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Rector 7 September in Pilsen


Directive of the rector No.39R/ 2011


The Directive, inaccordancewith the Dormitory regulations, closer regulates the principles of student accommodation in the dormitories of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (hereinafter referred to as "UWB") andprovidesoperatingandaccommodation regulations for accommodated persons in dormitories.



Article 1

Request for an accommodation

(1)A studentmust request the allocation ofan accommodationplace. The request shall besubmitted in writingorelectronicallyin the prescribed form, which specimen ispresented in Attachment No.1 of the Directive, to the study department of the university institute which is involved in theimplementation ofeducationalactivities (hereinafterreferred to as "faculty").

(2)Pursuant to Article 5, the studentisrequired to paya depositsimultaneously withmakingarequest.

(3)Requests are assessedcomprehensivelyat the faculty.

(4)Students, who have been granted the right on accommodation, will be listed, according to the current schedule, on the website The information about whereand until whenthe student isobliged to concludean accommodation contract in dormitories(hereinafter referred to as “contract”)will be shown in a bookmark called “My account”. The sample contract is provided in Attachment 2 of this Directive. A student is entitled to print the contract andtake it with himfor the registration in dormitory. The contract is available on the above mentioned website in bookmark “Forms”. If he does not bring it with him, it will be printed by SKM. If thestudentfails to concludea contractwithin the given period, the right to the allocatedaccommodationplaceexpires.The deposit, reduced of the administrative fee, the amount of which is set out in the Price List of works and services of UWB is returned to the student based on his own hand signed written request. The request must besubmitted withinthe endof the calendaryearto theSKM.The Director ofSKMon behalf ofUWBconcludes the contractwith the student.

(5)Further conditions on dates of accommodation in dormitories are annually determined by the schedule of accommodation. The Rectorpublishesthe scheduleon the basis of theproposal of the Director of SKM.

Article 2

Placement of studentsindormitories

(1)Students book concrete beds in a particular dormitory under the applicable schedule on the website bookmark "MyAccount".

(2)For accommodatedwomenand menmustbeseparate sanitary facilities. If the mentioned conditions cannot be ensure women and men are accommodated in separate places.

(3)A mananda womancanbeaccommodated togetheronlyif thefollowing conditions are met:

a)they are married

b)both are18years oldandagree(in writing)thatthey wantto be accommodatedtogether or,

c)in the case of shared accommodation everybody else in this room must give written approval to be accommodated together.

(4)Applicants for a shared accommodationbook the chosenroomin a dormitorybythe date specifiedinthe applicableschedule.

Article 3
Handoverand receipt ofan accommodation place

(1)A student together with a competent Head of dormitory draw up a protocol on handover and takeover of accommodation place (hereinafter referred to as “protocol”) and both sign it. A sample protocolis given in theAttachment3of the Directive. The difference in the inventory list and the inventory losses are written in protocol. In the caseof otherinventoriesis deemedto be in agood condition. The student has the right to mention the defects found (during the firsttwocalendar days from theaccommodation) in the protocol.

(2)Eachroomisequipped with an inventory list.

(3)If thestudentwantsto use his ownelectrical appliances(laptop, printer, kettle, etc.), he is required tocomplete a Request forpermission to usehis ownappliances in the area of dormitory. A sample form is given in Attachment 4. The pricefor the use ofownappliancesis defined inthe Price listof works and services of UWB. The appliances of personalhygieneare not subject tothe fee.

Article 4

(1)The student pays price which corresponds to accommodation place and facilities mentioned in the inventory list. The price for accommodation is determined in the Price listof works and services ofUWB.

(2)The price for accommodation is paid via bank transfer to the account of UWB which is specified in the contract. The price ispayable monthlyby the 15thday of the currentmonth. The datewhenthe payment wascredited to the accountiscrucial. If thestudentfails to observethe due date, heis obliged topay the amount due together with afine in the amountof 0.5% per day, but less than 10% of the amount due. If thestudentfails to pay thepriceforaccommodationin3three daysfromreceipt ofnotification to pay theprice for accommodation,it is understoodthat thestudenthas violatedthe contract.

(3)The feesforservicesrelated to accommodation (short-term accommodation, vacuum cleaner, washing etc.)arepayable in cashat the reception. The level of fees for accommodation services isset outinthe Price List ofworks and services of UWB.

Article 5

The deposit

(1)The deposit is paid in order to reduce the risk of liability for damage to the property of UWB and to cover the damage caused by student during his stay in the dormitory. The applicant for accommodation is required to pay a deposit via bank transfer to the account of UWB which is given in the request. The depositisrefundable inthe cases referred toinArt. 1paragraph 4andArticle 5 paragraph 5. Its amount is determined in the request for an accommodation place.

(2)Ifit is proved thatthe damage wascaused bya particularstudent, the studentis required to paythe actual amount ofdamage. If the student fails to pay the damage, his depositisused as a compensation for damage. If thebasic amount of thedepositis not sufficient forfullcompensation, the student is requiredto paythe difference.

(3)If the student´sdeposit was applied, the studentisrequired topaya deposittothe basic amountwithin 30days of notification ofthe deposit application. If the student fails to do so, it will be considered a violation of this Directive.

(4)On the basis of the student´s consent, the deposit can be used for paying of other claims against the UWB. Even inthis case thestudentisrequired topaya deposittothe basic amountwith allthe consequences set outin the precedingparagraph.

