Newton, NJ


After a brief recess at 8:19 PM from the Reorganization Meeting, the board reconvened into

the Regular Meeting at 8:20 PM.

Members Present: Mr. Caffrey, Ms. Cooke, Ms. Egner, Mr. Heckman, Mr. Jackson, ROLL CALL

Mr. Kelly, Mr. Morris, and Dr. Greene.

Members absent: Ms. Gianni, Mr. Mistry, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. VanAuken

The board adjourned into Executive Session at 8:21 PM and reconvened into Regular Session EXECUTIVE

at 8:40 PM. SESSION

Mrs. Galonski asked if reorganization had to occur within a specific timeline. Dr. Greene

responded yes.

There were no committee reports. COMMITTEE RPTS.

Ms. Cooke reported Green Townships budget was defeated and Mr. Ippolito, President SENDING DIST.

and Mr. Wood, Vice-President are working with the Township Committee to resolve the issue. REPORT

Ms. Cooke also reported the graduation will be June 17, 2010.

Dr. Greene’s Superintendent’s Report included the following: SUPT.’S REPORT

·  District Action Plan Progress Report

·  School Level Plans

·  Mr. Jim Hofmann received the Middle School Excellence Award

·  Ms. Janice Sund, Newton High School and Sussex County Teacher of the

Year for 2009, gave the speech at the Sussex County Roundtable Teacher

of the Year Program.

·  QSAC approval has been granted

·  Tri-District subcommittee meetings occurred.

Dr. Greene stated that over 80 people attended Halsted Middle School Family Activity Night,

and explained how difficult it is to run evening programs.

Dr. Greene thanked Halsted Middle School Pride and Merriam Avenue School PTO for their

participation and support.

Ms. Snyder thanked the community for passing the budget. SBA/BS REPORT

Ms. Snyder gave an update on health insurance and reported information has been compiled

and sent to the HIF plan to have information and a recommendation by the next board meeting.

Ms. Snyder reported she attended a lengthy Pension Update meeting. there are still no regulations.

Ms. Snyder stated there are addendum items G and H under Personnel, and there are 2 trips

added to Program I, both Robotics competitions.

Motion made by Ms. Egner, seconded by Mr. Heckman that the 11 member board approve BOARD BUSINESS

the following:

A.  Approve the minutes of the following meeting:

Regular Meeting of March 30, 2010

Regular Meeting of April 13, 2010

Executive Session of April 13, 2010

B.  Authorize the secretary to pay bills and warrants Nos. 032463 to032619 as per

bill list dated May 4, 2010 in the amount of $2,337,136.95, as per Attachment A.

C.  Approve the financial reports from the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of

School Monies for the month of March, 2010 as on file in the Business Office.

D.  Accept the Board Secretary’s certification, as attached, (pursuant to NJAC

6:20-2.12(d)) that as of March 31, 2010 no budgetary line item account has

obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the

amount appropriated by the Board of Education pursuant to NJSA

18A-22-8 & 18A-22-8.1.

E.  Pursuant to NJAC 6:23-2.11, certify that as of March 31, 2010 after review

of the secretary’s financial report (appropriations section) and upon

consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our

knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in

violation of NJAC 6:20-2.12(a) and that sufficient funds are available to

meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

F.  Approve the line item transfers and 10% report as per Attachment B.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board with the following exception:

Mr. Caffrey abstained on Item B.

Motion made by Mr. Heckman, seconded by Ms. Egner that the 9 member approve the PROGRAM


A.  Approve the following students for homebound instruction in accordance

with N.J.A.C.6:14:

Student ID# S1989 Grade 7 4/26/10

Student ID# S1965 Grade 8 4/26/10

B.  Approve the receipt of the following homeless students to attend

Merriam Avenue School and Halsted Middle School, effective

April 12, 2010. The state of NJ will be billed for tuition:

Student ID# S2907 Grade 4 4/12/10

Student ID# S2908 Grade 5 4/12/10

Student ID# S2909 Grade 7 4/12/10

C.  Approve the following field trips for Merriam Avenue School:

Class/Club Purpose Location

Grade 1 Curriculum Space Farm Zoo and Museum

Grade 4 Curriculum Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island

D.  Approve the following field trips for Halsted Middle School:

Class/Club Purpose Location

Jump Rope for Heart Student Activity Merriam Avenue School

Technology Curriculum Picatinny Arsenal

Technology Student Activity Newton Hockey Rink

TRS Transition of 8th Newton High School

Grade students

E.  Approve the following shortened schedule for Merriam Avenue School and Halsted Middle School:

June 15, 16, 17, 18

Merriam dismissal time is 12:05 p.m.

