Indian pharma companiesforecast 30% growth in 2017 at CPhI India

400 surveyed companies identify domesticsales as chief driver behindunexpected rise in revenues

Mumbai, 24th November 2016: CPhIand P-MEC India, part of India Pharma Week– organised by UBM EMEA and UBM India –closed yesterdayasin-depthresearchfrom over 400 Indian pharmacompaniesforecast rapid growth for the Indian pharma economy in 2017. Chief amongst the growth drivers reported are strong domestic sales in the next 2-3 years, generic APIs exports as well as finished formulation for developed markets.

The findings show that industry confidence is now extremelyhigh, with domestic manufacturers bullish about near term revenue prospects, averaging a predicted 30.5% growth in2017.An analysis by sector shows that, of the 400 companies, 60% believed that finished formulations would expand rapidly, while 42% see APIs as the largest growth area.Highlighting the economy’s diversity and willingness to incorporate new product classes, 25% of respondents regard biosimilars and biologics as a burgeoningsectorin 2017, particularly following the updated CDSCO biosimilars guidelines.

Indian pharma has benefited from an exponential growth rate in the past decade, yetthis has cooled in recent years whilst the industry invested in new infrastructure and improving regulatory standards.However, this new data points to arenewed confidence that will drive another period of strong growth in Indian pharma.

These findings are announced as over 40,000 attendees visit Mumbai for the special 10-year anniversary of CPhI and P-MECIndia,including India Pharma week. Over the past seven days, the event helped stimulate this predicted growth as it brought together buyers from Germany, China, Italy, Japan and the United States,along with Indian pharma companies for commercial discussions, knowledge sharing and analysis.

One of the underlying reasons behind the renewed confidence in the market is the improving quality standards, as 67% of respondents stated they expected to meet the approaching CDSCO certification deadline on 1 January 2018.

In the past ten years the industry has largely expandedits dollar value through international exports. This is set to continue as a major growth factor in the near future, with more USFDA approvals in the last year (201 ANDA up from 109) paving the way for increasedgenerics sales in the United States. However, not onlyare exports increasing, but also,the gentrification of the Indian healthcare economy is leading to an unprecedented surge in demand for domestic pharma. An impressive 70% of respondents anticipate domestic sales willbethe main driver of growth for Indian pharma in the next 3-5 years.

One of the companies surveyed, commented: “India is seeing great opportunities in a variety of areas, we are seeing strong growth in exports to developed markets, but also strong development domestically. Our Pharma companies are on par with US and European standards, so we foresee more high value Indian export to developed countries at a lower rate. Domestically, more and more Indian people now have health insurance, and consumer spending is increasing as areas start urbanising rapidly, so we are also experience high levels of demand across the country, helping drive our domestic sales”.

Indian Pharma Week featured 10 tailored event including the leading Pre-Connect congress, the UBM India Pharma Awards, Pharma Leaders golf, CEO roundtables, alongside the CPhI and P-MEC India exhibition, bringing together over 1,200 exhibitors. Taking place in two separate venues: the Bombay Exhibition Centre and the BKC, the exhibition connected attendees with pharma and generics companies, ingredients manufacturers, pharma machinery, packaging experts, CDMOs, CROs, biotech and biosimilar companies.

RutgerOudejans, Brand Director Pharma at UBM EMEA: “India’s domestic market is showing extremeconfidence amongst its domestic manufacturing base. The government is actively supporting the pharma industry through several initiativessuch as dedicated pharma parks, boosting the biosimilars and biologics sector, andreducing manufacturing costs.

Our role at UBM is to facilitate these growth drivers, cultivate innovation and promote networking within the pharma industry. A key element for us is to helppharma executives make better-informed decisions and so create bigger business opportunities.

The future looks very promising for Indian manufacturing as we are seeing greater confidence along the entire supply chain, particularly across the P-MEC customer base. Machinery is playing a key role in the development of the industry as it supplies the necessary infrastructure to sustain India’s growth for the next five years.

After 10 years of CPhI India, we should reflect on what the industry has achieved. India has succeeded by seeking innovative ideas and setting new limits, reimagining what is possible and lowering costs.In the next ten years India could see even more startling and bold innovation, as our survey findings indicate Indian pharma is set to accelerate its development, and grow ahead of analyst projections.”

The complete findings of the UBM India survey will be published in CPhI Pharma Insights India Reportlater in the year, along with an international perspective and a deeper analysis of the market.


Notes to editors

UBM Indiasurveyed 422 domestic companies, associations, experts and executives of the pharma industry – from Big Pharma, generics companies, CDMOs to distributors, biologic/biotech providers, ingredient manufacturers and CROs – for their prediction on the future of Indian pharma.

About CPhI

CPhI drives growth and innovation at every step of the global pharmaceutical supply chain from drug discovery to finished dosage. Through exhibitions, conferences and online communities, CPhI brings together more than 100,000 pharmaceutical professionals each year to network, identify business opportunities and expand the global market. CPhI hosts events in Europe, Korea, China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Istanbul and Russia, and co-locates with ICSE for contract services, P-MEC for machinery, equipment & technology, InnoPack for pharmaceutical packaging and BioPh for biopharma. CPhI provides an online buyer & supplier directory at

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The UBM EMEA annual schedule of Pharmaceutical events includes: CPhI & P-MEC India (21-23 November, 2016, BEC and BKC Exhibition and Convention Centres, Mumbai, India), Pharmapack Europe (01-02 February, 2017); CPhI Istanbul (8-10 March, 2017 at the IFC Istanbul Expo Center, Istanbul, Turkey); CPhI, P-MEC and Innopack South East Asia (22-24 March, 2017 at the Jakarta International Expo- Jakarta, Indonesia); CPhI Russia (28 March – 30 March, 2017 at JSC VDNH (VVC), Pavilion 75, Hall A, Moscow);CPhI, ICSE, P-MEC, BioPh and InnoPack Japan (19-21April, 2017 at the Big Sight Exhibition Centre- Tokyo);CPhI North America and InformEx (16-18 May, 2017); CPhI China and P-MEC (20-22 June, 2017 at SNIEC, Shanghai, China); CPhI Korea (22-24 August, 2017); CPhI, ICSE, P-MEC, FDF and InnoPack Worldwide (24-26 October, 2017, Messe Frankfurt, Germany).


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