Julie C. (Keenan) Herbstrith
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. School Psychology, Illinois State University
(List the employer and dates for each of the following areas)
- University Teaching
- Western Illinois University (2008-present)
- PSY 251 Personality and Adjustment
- PSY 585 Psychological Problems of the Child
- PSY 591 Behavioral Consultation
- PSY 593 Interventions
Publications/Scholarly/Creative Activities
- Refereed
- Non-refereed
- Herbstrith, J.C., & Tobin, R. M. (2009). Popularity. In H. Reis & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Keenan, J. C., & Tobin, R. M. (2008). Best practices in group counseling. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (eds.), Best Practices in School Psychology: Vol. V (pp. 1505-1516). Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists.
- Keenan, J. C. (November, 2004). Evaluating intervention outcomes: Guidelines and outcome evaluation for prevention and treatment of obesity in children. Communiqué, 33 (3), 11.
- Keenan, J. C. (November, 2004). Research reviews: Childhood obesity. Communiqué, 33 (3), 10.
Conference Presentations
- Refereed
- Herbstrith, J.C. (2011, February). Developing positive home-school relations with gay and lesbian parents. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Conference in San Francisco, CA.
- Herbstrith, J.C., Gadke, D., & Tobin, R.M. (2011, February). School-based group counseling for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Conference in San Francisco, CA.
- Barnum, K., Mandro, J., Marble, M., O’Donnell, C., Stewart, A., Whitson, B., & Herbstrith, J.C. (2011, January). LGBTQ youth who are bullied: what every school psychologist should know. Presented at the Illinois School Psychologists Association Conference in East Peoria, Illinois.
- Herbstrith, J.C. & Tobin, R.M. (2010, January). Current attitudes toward gay and lesbian parents and implications for school psychologists. Presented at the Illinois School Psychologists Association Conference in East Peoria, Illinois.
- Herbstrith, J.C. & Tobin, R.M. (2010). Predicting prejudice based on motivation,
implicit, and explicit attitudes. Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Conference in San Diego, California. - Herbstrith, J.C. & Tobin, R.M. (2010). Attitudes toward gay and lesbian parents. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
- Tobin, R. M. & Herbstrith, J. C. (2008, August). Individual differences in the expression of prejudice toward gay men and lesbians. Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Hartmann, K. E., Keenan, J. C., Gadke, D. L., & Tobin, R. M. (2008, February). Prejudice and social desirability ratings among teachers. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Keenan, J. C., Ronk, M. J., Shelvin, K. H., & Gadke, D. L. (2008, January). A piece of the puzzle: school-based services for children with Asperger’s Disorder. Presented at the Illinois School Psychologists Association (ISPA) Conference in Springfield, Illinois.
- Keenan, J. C., Tobin, R. M., Fienup, D. M., & Kahn, J. H. (2006, August). Individual differences in the correspondence between emotion experience and expression. Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Keenan, J. C., & Doepke, K. J. (2006, May). The effectiveness of ABA in the school setting: Teaching children with autism. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Keenan, J. C., & Doepke, K. J. (2006, February). Teaching children with autism in the school setting. Presented at the Illinois School Psychologists Association (ISPA) Conference in St. Charles, Illinois.
- Nonrefereed
- Keenan, J. C., & Tobin, R. M. (2007, September). Group counseling in the schools. Invited workshop presented to district psychologists at Naperville School District Unit 203, Naperville, Illinois.
- Keenan, J. C., Gioia, K. A., & Tobin, R. M. (2006, November). Group counseling in the schools. Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Conference in New York, New York.
- Keenan, J. C., & Doepke, K. J. (2005, January). Applied behavior analysis workshop: Using discrete trial training in the schools. Invited workshop presentation for the special education staff of McLean County School District Unit 5. Normal, Illinois.
- Ronk, M. J., & Keenan, J. C. (2004, December). Discrete trial training for individuals with autism. Invited workshop presentation for special educators at Pepper Ridge Elementary School in Normal, Illinois.
Professional and Academic Service
- Regional
- Diversity Mentor for the Illinois School Psychology Internship Consortium
- Supervisor for School Psychology Doctoral Intern
- Trainer’s Representative for the Illinois Directors of University School Psychology Programs
- Research Chair for Illinois School Psychologists Association
- University
- College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Graduate Committee
- Department
- School Psychology Coordinating Committee Member (2009-present)
- Graduate Programs Committee (2011-2012)
- Undergraduate Support Committee (2010-2011)
- Graduate Programs Committee (Spring 2010)
- Grade Appeals Committee (2009-2010)
Grants and Special Awards
2011 Recipient of the American Psychological Association’s Division 16 Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award
Provost’s Award for Faculty Travel 2011
- Monetary award granted by the Provost at Western Illinois University to fund scholarly activity at professional meetings
Charter Department Graduate Student of Excellence Award 2008
- Monetary award granted by the College of Arts and Sciences to recognize outstanding performance throughout graduate school training
University Club Scholarship Recipient 2007
- Monetary award granted by Illinois State University’s University Club to provide incentive, support, and recognition of selected students
Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award 2007
- Monetary award granted by the Illinois State University Psychology Department to acknowledge outstanding contributions to the department’s teaching, research, and service mission
NASP Graduate Student Research Award 2006
- Monetary award granted by the National Association of School Psychologists Research Committee to support high quality student-initiated research
ISPA Graduate Student Research Award 2006
- Monetary award granted by the Illinois School Psychologists Association to support student research in school psychology
Professional Memberships/Affiliations
American Psychological Association, Division 16
National Association of School Psychologists
Illinois School Psychologists Association
*Adapted from the WIU Graduate Faculty Vita format