Halsted dismissal time is 11:54 a.m.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 9 member board.

Motion made by Ms. Cooke, seconded by Mr. Heckman that the 11 member board approve the


F.  Approve the following student for homebound instruction in accordance

with N.J.A.C.6:14: Student ID# S2898 Grade 12 4/12/10

G.  Approve the Newton High School Summer Reading Book List for 2010 as per

Attachment C.

H.  Approve the following shortened schedule for final exams at Newton High School – dismissal time is 11:45 a.m.:

June 15, 16, 17, 18

I.  Approve the following field trips for Newton High School:

Class/Club Purpose Location

MD Class Career Awareness Local Businesses

Prom Committee Student Activity Parsippany Hilton

Choral Performance Monmouth College-State Teen

Arts and Grand Hyatt/Carnegie

Hall in NYC

MD Class Social Skills Pt. Pleasant, NJ and Scranton, PA

Robotics Club Competition Tunkahannock HS, PA

Robotics Club Competition Belle Mead, NJ

J.  Approve an overnight trip to Rutgers University for the New Jersey State FFA Convention from April 25, 2010 to April 27, 2010.

K.  Accept the receipt of a grade 11student (ID#S2916) from Jersey City to attend

Newton High School, effective 4/23/10. Student is residing at Birth Haven and

Jersey City Board of Education will be billed for her tuition.

L.  Approve a partnership between Newton High School and Lenape Valley Regional

High School for the Pay to Play Ice Hockey Program.

Ms. Cooke asked in the event school is closed for excessive heat, would field trips return to the school.

Dr. Greene responded that he would discuss the issue with the administrators.

Ms. Cooke asked what will happen if pending legislation makes Pay to Play illegal.

Mr. Jackson wished good luck to the chorus and FFA on their respective events.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.

Motion made by Ms. Egner, seconded by Mr. Morris that the 9 member board approve the PERSONNEL


Based upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following

personnel resolutions are presented for approval:

A.  Approve the appointments of the following staff for the 2010-2011 school year:

Merriam Avenue School Attachment D

Halsted Middle School Attachment E

B.  Accept with regrets, the retirement of Marie Nazzaro effective June 30, 2010.

C.  Approve the following Title I Summer School staff for Halsted Middle School:

Lauren Geaney – Science/Math – 39 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $1,170

Jim Hofmann – Technology – 39 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $1,170

Meg Waldron – P.E. Health Life Styles – 39 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $1,170

Joanne Nieman – Language Arts – 27 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $810

Steve Runske – Language Arts – 12 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $360

D.  Approve the following Title I Summer School staff for Merriam Avenue School:

Michel Beliveau – 36 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $1,080

Debbie Catanzaro – 36 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $1,080

Lauren Nethery – 36 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $1,080

Alison Stiehl – 36 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $1,080

Linda Sullivan – 36 hours @ $30 per hour, not to exceed $1,080

Carolyn McKnight – Summer School substitute

E.  Approve the following Even Start positions, effective 11/01/09 through 6/30/10, as

per the grant allocation:

Name Position Per Hour

Mary Ann Satter Part-time PS Teacher $25

Kathy Wood Project Coordinator $26

Rose Lange PARS 21 Data Collector $25

Michael Stark Liaison/Fiscal Consultant $30

Marion Fucito Clerical Assistant $15

Carole Wiley Project Director $50

F.  Approve an additional one hour per week for Barbara Straulina, teacher assistant

at Merriam Avenue School, to allow a special needs student to attend an after school

club, $15 per hour.

G.  Accept with regrets, the retirement of Felicity Rivlin, effective July 1, 2010.

H.  Accept with regrets, the retirement of Elizabeth Finch, effective June 30, 2010.

Dr. Greene stated the 3 retirees have 109 years of service.

Mr. Caffrey stated Ms. Rivlin was his teacher and 3 of his children had Ms. Finch as their teacher

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 9 member board with the following exception:

Mr. Heckman abstained on Item E

Motion made by Ms. Cooke, seconded by Ms. Egner that the 11 member board approve the


I.  Approve the appointments of the following staff for the 2010-2011 school year:

Newton High School Attachment F

Child Study Team Attachment G

Administrators Attachment H

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11member board with the following exception:

Mr. Heckman abstained on Items F & H.


