Anticipation Guide
Directions: The following statements relate to the novel Prayers for the Stolen. Take your time and reflect on each statement. Then use the numerical ratings to respond. Be ready to share your ideas during discussion time!
1 2 3 4
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
_____ 1. Human trafficking is a type of slavery.
_____ 2. Human trafficking only occurs outside of the United States.
_____ 3. Drugs are mainly a problem for people in developed countries.
_____ 4. People who are married do not get AIDS.
_____ 5. People who live in rural areas tend to be healthier than people who live in urban areas.
_____ 6. A girl’s physical appearance is very important.
_____ 7. In most cases, a person’s name reflects his/her personality, background, etc.
_____ 8. Families should stick together no matter what.
_____ 9. People who have traumatic experiences usually become stronger because of them.
_____ 10. Life is simpler and more wholesome in rural areas.
_____ 11. Platonic relationships are stronger than romantic relationships.
_____ 12. People who live in remote rural areas tend to be uninformed about events occurring
outside of their immediate surroundings.
_____ 13. People who volunteer to teach in needy areas do so because they want to help others.
_____ 14. Laws regarding criminal behavior are the same worldwide.
_____ 15. Sometimes criminal activity is the only way to make a living.
Pre-Reading Activity
1) Choose one of the pictures.
2) What does this picture make you think of?
3) How do you think this visual might relate to the book?
Prayers for the Stolen
Chapter 1 Dialectical Notes
Directions: Use 2-3 complete sentences to respond to each question.
Quotes & Questions / Quote AnalysisWatch the following video: (
1) Identify a quote from the video that you found interesting, insightful, informative, &/or surprising in some way. Write the quote in this column. In the column to the right, analyze the quote carefully.
At one point, Ladydi’s mother (Rita) says, “Now we make you ugly” (Clement 3).
2) Why would a mother want her daughter to look unattractive?
3) In many societies, a girl’s appearance is considered a type of currency. It allows her a certain degree of power and often enables her to move up the social ladder. Why is this the case?
Ladydi says, “The one and only thing my father ever bought [my mother] when he came back from the United States was a small satellite dish antenna” (Clement 7).
4) What does this purchase say about Ladydi’s father?
5) What are some of the effects television can have on people?
Clement writes, “My father . . . was a bartender at a hotel before he left for the United States. He came back to Mexico a few times to visit us but then he never came back. My mother knew that it was the last time when the last time came” (9).
6) In this region of Mexico, why do many of the men leave their wife and children?
7) Is this similar or different than the behavior of some men in the United States?
Clement writes, “My mother believed that she was a borrower but I knew she never gave anything back” (11).
8) Why do you think some people develop compulsive behaviors?
9) What effect can a compulsive behavior have on the people around the individual?
10) Identify a quote from the book that gives insight into one of the concepts we have been discussing in class (gender, relationships, violence, compulsive behavior, etc.). Write the quote in this column. In the column to the right, analyze the quote carefully.
11) Identify another quote from the book that gives insight into one of the concepts we have been discussing in class (gender, relationships, violence, compulsive behavior, etc.). Write the quote in this column. In the column to the right, analyze the quote carefully.
12) Identify another quote from the book that gives insight into one of the concepts we have been discussing in class (gender, relationships, violence, compulsive behavior, etc.). Write the quote in this column. In the column to the right, analyze the quote carefully.
Dialectical Notes Grading Rubric
Requirements / Points Earned / Points PossibleThe column on the left is complete. / 2
The column on the right is complete. / 2
All of the work has been carefully proofread.
(Diction, Syntax, Spelling, Capitalization, Verb Usage, Etc.) / 2
The page number of each quote has been identified. / 2
Informative and relevant quotes have been selected. / 2
Students have used critical reading/thinking to analyze each quote. / 10
SOAPSTone Chart
SOAPSTone (Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, Tone) is an acronym for a series of questions that students should ask themselves and then answer while analyzing a text. As you read chapter _____ of Prayers for the Stolen, jot down some notes on the SOAPSTone chart below.
SWho is the speaker?
