Locations Tasks
Listed below are the items associated with the locations you will be visiting. When considering this part of the quest, you need to consider the following issues and note solutions.
1) How are you going to access your spending money?
> What are the pros and cons of using travellor's checks?
> How will you pay your credit card?
> Is your bank card usable elsewhere? How much are the fees for foreign withdrawl?
2) Accommodation? Where will you stay?
> Do you have a hostel card?
> Do you plan to take a tent? Can you sleep on a train?
3) Climate?
> Will you need warm clothes?
> Can you wear sleeveless shirts in public? (especially if you are a woman)
> Do you need any particular equipment? Are you planning to hike?
4) Local Transport - How will you get around? How much are subway tickets? Buses? Taxis? etc.