MONTHLY MINUTESRecreational Hall
Monday 3rd April 2017
Councillor B Oliver (Acting Chair) / Councillor P Hood-Williams
Councillor C Low / Councillor B Knaggs
Miss C Bagley (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence (received from)
Councillor B Wheeler (Chair) / Councillor G Thomas
Councillor J Baiss
2. Declaration of Interests / To be actioned by:
In accordance with the provision of the Code of Conduct, Council members must declare an interest at the commencement of such matter being discussed, or when the interest becomes apparent. Members disclosing an interest must enter the Agenda number of the item, together with their interest, onto the relevant form supplied by the Clerk during each meeting. / All Councillors
3. Introduction from the Public Gallery
Ø Lauren Lang
Ø Diane Kelleher
Ø Richard Evans
Ø Beryl Talbot
Ø Natasha Morgan
Ø Barbara Thomas
Bowls Club
Ms Beryl Talbot advised the Council that she had notified Cllr Wheeler of the Bowl’s Club intention to stop using the hall from 13th April 2017 due to the outside season.
Ms Talbot advised that the Bowl’s Club would resume the indoor season during the first week of September and asked of any solutions to secure the hall. Councillor Oliver reiterated the reasoning behind the new hall bookings process and suggested that Ms Talbot contact Cllr Wheeler to discuss further.
Trees near SURFC
Ms Natasha Morgan advised the Council of trees near Swansea Uplands Rugby Football Club which are causing problems to electrical cables and as a result; mobile phone signals. Ms Morgan requested that the trees are reduced to a reasonable height.
Councillor Oliver confirmed that all of the trees in question with the exception of boundary trees are in the management plan as designated woodland, however if the trees are damaging phone lines then action needs to be undertaken.
It was agreed to investigate and return with recommendations.
Western wing of Fairwood Lane
Ms Barbara Thomas advised that the condition of the lane towards the western wing of Fairwood Lane had become much. Cllr Oliver confirmed that this was discussed every month and the Council’s position still stands – the Community Council is not in a position to make any improvements to the lane.
Ms Thomas went on to report concerns regarding parking as a result of overspill from SURFC. It was agreed this is an issue but residents have a responsibility to report problems to the correct authorities (as per guidance which was distributed after planning permission was granted to SURFC). Councillor Oliver stressed that the planning authority are legally obliged to follow up any complaints but until such complaint is received they cannot investigate.
Councillor Oliver agreed to reissue the guidance to all residence affected by the parking concerns. / Lead: Cllr Oliver
Cllr Oliver
4. Minutes of last meeting held on Monday 6th March 2017 / To be actioned by:
Minutes from the previous meeting held on 6th March 2017 were agreed and with the following amendment accepted as being a true and accountable record:
Ø Page 1: Surname of Mrs Barbara Thomas added to record.
Ø Page 4: Grammatical amendment.
5. Matters Arising from Minutes (6th March 2017) / To be actioned by:
Ø Flat roof extension
The Clerk has attempted to contact the responsible company in order to establish costs or alternative solutions to no avail. Matter ongoing.
Ø Hearing Loop System
The Clerk provided a quote from Mr Paul Lewis – City and County of Swansea Social Services to install a hearing loop system at a cost of £401.62. This was considerably higher than originally estimated and costs were unclear. Councillor Oliver agreed to get in touch with Mr Lewis for further information in readiness for the Hall Management meeting.
Ø Polling Station
The Clerk confirmed that the Hall has been confirmed as a 2017 polling station. The last fee received for this service was £250.
Ø Internet service
Ongoing – Further information to be provided during the next meeting.
Ø Contractual Documentation
Ongoing. Relevant documents have been sent to Councillor Knaggs.
Ø Job Descriptions
Councillor Oliver and Councillor Thomas have provided a description of duties as requested by the Chair. Other members of the Council need to prepare their duties in the same format.
Ø Post Office
Councillor Oliver asked if members of the Council had given further thought for options to continue the Post Office after it became clear that Mike Davies Leisure is to cease trading.
In a previous meeting Councillor Wheeler agreed to discuss options with local vendors; this is still ongoing.
Councillor Hood-Williams agreed to approach Royal Mail to establish if there are any solutions.
