Yarwell Parish Council
Minutes of the Council meeting of Yarwell Parish Council meeting held in
Yarwell Village Hall, Main Street, Yarwell, PE8 6PR on Thursday 7th September 2017 at 7.30pm
17/256 / In attendanceCllr. Whittaker – Chairman, Cllr. Berry, Cllr. Matthews, Cllr McHugh,
Mrs J. Sardeson – Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Ward Councillor – Mrs Annabel de Capell Brooke
9 Parishioners
To accept the apologies received from Councillors not in attendance
Cllr Pike and Cllr Cope – Work commitments.Cllr Shields - Holiday
17/257 / Declarations of Interest:
Councillors are reminded that if they have either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest or other interest in any of the agenda items then they should declare the interest and withdraw from the debate or meeting as appropriate
None noted.
17/258 / Public Session
Wansford Road / Parking issues – Ward Councillor Annabel de Capell Brooke attended the meeting to talk about the parking issues and the damage to the grass verge. She will contact the Highways department to see if anything can be done about the parking issues opposite the public footpath.
Concerns were also discussed about the Yarwell Mill junction as traffic from the Mill has been witnessed to just pull out of the junction forcing vehicles on Mill Road to break suddenly. After discussing this it was agreed that the Clerk would contact the management team at the Mill asking if they would put some stop and give way signs up.
Cllr de Capell Brooke to also get clarification regarding why a footpath could not be installed on Mill Road leading from the Mill down towards Nassington.
At this point Cllr de Capell Brooke was thanked for attending and left the meeting.
A Parishioner thanked the team of Parishioners who had installed the new play equipment for all of their hard work.
It was noted that the roadway leading into the allotments was badly damaged and asked if it could be fenced off so that vehicles use the correct roadway into the allotments. The Clerk said that she had done this previously but allotment holders kept moving the cone, Cllr Berry to look at a more permanent solution.
Mrs Eastwood presented a cheque in the sum of £1,699.55 to be used for the purchase and installation of new dog waste bins. Council thanked her and her team for all of their efforts in raising the money.
17/259 / To adopt the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10th August 2017
It was RESOLVED that they be signed as a true record.
17/260 / To note any matters arising from the previous meeting
The hedge at Starsmore Field has since been cut.
The Clerk had submitted the applications for the siting of the two new dog bins and was informed that the proposed site on the public footpath had been previously rejected due to its close proximity to houses and this would be the same for the one at the crossroads, the Clerk has gone back to the Environmental Services Officer asking for assistance with a way forward.
One Bin has already been purchased and will be sited at the Playing Field near the entrance from the allotments. The Clerk to purchase bin bags and give to them to the dog walking group who have agreed to be responsible for emptying this bin on a weekly basis.
PG2 the footpath leading down to the mill is to be inspected by the Rights of Way Officer to see what can be done about the uneven surface.
The Clerk had also chased the Definitive Map Officer regarding the application to re-route PG2 and a decision should be reached in the next two weeks.
The Clerk confirmed that to apply for one of the properties on the new Dovecote Close development you go onto the East Northamptonshire website, put social housing into the search engine and then go to housing allocations which is Homesdirect.
The Housing association is yet to decide on a date for the information day in the village hall regarding the new homes in Dovecote Close.
17/261 / To approve invoices / accounts for payments, to record any payments made since the last meeting and any other accounting business
101015 Mrs J Sardeson Clerks Pay and expenses £480.23
101016 Anglian Water Allotment Water £3.57
101017 Wickstead Replacement parts for play field £471.60
101018 E-on Street Lighting £60.12
101019 Broxap Waste and Dog bins £583.14
101020 It was agreed to pay Kompan £23,899.20 when the Grantscape monies have been transferred into the bank.
17/262 / To receive and note any Planning Applications
17/01797 – Garage extension – 41 Main Street – No objections.
17/263 / Playing Field Update
The playing field safety inspection is due to take place week commencing 11 September.
It was agreed that subject to a satisfactory inspection the opening date of new equipment would be Saturday 23rd September at noon with refreshments being available.
A discussion took place as to who would be invited to the opening ceremony and the Clerk to send an invitation to them.
Posters would be printed and put around the village advertising the event and flyers would be produced and homes to be leafleted.
A new general waste bin to be sited in place of the old red plastic bin.It was agreed that the Clerk would write to Mr Richard Sardeson thanking him for emptying this bin for so many years and asking if he would be willing to continue emptying the new bin. If so the key would be given to Mr Sardeson
The issue of the play area grass cutting to be put on the next agenda.
17/264 / To receive and note any correspondence received
An email was received from a Parishioner asking for confirmation regarding the £3,909 which was donated to the playing field project by Cllr Whittaker, he has asked why the Parish Council had paid this money out. Response: The money was indeed donated and banked by Council and then forwarded on to Grantscape.
He also asked why the Clerk is not available during her working hours, it may have been that the out of office notification had not been turned off on the day that he had emailed. Clerk to ensure that her out of Office notification is taken off during her working hours
Balfour Beatty have asked for confirmation regarding the siting of the two new street lights in Dovecote Close, it was felt that they were both too close to each other, the Clerk to contact them asking if street lamp 2 could be further placed up in the cul de sac.
17/265 / Date of the next meeting
5th October 2017
The meeting closed at 9.00pm
Chairman’s signature……………………………………….5th October 2017