his leaflet provides a brief introduction to the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Professional Practice.

This Course enables you to develop your professional skills and knowledge within the context of higher education and successful completion will enable you to apply for professional accreditation with the Higher Education Academy.

To join the course you are required to have significant teaching responsibility that is current and ongoing at higher education (HE) level. The course is available only through a part-time mode of study and can be completed within one academic year.

What is the course all about?

The course has been designed to help you deal with the varied issues you are likely to encounter in your academic practice and addresses a broad range of perspectives within contemporary higher education. The course provides a framework for encouraging and supporting individual lecturers in higher education to develop the professional knowledge, applications and skills to become reflective practitioners. It is a work-based course and you will be expected to interrogate, reflect on and apply new knowledge within your current practice. The course encourages you to explore your professional context and to consider the feedback you receive from peers and students, in relation to what is known and what has been published about professional academic practice in the higher education sector.

Who is the course for?

Colleagues with significant teaching and assessment responsibilities may register on the full course. Successful completion of the course will enable participants to apply for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. The Pg Certificate is also a recordable qualification with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and a supplementary series of workshops is offered to participants who wish to gain the NMC qualification.

If you already have several years teaching experience, then you may be able to claim credit (APEL) for part of the course. An application for APEL should be submitted prior to commencing the course.

Colleagues who teach but have another role as their main responsibility are invited to join the first part of the course and upon completion gain Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.

Course Structure

This is a 60-credit Post-Graduate course which would normally be completed within one calendar year. The course is made up of two modules: M02CSHE Introduction to Professional Practice and M03CSHE Advanced Professional Practice and is normally completed within 12 months although participants can study one module a year, taking two years in total.

Course entry points

Participants who have successfully completed M01CSHE Introduction to teaching in Higher Education or M19CPD Practice Teaching and Learning are not required to study M02CSHE. Provided they have substantial teaching responsibilities to enable them to meet the assessment requirements of M03CSHE theymay commence this directly. Participants who have substantial experience of teaching in HE or other certificated experience may submit an APEL application for entry into the Programme with advanced standing. See the flowchart overleaf for course entry points and progression routes.

How is the course run?

The course is run by the Organisation Development and Learning Team in the HRDepartment with input from experienced colleagues from across the University and externally.

This year, two patterns of study are being offeredand you can select to study via a block of whole day core workshops or in the evening (Wednesday, 4.00 – 8.00 pm). One of these routes must be chosen at the start of the module/Course.

Whole day core workshops (Block Delivery)

Each module commences with a series of whole-day workshops usually outside of the main University teaching weeks.

The workshops focus on a range of contemporary issues in Higher Education professional practice as well as providing an opportunity for networking with participants from other disciplines across the University.

Evening (Wednesday, 4.00 – 8.00 pm)

For those choosing the evening pattern, delivery takes place on a Wednesday, usually on a fortnightly basis, to enable you to complete the Course in one year.

Online learning

Online communication between course participants and members of the course team is conducted mainly via CUOnline Moodle, the University’s online learning environment. You will be expected to participate online as well as face-to-face during workshops and action learning sets.

Action Learning Sets

Youare supported through the course by action learning set meetings which are facilitated by a member of the course team. These usually take place once a month on a Wednesday afternoon for block delivery and are inbuilt for evening delivery. Topics focus on a particular aspect of the course and provide an opportunity to share issues, innovations and planned interventions with a supportive, cross-disciplinary group of academic colleagues.

AdditionalEvents, Workshops and Seminars

Throughout the academic year and on some days outside of term-time, there will be a range of workshops and seminars on contemporary issues in teaching and learning and higher education professional practice. These areoffered through the Learning and Development Team and are open to all staff in the University. Further information about these development events is available by visiting

Academic development events are facilitated by experienced colleagues from within and outside the University. Master Classes are made available at different points during the academic year. Participants will be required to attend at least five events during their study in order to complete the Course. You are able to create their own personal development plan and to select events that support this.

