What Record Is Entered?
Procurement Contract Entry
New Contract Entry
Contract Association
Amended Contract Records
Change History
Contract Change History Page
Purchase Order Entry
Amended Records
Purchase Order Change History Page
Attachments to Interface
A “Contract” is defined by the State of Texas Contract Management Guide as, “A written agreement where a contractor provides goods or services and the agency pays for such goods and services in accordance with the established price, terms and conditions.”
In CAPPS, a contract record can be created as a Purchase Order record, a Procurement Contract record or a mixture of both.
Agencies are required to report specific contract data to the Legislative Budget Board. For details on the reporting requirements, visit the LBB’s website.
With the recent enhancements to CAPPS, implemented March 29, 2018, users can now create LBB reportable records in the Procurement Contract module as well as the Purchase Order module and interface those records to LBB with the corresponding attachments.
The information contained in this document supersedes the previously published LBB Reporting Interface section in the FY2016_Legislative_Changes document.
Records marked as LBB, once a contract is placed in Approved status or the PO is dispatched, will transmit to LBB within five (5) calendar days of the approval or dispatch action. This delay allows the users to have adequate time to associate all required documentation to the reportable record.
What Record Is Entered?
For reportable records, only one instance can be reported:
Procurement Contract / Purchase Order-There is a dually signed document which must be tracked; / -The award is for a single fiscal year purchase; and
-The contract crosses fiscal years; or / -The purchase order document is the final contract record
-The contract has renewal options which must be tracked
Please note that Purchase Orders can still be associated to contract records to create the encumbrances however only one record can be identified as LBB reportable. If a contract is associated to a purchase order, the contract should be reported.
Procurement Contract Entry
New Contract Entry
The enhancements made allow users to document the procurements as prescribed in the previous FY2016 Legislative Changes document discussed previously by making more fields required and ensuring the stability of the procurement records by ensuring changes to these fields are tracked.
Figure 1: Contract Header page
1)Supplier Information (Required): The Supplier will be selected for the contract. A modification was made to the interface to pull the default vendor mail code OR the mail code associated to the purchase order released against the contract. There is no longer a need to identify the mail code using the PO Defaults hyperlink unless the mail code to be used is NOT the default mail code and no PO release has been made at the time of the interface.
2)Begin Date (Required) and Expire Date (Optional): The Begin Date interfaces as the “Award” date and the Expire date interfaces as the completion date of the contract to LBB.
3)Current Contract Value (Optional): This field is defined by the LBB Contracts Database Data Dictionary as, “The Current Contract Value includes the value of the contract, any amendments, and any exercised extensions or renewals; i.e., the total contract amount currently obligated to date. This information specifies how much is currently obligated under the contract.” This amount may or may not be the same amount as the Total Released Amount in the Amount Summary section. Since the Released amounts are associated directly with Purchase Order releases made against a contract, the released amount is dependent upon funding. The Current Contract Value may contain an initial term that may cross fiscal years. For this reason, the value for this field was left as manual entry. Users may:
- Make an entry into this field. If so, the entered value will transmit on the interface; or
- Leave this field blank and allow the interface to send the released PO values. Please note: the interface cannot at this time generate a changed record to LBB without users making a change to the contract record. Annual releases against a contract will still require an amendment action be taken on the contract record in order for the change to trigger an amendment transmission.
4)Description (Required): The description field is a 30 character field that describes the purpose of the contract. This field will be included in the LBB Interface file.
5)Comments (Optional): The Comments hyperlink takes users to the Comments and Attachment page for the Contract record. Associated attachments can now be included in the CAPPS LBB interface. This new attachment functionality will be discussed in full later in this section.
6)Purchasing Method (Required) and PCC (Required): The Purchasing Method and PCC fields are required for Procurement Contracts. The PCC will be included in the LBB Interface file.
7)CAPPS Contract Status (Required): For a new procurement contract, the CAPPS Contract Status should be set to “I” or “Initial”. The interface design looks at this field to determine new contracts as compared to amended contracts. In order for a record to transmit as an amendment the record must be in “A” or “Amendments”. In order for a record to transmit on the interface file:
- New records must be:
- marked with an LBB Reportable category(ies); and
- have a maximum contract value that meets or exceeds the reporting threshold
- Amendment records must:
- exist on the CAPPS LBB control table (identified as being sent to LBB by CAPPS); and
- have a CAPPS Contract Status of anything other than “I” or “Initial”.