Motion made by Mr. Heckman, seconded by Ms. Cooke that the 11 member board approve the BUSINESS


A.  Approve the following district purchases:

District Description Amount

Amazon.Com Prof. Development Supplies $5,537

D & E Service Ctr. Bus Repair/Maintenance $2,145

NHS Athletics

Newton Athletic Dept. Replenish Athletics Account $5,500

B.  Accept with appreciation a donation of $5,000 to the Newton Robotics Team

from Johnson & Johnson.

C.  Approve the disposal of an HP Color Laser Jet Printer, Fixed Assets tag #01984,

to be discarded, not sold or donated, as it is not repairable.

D.  Approve district travel expenses as per Attachment I.

E.  Approve the acceptance of the 2009-2010 NCLB Grant for $302,220 as follows:

Title I $236,306

Title IIA $ 58,453

Title IID $ 2,356

Title IV $ 5,105

TOTAL $302,220

F.  Approve the acceptance of the FY2010 ARRA IDEA Basic Grant in the

amount of $306,251.

G.  Approve the acceptance of the FY2010 ARRA IDEA Preschool Grant

in the amount of $11,044.

H.  Approve the acceptance of the FY2010 IDEA Basic Grant, Project#FT359010,

in the amount of $323,096.

I.  Approve the acceptance of the FY2010 IDEA Preschool Grant, Project #FT359010

in the amount of $6,526.

J.  Approve the carry-over of funds from the 2008-2009 IDEA Basic Grant

in the amount of $15,415.

K.  Approve the carry-over of funds from the 2008-2009 IDEA Preschool Grant

in the amount of $347.

L.  Approve the following resolution per the request of Lakeland-Andover School


The Newton Public Schools Board of Education will not require Lakeland-Andover

School to apply for and receive funding from the New Jersey Child Nutrition Program,

nor charge students for a reduced and/or paid meal for any classified students from Newton

Public Schools in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-4(a)ii and iii during the 2008-2009 school year.

Ms. Cooke thanked Johnson and Johnson for their donation.

Ms. Gianni thanked Ms. Whipple for providing paperwork from the PRIDE foundation which

allowed the corporations to donate to a 501(C)3 organization.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.

There were no Old Board Business items discussed. OLD BD. BUSINESS

There were no New Board Business items discussed. NEW BD. BUSINESS

President’s Statement PUBLIC COMMENTS

This public session is designed for members of the public to speak on issues for Board

consideration. By law, the Board of Education is under no obligation to respond to

public comment. If the Board of Education chooses to respond, it does not waive

its’ right thereafter not to respond. Please identify yourself and spell your last name.

Ms. Galonski thanked Mr. Heckman for the patience he showed. She also stated her

support of Committee of the Whole.

Ms. Ruth Ann Erb questioned how budget cuts will affect her son’s program. Dr. Greene

responded that students needs are evaluated annually and that decisions are being made

with all aspects being reviewed.

Committee of the Whole – This public committee meeting is designed for the board of COMMITTEE

education to discuss issues that may appear on future board agendas. Please consider that MEETING

an individual employee’s terms and conditions of employment cannot be discussed prior to

that employee being given proper notice.

Buildings and Grounds

Athletic fields, RFP Energy Service, and Integrated Pest Management Plan were discussed.


Board adjourned to Executive Session to discuss personnel.

Motion made by Ms. Egner, seconded by Mr. Heckman that the board adjourn to Executive

Session at 9:25 PM to discuss personnel. Said discussion may be disclosed to the public when


Motion carried unanimously.

The board reconvened into Regular Session at 11:01.

Motion made by Ms. Egner, seconded by Mr. Kelly that the 11 member board approve the


A.  Motion to approve Nanette Thomas to represent the Newton Board of Education

on the Sussex County Educational Services Commission for the 2010-2011 school


B.  Motion to authorize the Superintendent to post openings as internal transfer opportunities

with the understanding that volunteers will be considered prior to administrative assignments.

C.  Motion to eliminate the position of Director of Student Services.

D.  Motion to create the position of Director of Academic Services and adopt the job description.

E.  Motion to create a 4th guidance position at the high school.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.

Motion made by Mr. Heckman, seconded by Mr. Morris that the meeting adjourn at 11:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Snyder

School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary