ETSI ERM ERM(10)0295

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Title*: / M41 draft Report
from Source*: / Chairman ETSI ERM
Submitted To*: / ERM#41
Document for*: / Decision / X
Only one "X" / Discussion
Submission date*: / 2010-08-01
Agenda Item: / 14
Contact: / Gabrielle OWEN, Chairman ETSI ERM
Relevant WI(s), or deliverable(s):

Decision/action requested

To consider the draft report for adoption. To report any changes/suggestions on it to the ERM Chairman and Secretary.


1 General issues

1.1 Adoption of the Agenda

1.2Review of actions

1.3 Information and actions arising from other ETSI Groups

1.4 European Commission Activities

1.5 ITU activities (reports from reporters)

1.7 IEC activities

1.8 CENELEC activities

1.9 ISO activities

1.10 CEN activities

1.11 ANSI activities

1.12 Decisions taken by correspondence since the last ERM meeting

1.13 Proposals for new work not covered by the current ERM structure

1.14 Working methods

2 Horizontal topics

2.1 Radio matters

2.2 Radio Site and Equipment Engineering

2.3 EMC general aspects

3 Aeronautical

4 Amateur radio

5 Broadcasting

6 Fixed Service

7 Landmobile

7.1 GSM systems on land

7.2 GSM systems on board aircraft

7.3a Broadband Wireless Access

7.3 IMT


7.5 Intelligent Transport Systems (Road)

8 Maritime

9 Satellite

10 Short Range Devices

10.1 Generic Short Range Devices

10.2 Level probing radar

10.3 Medical devices


10.5 UWB

10.6 Automotive and surveillance radar

10.7 Wideband data transmission systems

10.8 RLANs onboard aircraft

10.9 Hearing aids

10.10 Cordless audio devices

10.11 Wireless Microphone Systems

12 Any other business

13 Deferred issues

14 Review of the executive summary and approval of the meeting report

15 Dates of next ERM meetings

16 Closure of the meeting

Annex A – The list of decisions

Annex B – The list of actions

agenda item / project number / WI Ref & short title / input document number and procedure

1General issues

The 41st meeting of ETSI TC ERM took place in Mainz, Germany, on 07-11 June 2010, at the kind invitation of BNetzA. The meeting was chaired by Dr.Gabrielle Owen (Ministry of Economic Affairs, NL); the Secretary wasMs.Maret Ots (Estonian Technical Surveillance Authority, EE).On 11 June the meeting was chaired by Mr. Georges de Brito (France Telecom, FR).

The meeting was opened by the Chairman. The welcome speech was done by Mr.Christoph Woeste from BNetzA. He wished the ERM delegates a nice stay in Mainz and a pleasant and productive meeting in BNetzA. He stressed the importance of the standardisation work of ETSI TC ERM in the whole world. He especially pointed out the importance of TC ERM for regulators and underlined that BNetzA sees great value in having this horizontal committee in ETSI.

Mr. Woeste announced that his term as Chairman of CEPT/ECC-WG SE would be ending in 14 days. TC ERM thanked him for all the work that he had done in that role and welcomed him to TC ERM.

The delegates were instructed on the practical aspects (beamer operation, etc.) by Mr.Thomas Weber (BNetzA).

TC ERM noted the need for appointment/re-appointment of the ERM Vice-Chairman on the ERM#42 due to end of two years appointment period of Mr.Georges de Brito (Action point 41.01).

The meeting was attended by 57 registered delegates.

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Key to Annexes:

AnnexA– The list of decisions

Annex B– The list of actions

Annex C – The incoming and outgoing Liaison Statements

Annex D – The agenda

Annex E – The list of documents

Annex F – The list of participants

Annex G – The terms of ERM Officials

* * * * *

Key to abbreviations:

AbC = Approval by Correspondence

EDR = ETSI Drafting Rules

LS = Liaison Statement

MV = Member Vote

NWI = New Work Item

OAP = One step Approval Procedure

PE = Public Enquiry

PU = Publication

NV = National Vote

SG = Study Group

ToRs = Terms of Reference

TWP = ETSI Technical Working Procedures

WP = Working Party

1.1 Adoption of the Agenda

/ ERM(10)0201r2

The ERM Chairman briefly introduced the slight changes in the methods of management to be used for the TC ERM plenary meetings.

