DateD D M M Y Y
Main/Key assessorClient Details:
Date of Birth
Sex / M / F / AgeN.I Number
Current Address/Contact Place: ...... ….
Telephone Number......
Person to be contacted in case of emergency:
a) Name: ...... …......
b) Relationship: …......
c) Contact Address: ……………......
d) Contact Telephone Number: ......
Where was client born and brought up? ………………………………………….
Place of last stable residence Town/County: ………………..………………………..
Does the client have a current connection with St Albans YES / NO
If yes, please describe……………………………………………………………………..
Referring AgencyName & address of agency......
Type of agency......
Is the client able to provide a housing reference/supporting letter? YES / NO
If yes, from whom? ………………………………………………
(Please advise client that any references/letters should be provided a.s.a.p. to support their application)
Contact Agreement
Please ask client to sign below to give Martin House staff permission to contact referring agency and third parties referenced in the referral for any further information relating to this referral.
I consent that information about my history and housing history and any risk of harm to myself or others can be shared with Martin House.
Signature of client: ……………………………………………………………………….
Asylum Seeker/Refugee Status
(If applicable, relevant home office documents must be provided)
Is the client an asylum seeker? YES / NO
Has client had a Habitual Residency Test (HRT)? YES / NO
(HRT is a benefits assessment. For entitlement(s) an Individual must have lived within the UK for 5 years or more).
What was the outcome of the HRT?
When is next HRT due?M M Y Y
Is client on benefits? YES / NO
Type of benefit: ……………………………………………………………………………
Amount: £ …………… Weekly Fortnightly Other
Day benefit paid ……………………… Payment Method: BANK / GIRO / BOOK
Since when has benefit been in payment? ………………………………………….
Which office is benefit currently paid from? ……………………………………………
Does the client have any current deductions from there benefit? YES / NO
If yes, what for? ……………………………………………………………….
(If an interview is offered, the client must bring proof of any applicable benefits)
Does the client have ID? YES / NO
(When attending interview, the client must bring two forms of identification, preferably birth certificate/passport/driving licence/bank details etc)
Is client currently employed? YES / NO
If yes please give name and address of employer:
Clients Earnings: £ ……………. Weekly / Monthly / PA
(Client must provide last two wage slips if currently employed)
Work History
Please give details below of any previous employment, starting with the most recent. Please include employer’s name and location, and dates worked from/to. Please also give reason for leaving.
…………………………………………… …………………………………………………
…………………………………………… …………………………………………………
…………………………………………… …………………………………………………
…………………………………………… …………………………………………………
…………………………………………… …………………………………………………
Other sources of income:
If client is not receiving benefits and is not currently employed, please indicate below any other sources of income.
Weekly Basis
1. Borrowing from friends/family / £2. Begging / £
3. Crime/criminal activity / £
4. Sex industry / £
5. Other (describe). ……………………………………………… / £
Physical Health Assessment
Registered with GP? YES / NO
If yes, please provide name and address of GP: ………………………………………
Please describe any past or present medical conditions/prescribed medication
1)...... Medication: ……………………………….
2)...... Medication: ……………………………….
3) ……………………………………... Medication: ………………………………..
4) ……………………………………… Medication: ………………………………..
Medication prescribed by:
GP Out patient clinic
A & E department Nurse practitioner
Hospital Doctor Other
Is the client registered disabled? YES / NO
Family and Current Relationships Assessment
(In this section, please indicate whether the client/relative are in contact, whether they live in local area, and whether there are any significant issues affecting the client e.g court proceedings, CSA etc. Please do not leave sections blank)
Describe relationship with:
1) Natural Parents and/or Surrogate Parents (e.g. Foster Parents, Guardians, Adoptive Parents, if any):
2) Siblings (including stepsiblings):
Ex - Partners:
Current Partner:
5) Children & Step Children:
…...... ……..
Client currently in F/T education? YES / NO
If YES, please give name and location of course: ………………………………………...
If NO, please complete section below.
At what age did client leave school? …………………………………….
Schools/colleges attended: (please give dates)
Please list any qualifications gained:
Reading and Writing difficulties (Do not leave blank)
None Reading difficulties Writing difficulties
Both reading and writing difficulties
Has the client ever been assessed as having any special educational needs?
Childhood (Please describe below any important aspects of childhood e.g. bullying/abuse etc)
Care Record
Has client been in care/foster care? YES / NO
Age when first went into care/foster care: …………………………
Age when last left care/foster care: ………………………………..
Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Housing/Homelessness Assessment
Has the client applied to local authority housing? YES / NO
If YES please give housing reference number: ………………………………..
Has the client applied to any other Housing Associations? YES / NO
If yes, which? ……………………………………………………………………….
Is the client currently: Statutorily homeless under Housing Act 1996
Not Homeless Other Homeless
Describe below in detail homelessness situation prior to arriving at service:
Housing History: (last five years)
Housing / Dates(From - To): / Rent Arrears / Reason for Leaving
continued / Dates
(From - To): / Rent Arrears / Reason for Leaving
Where rent arrears are applicable, has the client made any repayments?
Please give details about rent repayment plans
Have you ever had your own tenancy? YES / NODescribe below: (Please include dates/details of rent arrears)
...... …
Have you stayed in a hostel or supported housing? YES / NO
Have you ever been evicted from a hostel or supported housing? YES / NO
Comments: …......
...... ……
Has the client ever lived in any of the types of accommodation listed below?
YES/ NO (If yes, please tick relevant box)
Army / Detention Centre Prison / With Friends
Hospital / Tied Accommodation (with Job)
Probation Hostel / Shared House/Flat
Youth Custody Centre / Other
Live in Job
SUPPORT NEEDS (please tick the areas in which the client needs support)
Managing Money / Anger Management Completing Forms etc / Resettlement
Personal Hygiene / Survivor of Domestic Violence
Seeking Employment / Survivor of Sexual Abuse
Education/Training / Help With Benefits
Social Skills / Immigration Status
Understanding Boundaries / Other
Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Drug Use Assessment
Is the client currently using, or have they used in the past, any of the following?
Heroin Cocaine
Glue / Solvents / Gas
Prescribed Methadone
Please give details:………………………………………………………………………..
Is the client currently accessing any drug support/treatment services? YES / NO
If yes, please give name of agency and describe type of service accessed (e.g. counselling/detox etc). A copy of any recent risk assessment should be attached.
Any other addictions
Alcohol Use Assessment
How often does the client drink alcohol? ………………………………………….
When client drinks, what is a typical amount? …………………………………….
Where does client’s drinking normally take place? ………………………………
Does client drink alone or socially? ……………………………………………….
Does client ever binge drink? ………………………………………………………
At what age did client first drink alcohol? …………………………………………
Has client ever felt alcohol use was out of control? ………………………………
Is the client currently accessing any alcohol support/treatment services?
If yes, please give name of agency and describe type of service accessed (e.g. counselling/detox etc). A copy of any recent risk assessment should be attached.
Mental Health Issues Assessment
Does the client ever experience, or have they ever experienced, any of the following?
(Please tick all that apply and give details overleaf where applicable)
depression / panic attacks anxiety / memory problems
bipolar disorder / aggressive behaviour
eating disorder / suicidal thoughts
hallucinations / suicide attempts
delusional thoughts / self harm
phobias / Other
Details + Current Medication & Dose: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Is the client currently accessing any mental health support treatment services for any of the issues described above?
If yes, please give name of agency, type of service and how often the client accesses this service at present. Please include any previous use of these services.
(Please note: copies of any completed risk assessment/CPA must be provided at referral stage)
Mental Capacity Assessment & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Does the person currently or have they previously lacked capacity in any area of their life?
If yes, please state the areas in the space provided below:
Has a recent formal mental capacity assessment been undertaken? YES / NO
If yes, please attach a copy
What support is provided to empower and protect the person in the area where they are deemed to lack capacity?
Is this an ongoing need? YES / NO
Are there any existing restrictions that deprive the person of their liberty?
Are there any pending Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards or Court of Protection applications?
What restrictions do you feel should be in place if the person moved into Martin House.
Criminal Activity
Has client ever been in trouble with the police - arrested/cautioned? YES / NO
Has client ever been on probation/YOT license? YES / NO
Has client ever been in prison or young offenders institute? YES / NO
Has client ever been convicted of arson? YES / NO
Has client ever committed any violent offences? YES / NO
Is client on the sex offender’s register? YES / NO
If yes to any of the above, please give details. Please include dates, age of client at time of offence, nature of offence, names and locations of any relevant probation/Y.O.T. workers.
(Copy of any completed risk assessment must be provided at referral stage)
Mini Risk Assessment
(Please note: an interview cannot be offered to the client if this section is not fully completed and signed by the referring officer)
Has the client shown any current or previous tendency towards aggressive, threatening or abusive behaviour?
Details: ………………………………………………………………………
Are there any issues for the client when working alone with staff?
Issues when working with opposite sex staff?
Referring Officer: (Print Name)…………………………………………….
Email referring officer:
Phone referring officer:
Organisation & Address:
Signature of Referring Officer: ………………………………………………
Please ask the applicant to indicate which box best describes them (optional)
Sexual Orientation / Heterosexual o / Lesbian o / Gay Man o
Bisexual o / Rather not say o
Religion / None
o / Christian
o / Buddhist
o / Hindu
o / Jewish
o / Muslim
o / Sikh
o / Other
Marital Status / Single
o / Married
o / Divorced
o / Separated
Ethnic Origin / White British
o / White Irish
o / Any Other White Background
o / Caribbean
o / African
o / Any Other Black Background
o / Pakistani
o / Bangladeshi
o / Any Other Asian Background
o / White & Black Caribbean
o / White & Black African
White Asian
o / Other Mixed
o / Chinese
o / Traveller
o / Gypsy
o / Any Other
Can we contact you in English:
Yes oNo o
Office Use: If not English please note on progress notes / If no, what language to use: / Verbally:
Special Requirements: Braille oLarge Print oTape oType - Secondary oJoint o
Disability / Hearing Impairment
o / Visual Impairment
o / Restricted Mobility
o / Wheelchair used out of home
o / Wheelchair used in and out of home
o / Other Disability
If other disability please give brief details
Preferred Method of Contact / Any o / Letter o / Email o / Telephone o
Economic Status / Employment
o / Full Time
> 30 Hours
o / Part time
<30 Hours
Govtl/New Deal
o / Retired
o / Full time student
o / Reg Unemployed/Job Seeker
Not seeking work/at home
o / Long term sick/disabled
o / Child under 16
o / Other
Issued January 2008
Reviewed July 2015 2 of 16