Is it the writer?
Is it a character?
How can we tell?
When/where was this text written?
What was the larger occasion?
What was the immediate occasion?
Who is the intended audience? How can we tell?
Was this text written to persuade, inform, or entertain? How can we tell?
What is the subject of this text? Summarize the main ideas of the text in 25-50 words.
What’s the tone of the text? How do the diction, syntax, and/or figurative language contribute to the tone?
Schema is the background knowledge and experience readers bring to the text. Effective readers draw on prior knowledge and experience to help them understand what they are reading, and then they use that knowledge to make connections. In fact, in their research, Keene and Zimmerman (1997) showed that students comprehend better when they make different kinds of connections: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world. As you read Prayers for the Stolen, try to make connections with the issues explored in the text. Some suggested issues might include the following: absentee fathers, sisterhood, mother-daughter relationships, compulsive behavior, education, corruption, violence, exploitation, the drug trade.
Text-to-Self-When I hear about this issue, what thoughts/feelings come to mind?
-Has this issue ever entered my life or the life of someone that I personally know?
-Which article/book also explored this same issue? (this semester, last semester, high school, etc.)?
-Which video/movie also explored this same issue? (this semester, last semester, high school, etc.)?
-How does the issue in the book relate to something that’s going on in the real world (Maryland, the United States, in another country)?
Prayers for the Stolen Gender Activity
Due Date: ______
1) Reflect on the following quote and questions:
Ø In Prayers for the Stolen, Maria says, “A boy is never going to want to love me and that’s that” (Clement 17). Maria also says her “mother told her she would never get married or have children because no man would ever love her” (Clement 17).
Ø How big a factor is a woman’s appearance in a relationship?
Ø Does it determine how much a man can/will love her?
Ø How big a factor is a man’s appearance in a relationship?
Ø Does it determine how much a woman can/will love him?
Ø How important is it that a girl grow up and be able to have children?
Ø Is it the same for a man being able to father children?
Ø Are these standards the same for people of different backgrounds?
(religion, race, ethnicity, region, nationality, socioeconomic background, etc.)
2) Select at least three of the gender questions above, choose the angle you would like to focus on, and conduct some research. (Find at least one article. Do not use Wikipedia.)
3) Print your article(s) and annotate carefully.
4) Then go to Glogster and if you don’t already have an account, set one up.
5) Now create a Glogster Poster that answers at least three of the questions in a creative and articulate manner. (Use your research to answer the questions.) Make sure to include appropriate/relevant visuals and at least three relevant quotes from Prayers for the Stolen on your Glogster Poster.
6) Email the link to your Glogster poster to your instructor before class on the presentation day: ______
7) Submit your annotated gender article(s) to your instructor on the presentation day.
8) For extra credit, respond to the four self-evaluation questions below and email them to the instructor before class on presentation day.
Ø I think this assignment deserves a grade of A B C D because
Ø Which part of your assignment are you the proudest of? Why was this part so good?
Ø How much time did you spend working on this assignment? Do you think this affected the quality of your assignment? How?
Ø What was the most useful or beneficial part of this activity? Why? (Please be specific.)
Requirements / Points Earned / Points PossibleOn the Glogster Poster, the student has answered at least three of the gender questions in a creative and articulate manner.
(The student’s research should be used in these responses.) / 10
On the Glogster Poster, the student has included at least three relevant Prayers for the Stolen quotes. / 10
The Glogster Poster has been proofread
(Diction, Syntax, Spelling, Capitalization, Verb Usage, Etc.) / 5
The words and visuals on the Glogster Poster are neat and well organized. / 5
There is evidence of critical reading/thinking.
(The student went beyond the literal by analyzing the information and showing how it relates to the gender concept.) / 10
At least one article has been carefully annotated. / 5
The student was prepared and ready to present on the due date. / 2
The student expressed his/her ideas in an articulate manner during the presentation. / 2
The student’s volume was sufficient during the presentation. / 2
The student’s level of eye contact was sufficient during the presentation. / 2
The student emailed the instructor the link to the Glogster poster before class on the presentation day.
