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ArletaHigh SchoolCheer Lifter Contract
- All lifters must maintain a 2.0 GPA.
- Lifters must get an annual physical completed by a doctor and turn in all paperwork to the cheer coach
- Lifters must have health insurance, turn in a copy of their insurance card, and update any changes with the cheer coach.
- Lifters must be physically fit and able to bench press at least 100 pounds. Lifters must be able to continually lift cheerleaders in stunts at practice, games and other events.
Attitude and Behavior
A lifter is responsible for his/her actions both on and off the field/court.
- Lifters are expected to follow all rules as outlined in the AHS athletic handbook.
- Lifters must maintain good rapport with AHS staff, faculty and administration both on and off the school grounds.
- Lifters are role models at school and should behave accordingly. Lifters shall not violate school rules. Additionally, lifters shall not be involved in PDA (Public Displays of Affection) with their boyfriend/girlfriend while on campus or on any cheerleading events.
- Lifters must have hair that is a natural hair color during football and basketball season; only brown, black, natural red or blonde. They can dye their hair another color as long as it is one of the colors previously listed.
- Lifters may not have visible tattoos during any games or whenever wearing their uniform.
- Lifters may not wear any facial jewelry or have any visible piercings when in uniform (except for earrings).
- The cheer coach reserves the right to:
- Suspend lifter from participation
- Remove the lifter from the squad
- Move a lifter between JV and Varsity squads
- A lifter is a role model for the fans and must remain positive and display good sportsmanship toward the other lifters, teams, coaches and officials at all times.
- A lifter is responsible for his/her actions on the floor at all times. He/she is to cheer for his/her own team and never against the opposing team.
Probation / Discipline
- The coach reserves the right to remove any lifter from the squad at any time. Lifters may be removed immediately if engaging in drugs, alcohol, gang activity or a physical fight. Lifters may also be removed from the squad in cases of defiance or extreme disrespect against their coaches or teammates, or if they intentionally put another lifter’s safety at risk.
- A lifter may be put on probation for academic or disciplinary reasons. The time of the probation will depend on the offense. Discipline is at the digression of the coach.
- Benching for disciplinary reasons will consist of lifter not attending the game. They are not excused from practice unless given permission by the coach.
- Two or more unexcused absences or tardiness may result in suspension or removal from the squad.
Cheer Seasons
- Fall cheerleading: football
- Winter cheerleading: Basketball
- Year round: Pep rallies, spirit events, fundraisers, competitions, community events, concerts
- Cheer stunts, pyramids and basket tosses involves high risk of injury. Lifters must be in good health and physical condition to participate.
- Lifters must notify coaches of any and all injuries.
- Lifters must consider safety at all events. They must adhere to the following safety guidelines:
- When learning new stunts or tumbling passes they must be practiced on mats.
- When performing stunts or tumbling passes, they must be performed on either grass, dirt, a gym floor or mats. Stunts or tumbling passes will not be allowed on cement or concrete.
- When stunting, the flyer’s safety comes first.
- All stunts must be approved by Mrs. Bezerra. In high school there are several “illegal” stunts that our lifters may see other schools do, but will not be allowed to do for their own safety. Stunting safety is determined by professional cheerleading associations such as UCA and NCA.
- Lifters must have a current physical on file. Failure to comply will result in the athlete’s inability to practices until the proper forms are on file with AHS.
- If injured, the coach may require the lifter to see a doctor before being allowed to participate again.
- After seeing a doctor for an injury, a lifter must have a written note from the doctor allowing him/her to participate. If certain activities are permitted, and other activities are not, the doctor’s note must be specific. For example, “Can run and exercise but cannot stunt or jump for 2 weeks.”
- All lifters are required to travel to and from contest and events in school-approved vehicles under adult supervision provided by ArletaHigh School. Students are not allowed to find their own rides to or from games.
- All lifters are responsible for finding rides to and from practice and our home games.
- Parents must be willing and able to pick up their child promptly after the completion of practice or games. Lifters must be picked up within 10 minutes after arrival at school upon return from an away game. Lifters are responsible for communicating with their parents when the game ends, and when we are on our way back to the school. Any lifter who is not picked up within 10 minutes after our arrival back to school may receive an infraction and/or be benched for the next game.
I have read, understand and agree to the lifter’s responsibilities. I will abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the Lifter Contract. I understand that if I do not follow the rules, I will receive consequences and may be suspended and/or dismissed from the cheerleading squad.
I will cooperate fully with the coach, assistant coaches, captains, and all persons and organizations concerned to promote spirit and good sportsmanship at ArletaHigh School.
At all times, whether at school or away from school, I will conduct myself in a manner that best represents the students and faculty at ArletaHigh School.
Signed ______Date______
Printed Name______
Our son, ______, has our permission to be a lifter and participate in all cheerleading related activities at ArletaHigh School for upcoming school year.
We have read and discussed with our child the guidelines and we understand the responsibilities and commitment of being a lifter. We also understand the role we must assume as parents of a lifter and we will assist in every way to see that the rules and regulations are enforced. We will do our best to support the coaches and administration in decisions made throughout the season.
We understand that each lifter will be required to have a physical exam on file along with proof of current health insurance.
We understand that the school and coaches assume no responsibility for any accidents or injuries that might occur either at school, practice, or an event away from school grounds at any time. We understand that if an accident or injury may occur, we are ultimately responsible for taking our child to seek proper medical attention.
We understand that at events our child may be photographed and/or videotaped as a member of the Cheer Squad. We understand that these photos may be posted on the ArletaHigh School website and may be used at school for promotional purposes. We give our release for all photography for school purposes.
We understand the risks, time commitment, and travel time involved with this activity. We do hereby give our consent and support for our child to be a lifter at ArletaHigh School for the upcoming season.
Parent’s Signature______Date______
Printed Name ______