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Unit 1: Origins of Democracy

Section / Question / Answer / Stamp
P.1A Legacy of Greece and Rome /
  1. How did kings justify their power?

  1. What were the Twelve Tables?

  1. A system for controlling society is called a ______.

  1. A single ruler is known as a ______(not “king”)

  1. What is a noble?

  1. What type of government is ruled by a small group of nobles?

  1. When citizens directly make the laws, that is called ______.

  1. What is a republic?

  1. What type of government is the United States? (hint: I’m not looking for democracy)

  1. How many branches of government does the US have?

  1. Why is it important to have written laws?

Section / Question / Answer / Stamp
P.1B Greek Philosophers Use Reason /
  1. What do philosophers do?

  1. Aristotle believed that _____ maintain the order and stability of a nation.

  1. What society believed that individual worth, dignity, and achievement were of great importance?

  1. What is a tyrant? With whom does he share power?
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  1. What philosopher is given credit for the question and answer style of discussion used in teaching today? What is that method called?

  1. According to the Greco-Roman view, much about the world can be discovered by using ______.

  1. What is a philosopher king?

  1. What philosopher believed government should be ruled by “philosopher kings?”

  1. Aristotle wrote in Politics that even the ______should be subject to the rule of law.

  1. What happened to poor Socrates?

Section / Question / Answer / Stamp
P.2 Judeo-Christian Religion /
  1. How were the 10 Commandments different from Greek/Roman law?

  1. Both Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian religion share an emphasis on the importance of the ______.

  1. What is monotheism?

  1. What is polytheism?

  1. This religion’s holy book is the Torah, or the Old Testament.

  1. This religion is based upon the prophecies of Muhammad.

  1. This religion believes Jesus Christ is the son of God.

  1. The Ten Commandments were religious laws based upon ______.

  1. The Romans had a large influence on the creation of what church?

  1. How were Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian beliefs different?

  1. The Protestant Reformation broke a large portion of Christianity off from what church?

Section / Question / Answer / Stamp
P.3 Democracy in England /
  1. What did the Magna Carta do?

  1. The Magna Carta now required taxes to be approved by ______, the British legislature.

  1. As a result of the ______Revolution, Englad became a constitutional monarchy?

  1. What does it mean to be a constitutional monarchy?

  1. If 1698 a formal summary of rights guaranteed to the people of England was created known as the ______.

  1. As a result of the English Bill of Rights, laws were to be made and carried out by ______.

  1. What is the oldest document limiting a monarch’s power?

  1. What was so groundbreaking about democracy?

  1. What is common law?

  1. According to the Glorious Revolution, revolution is justified when…

6.1 Scientific Revolution /
  1. According to the Scientific Revolution, ______and _____ became the ultimate authority to solve problems.
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  1. A series of steps for forming and testing scientific theories is known as the __ __.

  1. What is at the center of our solar system?

  1. What is it called when you believe the sun is the center of the solar system?

  1. What is it called when you believe the earth is the center of the solar system?

  1. Science often conflicts with _____.

  1. What Renaissance artist painted the Mona Lisa and studied the human body?

Section / Question / Answer / Stamp
P.4 The Enlightenment /
  1. Life, liberty, and property are all ______.

  1. When a country makes its government powers independent of each other, that is called ______.

  1. Explain social contract theory in simple terms.

  1. Who believed in rights for the accused/prisoners?

  1. Explain popular sovereignty in simple terms.

  1. What advocate of free speech said “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”

  1. What Enlightenment thinker believed in Social Contract theory?

  1. What idea is associated with Montesquieu?

  1. What philosopher fought for the rights of women?

6.4 American Revolution /
  1. What US document has served as inspiration for the creation of governments for many countries around the world?

  1. John Locke influenced what US document?

  1. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

  1. What type of government is the US?

  1. Why were colonists mad about being taxed by Britain?

  1. Give me an example of checks and balances in the US government.

  1. What US document guarantees your rights and liberties?

  1. The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the ______.

  1. Tell me two Revolutions that ended the power of the king.
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  1. What is federalism?