The rubric and annotated article(s) are turned in on the presentation day. / 2
Quantitative Analysis Activity on Human Trafficking
Focus: Prayers for the Stolen
Due Date: ______
1. Form a group of 2-4 people.
2. Brainstorm on the topic of human trafficking.
· Where does human trafficking occur?
· Why does human trafficking occur in these places?
· How frequently does it occur in these places?
· How does it happen? Which methods are used?
· Who are the victims of human trafficking? Is there a certain profile?
· Who are the perpetrators? Is there a certain profile?
· How does law enforcement address this issue?
· How do different countries handle this issue?
· Why does human trafficking happen? Which factors often lead to its occurrence?
· How can human trafficking be stopped?
· What are the long-term effects of trafficking on its victims?
· What are the effects of human trafficking on local communities?
· What are the penalties for people who are convicted of human trafficking?
· How do the penalties vary in different places?
3. Choose 1 aspect of human trafficking to focus on.
4. Find at least 1 article that sheds light on this aspect. (Do not use Wikipedia.)
5. Read/annotate the article(s) carefully.
6. Work together to create at least 1 graph that analyzes this information.
7. Work together to write a 200-word summary of your research findings.
(Use MLA format to list your source(s) at the end of the summary.)
8. Share your work with the class on presentation day.
9. Submit your graph(s), summary, annotated article(s), and rubric on presentation day.
Requirements / Points Earned / Points PossibleThe summary meets the minimum length requirements. / 5
The summary effectively analyzes the topic. / 10
The summary has been carefully proofread.
(Diction, Syntax, Spelling, Capitalization, Verb Usage, Etc.) / 5
The sources are clearly identified at the end of the summary.
MLA format has been used effectively. / 5
At least one article has been carefully annotated. / 5
The graph has a meaningful title and meaningful labels that are well placed. / 5
The scale and axes are clearly and accurately labeled in a way that enhances our understanding of the data. / 5
The graph presents information in a way that is neat and easy to understand. / 5
The graph accurately reflects the data. / 10
The assignment, rubric, and annotated article(s) are turned in on the due date. / 5
Prayers for the Stolen
Compare/Contrast Project
Criminal Justice in the United States and Mexico
Project Due Date: ______
1. Form a group of 2-4 people.
2. Brainstorm on some possible topics that pertain to criminal justice in the United States and Mexico. Your topic must relate to an issue in Prayers for the Stolen. Here are some suggestions:
Children who live with their mothers in prison
Crime rate
Corrupt prison guards
Crimes women commit
Friendship in prison
Girlfriends who go to prison for their boyfriends
Health conditions in prison
Location of prisons
Penalties for drug trafficking
Penalties for being a witness or accomplice to murder
Penalties for harming/killing a law enforcement officer
Prison education
Sentencing of drug traffickers
Sentencing of women
Visiting Day at prison
3. Find at least 1 article that sheds light on this issue. (Do not use Wikipedia.)
4. Read/annotate the article(s) carefully.
5. Work together to create at least 1 graph that analyzes this information.
6. Work together to write a 200-word summary of your research findings.
(Use MLA format to list your source(s) at the end of the summary.)
7. Share your work with the class on presentation day.
8. Submit your graph(s), summary, annotated article(s), and rubric on presentation day.
Requirements / Points Earned / Points PossibleThe summary meets the minimum length requirements. / 5
The summary effectively analyzes the topic chosen by the group. / 10
The summary has been carefully proofread.
(Diction, Syntax, Spelling, Capitalization, Verb Usage, Etc.) / 5
The source(s) have been identified at the end of the summary.
MLA format has been used effectively. / 5
At least one article has been carefully annotated. / 5
The graph has a meaningful title and meaningful labels that are well placed. / 5
The scale and axes are clearly and accurately labeled in a way that enhances our understanding of the data. / 5
The graph presents information in a way that is neat and easy to understand. / 5
The graph accurately reflects the data. / 10
The assignment, rubric, and annotated article(s) are turned in on presentation day. / 5
Pre-Reading Activity: Mind map