Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14 September 2015 at the Village Hall Station Road Hopton-on-Sea Great Yarmouth NR31 9BE commencing at 7pm.
Present: Parish Cllrs: Lennie Gent (Chairman), Stephen Ford (Vice-Chairman), Steve Ames, Brian Hardisty, Jean Canham, Julian Canham, Maureen McGovern, Mike Pearce, Shirley Pearce, Dave Ramsden.
Also present: Julie McNair, Clerk to the Council, County Cllr. Colin Aldred, Borough Cllrs. Carl Annison and Andy Grant and nineteen members of the public.
1. To consider apologies for absence.
Parish Cllr Lilian Walker, PCSO Laura Allen.
2. To receive declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda.
Cllr. Hardisty declared a personal interest in item 6(a). Cllr. Ford declared a personal interest in item 13.
3. To confirm the Minute of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 10 August 2015.
Agreed by majority vote and signed (7 in favour, 3 abstentions due to absence last month).
4. Resolution to suspend the meeting for County Councillor and Borough Councillors’ Reports and the Police monthly crime report.
Duly suspended. The Clerk read the crime reports. There were four crimes recorded for the month of August. These were 1 x burglary at Hopton Holiday Village – laptop taken from owners lounge. 1 x Burglary at Linen Post Lane – offender caught and arrested. 1 x crime other at HHV – male threatening door staff. 1 x Theft other at Co-Op – shoplifting. The next southern villages SNAP meeting is 28 September at Burgh Castle Village Hall commencing at 7pm.
County Cllr. Colin Aldred advised he had nothing to report at this time.
Borough Cllr. Carl Annison advised there is funding available for playgrounds. Details will be passed to the Clerk. He confirmed no planning had been received by GYBC in relation to the White Hart Public House (item 14 below). Ward budgets are available (item 12 below).
Borough Cllr. Andy Grant asked for suggestions for the Ward Budget (item 12 below). He has spoken to Jane Beck, GYBC regarding grass cutting in Hopton and was advised they would need to re-negotiate for the whole borough not just Hopton (item 6(d) below). Alternatively, Hopton could obtain a quotation for the grass cutting and provide this to GYBC. Cllr. Grant is speaking to Highways regarding the condition of the roundabout. Details of grants available for local events will be passed to the Clerk.
The meeting was reconvened.
5. To receive and consider the Clerk’s reports:-
(a) Correspondence as listed and circulated to all Cllrs.
(b) Planning applications received.
06/15/0402/F 19 Watsons Close. Proposed en-suite and dressing room extension over existing garage.
06/15/0421/F 92 Links Road. Proposed first floor extension over existing balcony to form a covered balcony.
06/15/0475/F 57 Seaview Rise. Removal of ground floor conservatory, glazed walkway and first floor conservatory. Proposed ground floor garden room and link with new first floor sun room with balcony.
All the above – no objection by the Planning Committee.
06/15/0496/CD New residential hospice building with day care facilities and gardens. Car parking and new access from Sidegate Road – discharge of conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 17 re PP 06/12/0126/F. With the Planning Committee for consideration.
Planning Permission Granted by GYBC:
06/15/0375/F Renewal of PP 06/12/0232/F Potters Leisure, for use of field to south for go karts beyond 28 days a year.
06/15/0373/F Renewal of PP 06/12/0234/F Zest Function Potters Leisure, for car parking and link roads. Outdoor terrace and vehicle passenger set down.
06/15/0394/F Plot 29 Lowestoft Road. Proposed conservatory.
06/15/0010/F Lowestoft Road. Variation of PP 06/14/0184/D. To allow refinement of site layout, bungalow design and drainage strategy.
06/15/0337/F Old Shop Lowestoft Road. Variation of condition 7 (parking) of PP 06/14/0404/F. Parking removed.