Ø Paper on the reforming of Local Government
No comments were highlighted. Councillor Oliver agreed to draft a suitable response. / Miss C Bagley
Cllr Oliver
Miss C Bagley
All Councillors
Cllr Wheeler
Cllr Hood-Williams
Cllr Oliver
6. Swansea Council Matters / To be actioned by:
Councillor Hood Williams reported on the following Swansea Council Matters:
Ø A cheque for £4,000 was passed to the Clerk as a donation from City Councillor Hood-Williams’ environmental fund. This will be banked and used towards the playground renovation plan. Councillor Oliver thanked Councillor Hood-Williams on behalf of the Community Council and residents of Upper Killay.
The Clerk confirmed the following in regards to the 2017 elections:
Ø Elections will be held on May 4th 2017.
Ø Nomination forms have been checked and submitted to Swansea City Council Elections Department.
Ø It will be confirmed on Wednesday 5th April if nominations have been contested.
Ø Spare nomination forms are available to download online or via the Clerk.
Ø Councillor Baiss did not complete a nomination form as previously discussed. If he still wishes to stand as Councillor on his return from leave the Council will have to consider co-option.
7. Hall Management / To be actioned by:
Councillor Knaggs provided information concerning the main agenda items discussed during the latest Hall Management Meeting held on Monday 20th March 2017:
Ø The changing room shower work will begin towards the end of April 2017.
Ø Working party to repair the leak in the pond is still to be confirmed. A provisional date of 23/04/2017 was set.
Councillor Oliver advised on the following:
Ø The tree-planting day was a great success raising in excess of £950 towards the playground. A large number of thank you e-mails have been sent to the Council.
Ø In accordance with a decision made in 2013 to mark the centenary of WWI, planting of poppies outside of the changing rooms will continue for another year.
Ø The Community Council is now a member of the Tree Charter – a Charter for Trees, Woods and People that will guide policy and practice in the UK.
Ø The grounds area is also a SINC – ‘Site of Importance for Nature Conservation’ and eligible for funding. A site meeting is to be confirmed shortly.
Ø Councillor Oliver has carried out the servicing on the power tools saving approximately £300. Two new cans to carry fuel and two new chainsaw blades are required.
Ø Councillor Oliver asked for approval to purchase a new sprayer at a cost of £150 as the exisiting sprayer no longer meets environmental legislation. Spending was agreed.
The next Hall Management Meeting will be held on Monday 24th April 2017
8. Governance / To be actioned by:
The Clerk reminded Councillors to read the Good Councillors Guide 2017; recently distributed by e-mail. A hard copy was provided to Councillor Oliver and is available if required.
9. Planning / To be actioned by:
Councillor Hood-Williams left the room. Councillor Low reported on the following planning matters:
Application Number 2017/0476 – 559 Gower Road.
Off road parking. This is in an area where parking is an issue, as such no objection was raised.
Application Number 2017/0166 – 603 Gower Road
Replacement garage/store and rear retaining wall. No objections raised.
Councillor Hood-Williams returned to the meeting.
10. Finances / To be actioned by:
Monthly electronic copies of expenditure will be circulated once annual accounts are completed.
The following invoice was approved for payment following proposal by Councillor Oliver and seconded by Councillor Hood-Williams:
· EON £515.56
· Purchase of six hanging baskets as approved in the 2017/2018 budget.
11. Any Other Business / To be actioned by:
Miss C Bagley – Clerk
· Clerks Direct passed to Councillor Oliver and available for circulation.
· One of the cheques for the tree planting has been returned from the bank. The Clerk to liaise with Councillor Wheeler.
· Thoughts and best wishes to be passed to Councillor Thomas who is recovering from an operation.
Councillor Oliver
· Councillor Oliver has made preliminary enquiries to investigate a camera system link of the village to the website.
· Appointment of Community Engagement Officer to be investigated in due course.
· Thoughts and best wishes to be passed to Mr Billy Morris (a recently retired Councillor) who is unwell in hospital.
Councillor Hood-Williams
· Councillor Hood-Williams thanked the Community Council and the Clerk following a successful and enjoyable Council term and wished everyone well in the 2017 elections.
From the Floor
· Any improvements to communication would be very much appreciated.
· Questions raised in regards to the relationship between the Community Council and Swansea City Football Club who have a major investment in the village. It was asked if the Club could remind their members of the speed limits within the village. / Miss C Bagley
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.00 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 8th May 2017 at 7.30.
3rd April 2017 Page 4