The meeting considered the draft agenda in document ERM(10)0201r2for adoption and adopted it without modification, but with the understanding that the documents uploaded on the ETSI meeting application would also be considered (Decision 41.01).

1.1.1 / ETSI Intellectual Property Rights Policy

A formal call for IPR disclosures was made orally by the Chairman with reference to the IPR Policy written above (see box). Members were reminded that the recommended form for the notification of essential IPRs and licensing declaration are available on-line. The Chairman made the attendees aware that disclosure of Essential or potentially Essential IPRs should be made at the earliest possible stage within the list below:

  • on formal submission of a technical solution
  • on completion of the first stable draft of the standard
  • on working group approval of a draft standard
  • on TB approval of a draft standard.

There were no responses to the IPR call.

1.2Review of actions

/ ERM(10)0202

The ERM Chairman introduced the status of action points as of the start of the meeting as given in document ERM(10)0202.

Document ERM(10)0202was updated by the meeting during the relevant agenda items.

The resulting status of action points is given in Annex B (Decision 41.02) and also in document ERM(10)0202r1.

1.3 Information and actions arising from other ETSI Groups

1.3.1 / ETSI General Assembly

The ERM Chairman recalled that document ERM(10)0020r2had been revised in April 2010 to include the results of GA#55 (30-31 March 2010).

Post-meeting note: Document ERM(10)0220, which includes the above information, was provided after the meeting.

1.3.2 / ETSI Board / ERM(10)0221

The ERM Chairman orally gave a preview of topics of relevance to TC ERM which were uploaded for ETSI Board#78 (17-18 June 2010).

Post-meeting note:Document ERM(10)0221, an overview of Board#78 issues with relevance to TC ERM, was provided after the meeting.The official minutes from Board#78 were not been uploaded, therefore the overview does not provide complete information. Howeverthe overviewis in line with the draft decisions and actions of Board#78. TC ERM is invited to note this information and contact the TC ERM Chairman with any questions or comments.

1.3.3 / ETSI Operational Co-ordination Group / ERM(10)0222r1

The TC ERM chairman orally gave a preview of topics of relevance to TC ERM which were uploaded to for OCG#41 (16 June 2010). TC ERM noted the information.

Post-meeting note: Document ERM(10)0222r1, an overview of OCG#41 with relevance to TC ERM, was provided after the meeting. The text in the overview is based on the draft meeting report of OCG#41, which is under approval by correspondence.Issues which may be of interest to specific WG/TG/TFs are indicated with blue highlighting of the WG/TG/TF name.TC ERM is invited to note this information and contact the TC ERM Chairman with any questions or comments.

* * * * *


The TC ERM Chairman recalled that GSC-15 would be held in Beijing on 30 August- 2 September 2010, hosted by CCSA. The OCG was in the process of approving the ETSI input to GSC-15 and therefore needed to know what input is in preparation.

Some members had shown interest in addressing Electronic Article Surveillance Systems (EAS)issues at GSC-15, with a goal to initiate a measurement campaign together with the relevant communications administrationsto show that there is no interference to the safety and distress receiving stations or other primary services. A GSC task group could work on these tasks. It was noted that the GSC task group on EAS & RFID had been closed at a previous GSC. It was agreed to investigate how to revive the task group.

The TC ERM Chairman willcheck whether ERM TG UWB and TG SRR plan to prepare presentations for GSC (Action point 41.02) and contact Mr. Julian Pritchard regarding reviving the EAS & RFID task group at GSC (Action point 41.03).