Planning Refused by GYBC:
06/14/0372/F 2 Brotherton Way. Two storey extension to the rear. Refused on basis of close proximity to neighbouring properties and out of proportion with existing design.
(c) Finance. 13 cheques and 2 direct debits from the business current account totalling £3,354.26. It was unanimously agreed to pass the payments as listed.
(d) Notice of Conclusion of Audit year ended 31.3.2015.
Mazars LLP have completed the audit and the required Notice has been placed on the main board and website. The annual return can also be viewed on the website or copies available from the Clerk as per the Notice.
(e) GYBC changes to Concurrent Functions Grant.
Jane Beck, Director of Customer Services, GYBC has written to state that following a Cabinet meeting on 8 July 2015 in relation to the concurrent functions grant, the contribution for the Clerk’s salary (£188 pa) will be removed from 2016/17. There will be a phased reduction of the concurrent function grants from 2017/18 in relation to burial grounds, beach cleaning and bus shelters. The Chairman attended a meeting with other local Parish Councils and Jane Beck was present. She advised that in relation to the 2017/18 grants “the Cabinet at present had not made any decision how things would move forward”. There is a Parish Liaison Meeting at GYBC Town Hall this evening to discuss further.
6. To receive a brief update on matters arising from the Minutes:-
(a) Coastal erosion update. Public drop in event at the Village Hall Wednesday 23 September 2015, 2 – 6.30pm re managing coastal strategy including Hopton.
Cllr. Hardisty advised Bourne Leisure is returning next week to re-arrange some of the boulders. Emergency work in front of Potters still hasn’t been started and the delay is with Waveney District Council. The padlock is still missing from the barrier on Beach Road and Bourne Leisure has confirmed they will replace the lock and keys. Cllr. Hardisty emphasised the importance of residents attending the Coastal Strategy meeting on 23 September 2015 in the Village Hall. A leaflet from Hopton Coastal Action Group will be delivered to all homes this week with further details of the drop in event.
(b) Three new litter signs installed by HHV at entrances to the park. As requested, these have now been installed near the beach.
(c) Horse muck on the beach and streets. This problem is increasing and further complaints have been received. Public Space Protection Orders are new powers and clarity on their use is still at a very early stage. Guidance on using them is limited as there is no court case or appeal history to refer to. To implement a PSPO certain conditions must be met. Paul Shucksmith, Senior Environmental Ranger at GYBC believes that if there is a proven problem which is severe enough to have a detrimental effect and is on-going, a PSPO could be used to place restrictions or requirements to prevent the issue from continuing. Any proposals would need to go via GYBC for consideration, a consultation would then need to be carried out and then it would have to be agreed by the Chief Police Officer.
(d) GYBC – Grass cutting costs in Hopton – Freedom of Information Act request. As agreed, a letter was sent on 14 August 2015 to Great Yarmouth Borough Council. No acknowledgement or response has been received as yet. The Clerk to progress.
A public notice has been identified in The Mercury regarding the sale of a piece of land adjacent to 4 Suffolk Close. The return date for comments is 2 October 2015. Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to lodge a letter of objection as the Parish Council is opposed generally to the sale of any open public space in the village.
7. Notice board at the junction of Station Road/Coast Road (outside Turnstone).
This is a Special Item as requested by four Cllrs. Following the Resolution passed at the August meeting, a full refund was offered to Hopton Pharmacy. However, this item has been brought back on the agenda as a special item in accordance with Standing Order 10 as the Pharmacy would like to purchase the damaged notice board in lieu of the refund. This means the Parish Council would not need to make the refund and there would be no removal costs. Some discussion took place regarding the loss of control over advertising material contained in the board i.e. should the board be re-sold at a later date to a third party. It was unanimously agreed to offer the Pharmacy free use of the notice board for 18 months if they are prepared to pay for the repairs. This ensures the Parish Council retains ownership. However, if no agreement can be reached, the previous resolution applies and the board will be removed.
