Street Detectives
Areas of Learning
As historians we will be looking at changes within living memory, and significant people, places and events in the Local Area.
As geographers we will be carrying out fieldwork in the local area looking at human and physical features: We will use and make maps with keys. We will also look at aerial images.
As scientists we will work scientifically identifying and comparing everyday materials. We will also Identify plants in the local area..
As artists we will investigate famous local artists: We will draw, paint or collage views from the local area.
As designers we will design and bake bread, cakes and biscuits.
As musicians we will continue to work on rhythm and pulse. We will also be learning Christmas songs
In computing we will look at celebrations.
As people learning about religion we will be introduced to sacred places as a space to worship God. We will be given an opportunity to discover, experience and reflect on the features and artefacts found in sacred places and the importance of special or sacred places in their own lives and those of others.
In PE we will work on dance and swimming.
In English we will follow the national curriculum and focus particularly on instructions, recounts and captions.
In French we will demonstrate understanding of weather expressions, recognise and repeat some simple words and use new language in role play.
In PHSE we will work on the “Making a Positive Contribution” unit and look at the need for rules, participating, debating, belonging to groups and improving our class and school. (See sow)
In Maths we will follow the National Curriculum. We will also focus on time and data handling.
Our Class text will be Old Mother Hubbard
Our memorable experience will be a walk around our community