God or idols? They had to choose one for
they couldn't serve both! Jesus said in Matthew 6:24--”No man can serve
two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will
hold to the one, and despise the other.” All of us, as believers, have to
choose whom we will serve-God or idols? Whom will it be?
our future! When we follow God we are blest, but when we follow self or sin,
we will face theconsequences of our decision! Galatians 6:7 tells us--”Be
not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap.”
ILLUS:A Hartford Pastor served as the Chaplain of the Connecticut State Prison. As he rose to the Pulpit to preach, he saw among the prisoners a friend of his youth. Their eyes met and they recognized each other.
At the conclusion of the service he sought the man to his history. "We were boys," said the prisoner, "in the same neighborhood, we went to the same school, we sat at the same seat, and my prospects were as bright as yours. At fourteen, you embraced Christ; I chose the world and sin. You are now a minister of the Gospel; and I, a wretched outcast from society, lost to hope. I have have been in prison ten years already, and sentenced to life.” (1)
Friend, whom will you choose to serve? God or self? The problem we have today is that, even God's people, have wrong priorities! (Matthew 6:33).
EXODUS 32:26b—“Let him come unto me...”
A. THE PURPOSE OF THE CHALLENGE. After we have made our choice to
serve God, then we must be committed to His purpose! Someone had said,
"You deny Christ when you fail to deny yourself for Christ." (2)
ILLUS:It happened in the life of the Apostle Paul. Journeying on his way to Damascus holding letters that if he found any that were the LORD'S he might bind them and bring them unto Jerusalem, saw a blinding Light. He fell to the earth and heard a voice saying to him,"Saul, Saul, Why persecuted thou Me?...” It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." Saul responded by asking, "LORD, what wilt Thou have me to do?"
The LORD told Saul, "It is hard for you to kick against the pricks," making a
reference to an ox goad which was used to prod on an ox. Saul continually
kicked against the LORD'S will. But now He asked, "LORD, What wilt Thou
have me to do?"
B. THE POINT OF COMMITMENT. Until we reach a point in our lives where
we stop kicking, fighting, or running form the LORD'S Will, we will never
see the great blessing that can be ours! We read in Proverbs 28:20a—“A
faithful man shall abound with blessings...". The challenge by Moses had
been made, but only the sons of Levi met the challenge!
The command of God was to go through the camp and kill anyone who
persisted in idolatry. This was an unpleasant task, but it matters not
whether we like or dislike what God tells us to do, we must only finish the
task! 1 John 2:3-4 tells us—“And hereby we do know that we know him, if
we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his
commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” “In the Kingdom of God
there are no score sheets. Menial tasks rank as high as glamorous ones.
Things are measured by the spiritual way in which they are done." Carolyn Schultz (3)
After the gruesome task, the Levites were set apart for God. They later were assigned the task of carrying the Tabernacle!
Friends, This is the first step in discipleship—Being willing to follow God in
everything! Jesus said in John 12:26—“If any man serve me, let him follow
me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him
will my Father honor.”
As we do the will of God; the more faithful we are the more responsibility
will be ours!
EXODUS 32:29a—“Consecrate yourselves to day to the LORD...”
A. THE MEANING OF CONSECRATION. The word"consecration" in its
various forms occur 42 times in the WORD OF GOD. Three times, it is
used to mean "to separate." Seven times, it means "to set apart." Once each
it means "to denote," and "to dedicate." But 29 times it is used to mean "to
fill or being filled." The word used in v29, is a combination of two Hebrew
words. The first "mala'" means "to fill". The second "yad" means "the
hands." So Moses is saying, "Fill your hands today to the LORD...”
B. THE MEASURE OF CONSECRATION. Until the Levites were willing to
empty their hands of all their desires, wants, loves, and pleasures, and "fill
their hands" with the work of the LORD, God could not use them! (Romans
12:1-2). The same is true of us! Until we are willing to "empty our hands"
of earthly things and "fill them" with heavenly things, then God cannot use
us either!
The old hymn says, "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy Cross I
The people were to "consecrate" or "Fill their hands" with service to God and other! (v29b) When we do that we are blessed! Isaiah 32:20 says—“Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, that send forth thither the feet of the ox and the ass.”
“There is a special relationship between thought, word, and action. If we
will fill our thoughts with acknowledgment of God, with meditation upon
His Works, If we will fill our mouths with words of recounting His benefits
and joyfully sing His praises, then the inner sources of human action can
be attuned with God and they will bring about consistency with His Nature
and Will." (4)
CLOSING: God hath saved us to serve Him! Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are
His Workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which
God hath before ordained that we should walk in them!” God forces
none of us to obey Him, but would have us out of love to joyfully
serve Him!
Consecration is a decision borne out of love! Christ loved us; we
should love Him! Will you give yourself totally to Him and His will
NOTES: 1. Elon Foster. 6000 Classic Sermon Illustrations. Pg 117.
2. Albert N. Wells, Jr. Inspiring Quotations-Contemporary & Classical. Pg. 179.
3. IBID. Pg. 184.
4. IBID. Pg. 27.