8. Understanding Planning Training Tuesday 15 September 2015 10am to 1pm in the Village Hall. Possible future training workshops (a) writing effective responses to planning application consultations (b) rights of way and byways.
Six Hopton Parish Councillors and Clerk, plus two from Bradwell and two from Corton are due to attend the training tomorrow morning. Delivery and content of the training will be assessed before any further workshops at (a) and (b) above are agreed.
9. Annual Summer Fete and Carnival 10th Anniversary – Sunday 21 August 2016. Appointment of co-chairman for the 2016 fete.
Following a meeting held on 25 August 2015, the 10th Anniversary Fete date has been agreed by the Lions as Sunday 21 August 2016. This date was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council. Lyn Thomas-East from the GY Lions has volunteered to co-chair the event. A volunteer from the Parish Council is needed to co-chair with Lyn. This item will be rolled over to next month’s meeting to allow Councillors time to fully consider the matter. There will be a cheque presentation by the GY Lions next month.
10. Publication of Village News magazine.
A quotation has been received from InterPrint (part of the Norse Group), to print the magazine on a like for like basis. This would save the Parish Council £1,860 pa. There was a note of concern as Norse carry out other works in conjunction with GYBC for the village. Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to appoint InterPrint on a month on month basis.
11. To consider complaints regarding traffic speeding along Hall Road between White House Farm and former Hopton Timber Yard.
Complaints have been received from residents in the area regarding speeding traffic. John Cotton NCC Highways has looked at the road alignment and has suggested two locations for the SAM2 camera. One street light south of the property called “Holly Lodge” with the sign facing northwards. The second street light outside “The Firs” with the sign facing southwards. Both properties are near the former Timber Yard and give reasonable visibility in either direction. Bends in the road prevent the signs from being used elsewhere apart from the southern end near White House Farm but there is no suitable fixing point at that location. The Memorandum of Understand would need to be altered if the Parish Council wish to proceed. It was agreed that the area will first be checked to ensure the safety of volunteers changing the battery and camera in that location.
Data collected for the period 23 June to 9 August 2015 when the SAM2 was located on Coast Road shows the average speed was 29.9mph. The fastest recorded speeds were between 55 and 60mph at the quietest times of the evening. It is clear the camera is having a positive effect on traffic travelling along Coast Road and Station Road.
12. Borough Councillors’ Ward Budgets. To consider projects/good causes within the Village that may benefit from a financial contribution.
Some suggestions were put forward and it was agreed that Cllrs would think about potential projects ready for next month’s meeting.
13. To consider a request from the PCC for a directional road sign to St. Margaret’s Church.
Some discussion took place regarding the cost, relevant consent forms to be completed and indemnity to NCC Highways for any signage. Cllr. Ford will progress this further for next month’s meeting.
14. Closure of the White Hart Public House and Restaurant.
It was confirmed the pub has now closed. There are plenty of rumours concerning the future of the building. There is no firm evidence of any type of development as yet. The pub is owned by Waterloo Inns.
One avenue open to the Parish Council is to register the pub as an asset for community value. This means that should the freehold become available the Parish Council would be offered the right to buy it. However there is no obligation to do so. It could also delay any proposed sale by approximately six weeks to allow the Parish Council and community to lodge any objections should they arise. Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to complete the required Asset for Community Value form and submit to GYBC urgently.
15. To consider an offer by Zurich Insurance regarding the damaged metal steps.
The old metal steps were purchased by the Parish Council in 2000 at a cost of £6,731.58. They were insured for £7,500. The insurers have offered a full and final settlement figure of £7,400. which is broken down as to £7,500 less £100 excess on the policy. A proposal was put forward and seconded to accept the £7,400. A counter proposal was put forward not to accept and pursue a higher figure. This was not seconded. The original proposal was voted on and passed by majority vote (9 in favour 1 opposed). It was also agreed to write to Bourne Leisure again regarding ownership and insurance of the new steps.