See also agenda items10.11.2 and 10.11.3.

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ETSI Drafting Rules

See agenda item 1.14.1.

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ETSI electronic tools

See agenda item 1.14.2. / OCG RTTED

The TC ERM Chairman reported orally on the meeing of OCG R&TTE#44 which had taken place on 7 June 2010. She highlighted the following issues:

  • improvements to the ETSI_HS_EN_skeleton
  • delay of publication of OCG R&TTE 2009 results on the ETSI_HS_EN_skeleton on the EditHelp website
  • installation requirements
  • non-SOLAS radio and the revision of the R&TTE Directive (attention TG26)
  • Software Defined Radio equipment database (attention TG17, TG34, etc.).

She advised the delegates to consult the meeting report of OCG R&TTE#44 for further information. TC ERM noted the information.

Post-meeting note: TC ERM is invited to note the draft meeting report of OCG R&TTE#44 (7 June 2010) in document OCGRTTED(10)033. / OCG ECN&S

There was no discussion under this agenda item.

Post-meeting note: OCG#41 considered that it would be useful to examine closing down OCG ECN&S. / ETSI-ECC Officials Meeting / ERM(10)0223

The ERM Chairman introduced document ERM(10)0223, which contained the current status of action points from the ECC-ETSI Officials meeting. TC ERM reviewed the action points and considered theones for ETSI to be up-to-date.

TC ERM considered the ETSI-ECC relationship matrix and ETSI-ECC webpage in document ERM(10)0223 should be commented by ETSI radio TBs, updated accordingly and sent to ECO (Action point 41.06; Action point 41.07;Action point 41.08; Action point 41.09).

TC ERM supported to remove the sentence in the common webpage about the RSPG Opinion, noting that it has a different status and purpose than the MoU between ECC and ETSI.

* * * * *

Concerns about the quality of the draft ECO Report "The impact of receiver parameters on spectrum management regulations: a pilot study" were raised. It was noted that there was a significant divergence between the conclusions of the results of the study which had been outsourced and the ECO text. It was asked whether this study would be published by ECO and whether it would include the outsourced study. Mr. Yurdal confirmed that this was the intention. / TC M2M / ERM(10)0222r1

Action point 40.04 was discharged since improvements were seen in the working methods. See agenda item 10.1.5 for further information.

Post-meeting note: TC ERM is invited to note the TC M2M management report to OCG#41 and the related information in documentERM(10)0222r1. / TC RRS / ERM(10)0292

Mr.Georges de Britoinformed delegates that Dr. Markus Mueck (Infineon Technologies) was appointed as Chairman of TC RRS in March 2010. The ToRs of TC RRS have been expanded, and therefore their activities have broadened. The thrust is now on user requirements.

* * * * *

TC ERM considered the LS from TC RRS in document ERM(10)0292in response to document ERM_39_40_28r1 relating to a presentation given by STF386 at the "Cognitive Radio – Technology and Regulation Workshop" on 28 January 2010 at the European Commission.

TC ERM noted the information from RRS on its discussions on CPC, namely "RRS does not currently see a need to consider an out-band CPC on a world-wide harmonized frequency at WRC’12. RRS intends to pursue in-band as well as out-band CPC related studies, currently the priority is seen on the in-band CPC."

* * * * *

The TC ERM Chairman also advised those interested in Software Defined Radio databases to look at the OCG R&TTE#44 discussions; see agenda item

* * * * *

Post-meeting note: TC ERM is invited to note the TC RRS management report to OCG#41.

1.4 European Commission Activities

See agenda item 10.6.4 regarding article 6.3 of the R&TTE Directive.

1.4.1 / EU Mandates / ERM(10)0224

TC ERM noted that Board#78 would be considering to adopt M/462 "Standardisation mandate to the ESOs to enable efficient energy use in fixed and mobile information and communication networks".

