Quarry Road Allotments Association
Minutes of Quarry Road Allotments Association meeting held on
Tues. 29th July 2008 at The Sportsman, Eaglescliffe, 6:30pm
Unal Metti, Tim Place, Richard Carr, Helen Wright, John Chambers
Apologies for absence:
Minutes of the last meeting
Minutes of the last meeting held on 8th July ’08 were taken as read, confirmed and signed as a true record.
Matters Arising:
- Update on lease agreement
- Unal reported that a reduction in fees for the lease of allotments has been agreed by SBC for the next 5 years. The new lease agreement is presently being drawn up by SBC legal dept.
- Public liability insurance – it was agreed to join NSALG, National Society of Allotments and Leisure Gardeners, as they have provided best insurance quote.
Insurance to be arranged from 1st Sept. ’08 in preparation for new lease being signed.
Risk assessment was also discussed, H. Wright to contact John Doherty, from Preston Lane Allotments, to see what theirs contains, and if we could make use of a similar one. John Chambers also provided information so we can compare.
Unal to contact Preston Parish Council to ask for a copy of their most recent risk assessment and to obtain information regarding rents, water bills, receipts so we can aim for a smooth handover!
- No.8 plot
- Clearing the site – notice has been displayed and some
work begun.
- Play/Church groups- have shown interest and seem willing
to take on the plot. Unal to confirm.
- Membership to NSALG – Agreed that Quarry Road Allotments
Association would join in order to receive cheaper
Insurance, legal support if needed, free advice and future
seed provision if required.
- Brick Building – Unal to contact Mike Bowron, Preston Park
Development Officer, stating that the association
would be interested in using the building for
storage and asking what repairs they would be
willing to do first. Also to invite him to future
meeting for informal discussion.
- Any other business
- Grant applications – H. Wright to seek advice from
other local allotment groups regarding what grants are
ii. Container/ office storage shed – Unal to check availability
in addition, siting of it near main gate.
- Empty plots – more control over these once handover
from Preston Parish has taken place. Weed control to try
and be kept.
- Mares tail – Unal to contact SBC and seek advice regarding control of this major weed.
Meeting closed – 8:30pm
Next meeting – Tuesday 9th Sept. ‘08, 6:30pm, The Sportsman.