Course Assessment

The first module, M02CSHE, is assessed by two pieces of coursework, whereas M03CSHE is assessed by threepieces of coursework which includes an assessed Poster Presentation at the end of the module. Coursework includes reflections on your own professional development, teaching observations, responding to student feedback, an innovation project in learning, teaching and assessment and an applied research project. The course offers additionalassessment support workshops throughout the year as well as an opportunity for formative assessment.

How to apply

You can obtain an application form by calling the Programme Co-ordinator, Julie Haworth on 024 7679 5111 or emailing her on

Or by post to:

Julie Haworth

James Starley JSB51,

Human Resources,

Coventry University,

Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB

For an informal discussion about the Course, please email the Course Director, Louise Wilson in Organisation Development and Learning on

Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Professional Practice – Entry Overview

Module 1: M02CSHE and Module 2: M03CSHE

Academic Calendar Year 2013/2014: Delivery Patterns and Timetable

a)Whole Day Core Workshops (Block Delivery) – Intake 1

Day / Date / Time / Core Workshop / Module
Thursday / 12 September 2013 / 0930-1630 / Mandatory Workshop / M02
Friday / 13 September 2013 / 0930-1630 / Mandatory Workshop / M02
Monday / 16 September 2013 / 0930-1630 / Mandatory Workshop / M02
Monday / 16 December 2013 / 0930-1230 / M02 last session / M02
16 December 2013 / 1330-1630 / Introduction to M03 / M03 (starts)
Tuesday / 17 December 2013 / 0930-1630 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Wednesday / 18 December 2013 / 0930-1630 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Thursday / 10 April 2014 / 0930-1630 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Friday / 11 April 2014 / 0930-1630` / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Wednesday / 9 July 2014 / 0930-1230
1330-1530 / Mandatory Plenary Session and Poster Presentation / M03
Action Learning Sets
Wednesday / 16 October 2013
13 November 2013
22 January 2014 / 1500-1700
1500-1700 / ALS 1 M02
ALS 2 M02
ALS 3 M03 / M02
Wednesday / 19 February 2014
19 March 2014
21 May 2014
18 June 2014 / 1500-1700
1500-1700 / ALS 1 M03
ALS 2 M03
ALS 3 M03
ALS 4 M03 / M03
Coursework Submission Date
Module 1: M02CSHE - Tuesday, 28 January 2014. Online by 12.00 noon
Module 2: M03CSHE – Tuesday, 26 August 2014. Online by 12.00 noon

b)Wednesday Evening (4.00 pm – 8.00 pm) - Intake 2

Day / Date / Time / Core Workshop / MODULE
Wednesday / 15 Jan 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M02
Wednesday / 29 Jan 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M02
Wednesday / 12 Feb 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M02
Wednesday / 26 Feb 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop and Microteaching / M02
Wednesday / 12 March 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M02
Wednesday / 26 March 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M03 (starts)
Wednesday / 9 April 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Wednesday / 30 April 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Wednesday / 14 May 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Wednesday / 28 May 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Wednesday / 11 June 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Wednesday / 25 June 2014 / 1600-2000 / Mandatory Workshop / M03
Wednesday / 9 July 2014 / *0930-1230 / Mandatory Poster Presentation
(joint networking session) / M03
Wednesday / 16 July 2014 / 1600-2000 / Plenary session Assessment Support / M03
Wednesday / Flexible Study / Online
(Course Design) / Self-Directed Learning (Completing Online Course) / M03
Action Learning Sets
Please note that these are inbuilt into the evening delivery and will be advised at the start of the Course.
Coursework Submission Date
Module 1: M02CSHE – Monday, 28 April 2014. Online by 12.00 noon
Module 2: M03CSHE – Friday, 19 September 2014. Online by 12.00 noon

Please Note: Both patterns of delivery enable participants to complete within one year. All participants will need to attend a Course Induction before starting and these will be run monthly during 2013-2014. Please contact Julie Haworth for further details.