Post-meeting note: Additional information on new EU mandates was provided after the meeting in document ERM(10)0224. Groups interested in standardisation related to M/462 or the draft mandate on security standards should contact the ERM Chairman, Technical Officer and Gavin Craik.

1.4.2 / TCAM / ERM(10)0225

Mr. de Brito presented the notes on the process of revision of the R&TTE Directive, document ERM(10)0225.

Mr.Igor Minaev shortly reported on the issues of the next TCAM meeting.An initial set of TCAM documents has been distributed to the Radio Briefing list with an invitation to participate in the ETSI preparatory conference call on Tuesday, 15 June 2010. New documents are expected. Delegates were advised to monitor the Radio Briefing list for further information.

1.4.3 / Radio Spectrum Policy Group / ERM(10)0226

Mr.Georges de Brito gave a short overview on the Radio Spectrum Policy Group issues, document ERM(10)0226 (therein "CTs" should be "CRs").

1.4.4 / Radio Spectrum Committee / ERM(10)0227

Mr.Georges de Brito reported on the Radio Spectrum Committee issues.Document ERM(10)0227contained the meeting schedule for RSCom and the Chairman's Summary Report of RSCom#31 (17 March 2010). He showed that the availability of RSCom#31 documents for the public is given in document ERM(10)0227a1.

1.4.5 / COCOM

There was no discussion under this agenda item.

1.5 ITU activities (reports from reporters)

1.5.1 / WRC-12 preparations

Mr. Bonin, ETSI Reporter with CPG, sent his apologies. He reported via email that the most important information from CPG with regard to ETSI activities is that CPG PTA decided last week to activate the work under Agenda Item 8.2. This will be prepared within an Ad Hoc Group of CPG PTA chaired by Mr. Anders Jonsson.

A Liaison Statement to ETSI and other organisations has been prepared. This LS contains the planned dates for the Ad Hoc Group. The first meeting is planned for the beginning December 2010.

Post-meeting note:The LS was received after the meeting and was made available in document ERM(10)0305 and announced to the ERM reflector and other radio Chairmen. In the LS, CPG PT A gives information on the preparations for WRC-12 Agenda Item 8.2, including the CPG PT A meeting schedule and tasks to be completed at each meeting. A draft CEPT brief on Agenda Item 8.2 is included in the Annex to the LS.Interested parties should use the guidance indocument ERM(10)0305 when drafting a proposal for WRC-12 Agenda Item 8.2 for CPG PT A.

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In response to ERM's invitation to groups and interested ETSI members to propose actions related to Agenda Item 8.2 to TC ERM#41 or 42 (22-26 Nov. 2010) for discussion and decision, Deutsche Telekom proposed the following as a possible agenda item for WRC-16:

"To consider spectrum requirements and regulatory measures, including allocations, in order to facilitate the provision of broadband access to aircraft (Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications) using terrestrial infrastructure in part of the frequency range from 790 MHz to 5150 MHz."

A brief statement to introduce this proposal was included in the LS from TC ERM to CEPT/ECC-WG FM in document ERM(10)0245a1r2. Given the developments in CPG PT A, TC ERM noted that further development of the proposal would need to be done after receipt of the LS from CPG PT A.

Post-meeting note: An action point was created after the meeting for ERM-TGDMRto use the guidance in document ERM(10)0305when drafting a proposal for WRC-12 Agenda Item 8.2 for CPG PT A.

1.5.2 / ITU-R SG1

Mr. Barry Goodyearreported orally on the ITU-R SG1 issues.

No meetings of ITU-R SG1 or its WPs had taken place since ERM#40.

ITU-R WP1A "Spectrum engineering techniques" and WP1B "Spectrum management techniques" were scheduled to meet from 21-28 June 2010 at the ITU.

ITU-R WP1C "Spectrum monitoring" plans to meet on 20 – 24 Sept. 2010, followed by ITU-R SG1 "Spectrum management" on 27 Sept. 2010 at the ITU.

See also the information related to power line telecommunicatons under agenda item 11.