8)Maximum Amount (Optional): The Maximum Amount value should be at least the minimum reporting value set for the contract category selected. This field has been defined by the LBB Contracts Database Data Dictionary as, “The Maximum Contract Value field should include the value of the contract, amendments, and all potential extensions or renewals, i.e. the total amount both currently and potentially obligated. The maximum contract value should be used for determining whether a contract meets a reporting threshold, and can be distinguished from Current Contract Value, which includes the value of the contract, any amendments, and any exercised extensions or renewals, i.e. the total amount currently obligated.”
9)HUB Bid Details (Required or Optional – dependent on specific agency configuration): The HUB Bid Details section should be completed for the Procurement Contract record. The LBB Interface file will include whether the contract was competitively bid and the total number of bids received. If the award was not competitive, select “No” and complete the Special/Priority Purchase Types link information.
Figure 2: HUB Bid Details entry page
10)Special/Priority Purchase Types (Optional). When the procurement is marked as “Competitive?” as No or N/A above, for LBB reportable contracts the user should state why the contract was not bid. This occurs in the Special/Priority Purchase Types link. The Sole Source, Interagency and Emergency flags will be identified and included in the LBB Interface file. Remember, when these types are flagged, the Comments text box must contain justification for these items in order for the record to be saved.
Figure 3: Special/Priority Purchase Types
On the TEXAS Data tab:
Figure 4: TEXAS Data tab on the Procurement Contract Record
1)Contract Category
The Contract Category is used for general reporting purposes but is not used for the LBB Interface file. The selections for this field are: 3rd Party, Construction, Consultant, DIR, Emergency, Exempt, Grant, Interagency, Interlocal, Lease, Managed, Memorandum of Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, Open Market, Other-2227 (Goods or Services), Professional Services, Subrecipient, Term, Travel or TXMAS.
2)LBB Contract Reporting hyperlink
This link provides the specific LBB Reporting Categories that are associated to the contract.
Figure 5: LBB Contract Reporting selection page
The None checkbox is the standard default for all contract records. If the Procurement Contract does meet the LBB reporting criteria, the appropriate reporting code(s) need to be selected. Multiple selections are acceptable. The LBB Interface file will contain all contract records containing these specific LBB Reporting Codes that meet the reporting minimum in the Maximum Amount field on the contract header.
Contract Association
After the contract record entry is completed and the record is placed in Approved status, the contract can then be associated to:
-The originating requisition; or
-The first purchase order release.
The LBB interface will identify the new requisition information for the new contract data by the earliest requisition associated to the contract record OR the earliest requisition associated to the earliest purchase order associated to the contract record.
Amended Contract Records
Any changes that are made to LBB-reportable fields are now tracked by CAPPS. These fields are now locked from edit when contracts are in Approved status and changes must be made by either Change History or Versioning.
Change History
To change a contract record field value, change the contract approved status to “Open”, make the appropriate changes, save and mark the contract back to “Approved”. All changes made are tracked in the change history page that we will discuss later in this section. When the contract record is in “Open” status, processing halts. Processing can only occur on contracts in “Approved” status.
Agencies may determine that versioning is the method for tracking changes made to a contract record. When a new version of a contract is created, the previous version is the “Current” document and the new version being created is a “Draft”. This method allows a contract to always have an active version in order for processing to continue. Once the changes to the new version have been completed and saved, the user places the new version in Approved status. This will make the new version the “Current” version and any previous versions will be “History”.
Contract Change History Page
The Contract Change History page was modified to include all LBB-related fields in addition to the fields previously provided.
Navigation: Main Menu > Procurement Contracts > Review Contract Information > Contract Change History
Search for a contract that has been changed:
Figure 6: Contract History Search Page
Select the records for which you wish to view changes and click “Search”
Figure 7: Contract History Search Results
The search results for the Contract Header will display the user that modified the record and the new and previous values.
Go to the “LBB Custom Fields w/Attachment” tab shown in Figure 6 and click “search”.
Figure 7: LBB Custom Fields w/ Attachment History Page
This page will display the original values that were entered for these components as well as any new values that were added in changes.