1.5.3 / ITU-R SG5

The TC ERM Chairman reported orally on the ITU-R SG5 issues. ITU-R WPs 5A, 5B, and 5C were held in the period 10-20 May 2010.

TC ERM noted a number of LSs from ITU-R WP 5A which were sent during the period between ERM#40 and ERM#41; see agenda items 6, 7.3a, 9, and 10.1.5.

Mr. John Fenn gave oral information about the ITU-T collaboration with ITU-R on protocols for BWA.

1.6 / CEPT activities (reports from liaison officers and reporters)
1.6-LS1a / LS from CEPT/ECC to TC ERM and the ETSI Secretariat (cc: TC RRS, WG RM) on Cognitive Radio (CR) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) activities in the CEPT / ERM_37_097
1.6-LS1b / LS from ERM to other ETSI TBs on SDR and Cognitive Radio activities in CEPT/ECC
1.6-LS1c / Response LS from TC RRS to CEPT/ECC (cc: ERM) on Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio / ERM_38_111
1.6-LS2a / draft Report of 3 June 2009 on tasks on cognitive radio proposed by ECC-CG-CR to be studied by the ECC / ERM_37_38_29
1.6-LS2a / Background on ECC correspondence group (ECC-CG-CR) on Cognitive Radio / ERM_37_38_29a1
1.6-LS2b / ETSI ERM comments on draft Report of 3 June 2009 on tasks on cognitive radio proposed by ECC-CG-CR to be studied by the ECC
1.6-LS2c / Response LS from TC RRS to CEPT/ECC-CG-CR (cc: ERM) on ECC proposal of study tasks for CRS / ERM_38_112
1.6-LS3a / LS from CEPT/ECC-WG FM to ERM and RRS on Cognitive Radio Systems (CRS) / ERM_38_39_40
1.6-LS3b / Response LS from TC RRS to CEPT/ECC-WG FM (cc: ERM) regarding Cognitive Radio Systems (CRS) / ERM_39_40_21
1.6.1 / Report from CEPT/ECC / ERM(10)0231

Mr.Georges de Brito gave information of the forthcoming ECC meeting (21-25 June 2010), including the meeting dates (document ERM(10)0231)and draft agenda (document ERM(10)0231a1).

1.6.2 / Report from CEPT/ECC-WG FM / ERM(10)0232

Mr. Edgard Vangeel, ETSI Liaison Officer with CEPT/ECC-WG FM,presented the report in document ERM(10)0232.

TC ERM Chairman thanked Mr. Vangeel for his excellent report and for his top-notch performance as Liaison Officer with CEPT/ECC-WG FM. He skillfully presented the notably high number of input documents from TC ERM to the May 2010 meeting of WG FM and helped draft a considerable number of pages for the WG FM minutes. TC ERM extended it thanks to both Mr. Vangeel and Cisco Systems.

TC ERM noted the need for appointment/re-appointment of the Liaison Officer to CEPT/ECC-WG FM at ERM#42 due to end of the two year appointment period of Mr. Edgard Vangeel (Action point 41.11).

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With regards to the project team FM22 "Monitoring", TC ERM saw a potential need for a Reporter to CEPT/ECC-FM22 and will therefore consider the appointment of one at ERM#42 (Action point 41.12).

1.6.3 / Report from CEPT/ECC-WG SE / ERM(10)0233 / Appointment of the Liaison Officer to CEPT/ECC-WG SE*

Mr. Thomas Weber, ETSI Liaison Officer with CEPT/ECC-WG SE,presented the report in document ERM(10)0233. TC ERM noted the information.

Mr. Weber resigned from this function due to a change in employer. TC ERM thanked him for the excellent report and work as Liaison Officer to CEPT/ECC-WG SE. Through his efficient distribution of relevant information to the concerned parties in both organizations, he had promoted close collaboration.TC ERM also thanked BMWi for the support to Mr. Weber in his work for ETSI.