Purchase Order Entry
New Reportable Purchase Order enhancements also allows for the users to document the procurements as prescribed in the previous FY2016 Legislative Changes document and has additional fields that are now required. These required fields were included in the enhancement but are required fields for all Purchase Order entry, whether LBB-Reportable or not.
A Purchase Order record may be reported to LBB if:
-The PO is considered the contract document between the agency and the vendor;
-There is no dually signed document associated to the purchase;
-A contract record has not been created and reported to LBB; and
-The record was not manually entered into LBB’s database.
Figure 8: Purchase Order Fields
1)Supplier Information (Required): The Supplier will be selected for the contract. To select a specific mail code for the award, click the “Supplier Details” hyperlink and select the appropriate location code.
2)PO Date (Required) and PO End Date (Optional): The PO Date interfaces as the “Award” date and the PO End Date interfaces as the completion date of the contract to LBB.
3)The PO total amount will interface to LBB as the Current Contract Value.
4)PO Reference (Required): The PO Reference field is a 30 character field that describes the purpose of the purchase. This field will be included in the LBB Interface file and is a requirement of SB20 to provide a summary of all procurements.
5)Comments (Optional): The Comments hyperlink takes users to the Comments and Attachment page for the Contract record. Associated attachments can now be included in the CAPPS LBB interface. This new attachment functionality will be discussed in full later in this document.
6)Purchasing Method (Required) and PCC (Required): The Purchasing Method and PCC fields are required for Purchase Orders. The PCC will be included in the LBB Interface file.
7)For Contract records, The CAPPS Contract Status identified the record as new or amended. For Purchase Orders, the POCN identifier identifies the record as an amendment. The dispatch action and the identification of the record as being reportable is all the user will need to do in order to capture the record for reporting purposes.
8)The PO total amount will interface to LBB as the Maximum Contract Value.
9)HUB Bid Details (Required or Optional – dependent on specific agency configuration): The HUB Bid Details section should be completed for the PO record. The LBB Interface file will include whether the contract was competitively bid and the total number of bids received. If the award was not competitive, select “No” and complete the Special/Priority Purchase Types link information.
Figure 9: PO HUB Bid Details
10)Special/Priority Purchase Types (Optional) page serves two purposes in the Purchase Order creation:
Figure 10: Special/Priority Purchase Types – Purchase Order
- When the procurement is marked as “Competitive?” as No or N/A above, for LBB reportable records the user should state why the award was not bid. This occurs in the Special/Priority Purchase Types link. The Sole Source, Interagency and Emergency flags will be identified and included in the LBB Interface file. Remember, when these types are flagged, the Comments text box must contain justification for these items in order for the record to be saved.
- The LBB Reporting Categories are selected here as well. Select the link to identify the LBB reporting category(ies) for this purchase. The selection defaults to “None”. Users must change this selection if the record is expected to transmit to LBB.
11)The NIGP Class and Item are transmitted to LBB from the PO line. If multiple codes are included on multiple lines, all unique NIGP Class/Item sets are transmitted.
12)If a contract ID is associated to a Purchase Order, CAPPS will not allow the PO record to be approved when the PO is marked as LBB reportable. If the record is to be reported and has an associated contract, the contract record should be reported. The PO will not be able to be reported with a contract record associated. This is a safeguard against duplicate LBB reporting.
Amended Records
Any changes that are made to LBB-reportable fields are now tracked by CAPPS. These fields are now locked from edit when PO’s are in dispatched status and changes must be made through a PO Change Notice. If the change made does not impact the awarded vendor, a comment can be entered in the header comments to note the Change number and the change made.
Purchase Order Change History Page
The Purchase Order Change History page was modified to include all LBB-related fields in addition to the fields previously provided.
Navigation: Main Menu > Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Manage Change Orders > Review Change History
Search for a purchase order that has been changed:
Figure 11: PO Change History – Batch Page
Select the various tabs at the top of the page or the hyperlinks at the bottom of the page to see the changes that were made to the different components of the purchase order and who made the changes and when.
Figure 12: PO Change History – Batch Header Changes Page
The Header Changes page shows all changes that were made at the header level.
Figure 13: PO Change History – Line Changes Page
The Line Changes page shows all changes that were made at the line level. In the upper right hand corner of the page, the total number of rows displays. Users can select the “View All” hyperlink to see all rows impacted.