(5)The deposit will be returned to the student upon termination of the contract. The student must submit a personally signed request. The request forrefund ofdepositmust besubmitted no later thanonecalendaryear from thetermination of the contract. The depositwill be returnedwithin 30days of the receipt of the request.

(6)If there is evidencethat thestudenthas anoutstandingcommitmentto the UWBthe depositwill not bereturned tohim.

Article 6

Termination of Accommodation

Accommodation or the right to the accommodation terminates:

a)by expiration ofthe period for whichit was agreedin the contract,

b)by agreement on thetermination of the contract,

c)in the case that theperson has ceasedto be a student of UWB,

d)if the UWB withdraws from the contract becausethestudentviolatedthe provisions of theDirective.



Article 7

Operatingandaccommodation regulations

(1) Operating andaccommodation regulationsare publishedin each dormitory.

(2)Operating andaccommodation regulationsapply toallpersonsaccommodatedin dormitories.

(3)Operating and accommodation regulations are given in theAttachment5 of the Directive.



Article 8

(1)DirectiveNo.35R/ 2006including amendments is repealed.

(2)The Directivebecomes effectiveon 15September 2011.

doc. PaedDr. Ilona Mauritzová, Ph.D.


No.1 - Request for an accommodation place

No.2 - Accommodation contract

No.3 - Protocol on handover and takeover of accommodation place

No.4 - Request forpermission to useown electrical appliances in the area of dormitory

No.5 - Operating andaccommodation regulations

Contact: SKM, tel. 377 634850

Attachment No. 1



Academic year: ……………… faculty:…………………. study year: ……………………

Surname and first name: ……………………………………………………………

Birth number/Student identification number:………………………………………………..

Permanent address:………………………………………….. Post code:……………..

Tel. (mobile) :………………………………………………………

e-mail :……………………………………….

Deposit paid (with account number and date):……………………………..

/ submit the original document for the drafting of the contract /

Payment of the booking fee (from account no., date)

/ submit the original document /




Information for accommodation of first year students

1. Student accommodation is regulated by the Rector’s Directive No. 39R/2011 “Principles of student accommodation and operating and accommodation regulations”

2. There is no legal claim to the accommodation. TheDormitories and Canteens AdministrationOffice on the basis of the student´s reservation allocates a particular accommodation place. Students, whodo not makea reservationby the deadline specifiedinthe validschedule, will not getallocated place.

3. The accepted students of UWB receive this request for accommodation.

4. A written application for accommodation must be submitted by the date specified in the valid schedule to the study department of the relevant faculty with a copy of payment of a returnable deposit of 1,500 CZK to UWB account No.78887000/2700. (variable symbol: birth/student identification number without slash, specific number: 7777). The student should retain the original documents for further use.

5. The payment of a deposit ofCZK 1.500, -isa necessary conditionforreceipt of the request.

6. The requestwithout a proof ofpayment ofthe depositwill not beaccepted.

7.The requestsareassessedcomprehensivelyby the faculties. Individual facultiesdecide on theallocationof accommodationplaces. The SKMsendsdecision onthe accommodationplaces to all applicants. The students are required tosubmitthisdecisionat the signingof the accommodation contract.

8.Students who do not persist on being included on the Waiting list of applicants for accommodation may request arefund ofthe depositby completingthe Request form fordepositreturn. The formisavailableon the website The return of deposit is organized by SKM, Kollárova 19, 301 21 Plzeň and all Heads of dormitories of UWB.

9. Successful applicants are required to conclude the Accommodation contract within the deadline stated in the Decision for allocation of accommodation.

10. If a student, without reasonable excuse, does not conclude the Contract of accommodation within the stated deadline, the right to accommodation is forfeited.

Further information may be found on

Attachment No. 2


I. Contracting parties

Mr/Mrs/Ms ………………………...... Birth/passport number:……………………..

Student at the Faculty of……………………………….. ID Number:……………………..


(hereinafter referred to as ‘accommodated person’)


The University of West Bohemia at Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Pilsen

Bank details: 78887000/2700 (var. symbol: birth number without slash, spec. symbol: 7777)

represented by the Director of theDormitories and Canteens AdministrationOffice......

(hereinafter referred to as ‘SKM’)

conclude this Contract of Accommodation in accordance with regulations §2326-2331of the Actno.89/2012Coll. of the Civil Code

II. Subject and duration of the contract

On the basis of this contract the SKM allocates one accommodation place (bed) with accessories in room No...... …………. in building………………………......

equipped with the listed inventory (attached) for the fixed term, from……………………..

III. Duties of the parties

1. Duties of the SKM:

  • To hand over the accommodation in a state fit for proper use and ensure undistributed exercise of the rights of the accommodated person inaccordancewith the Rector´s Directive No. 39R/2011; the condition of the devices according to the inventory list is recorded in protocol on handover and takeover of accommodation place.

2. Duties of the Accommodated person:

  • to adhere the Dormitory Regulations and implementinginternalstandards and dulyand timelypay the priceforaccommodationaccording tothe valid price list,
  • do not hand over the accommodation or part of the accommodation to another person without the agreement of the SKM
  • not to prevent entry to any party undertaking checks in accordance with the Dormitory regulations.

IV. Termination of contract

  1. The accommodated person may terminate the contract in writing before the agreed

date is reached.

  1. The SKM can withdraw from thecontract before the expiryof the agreed periodif the accommodated person, despite cautioning, does not fulfil the basic obligations of this contract orgrosslyviolatesthe provisions of Rector´s Directive No. 39R/2011.
  1. The withdrawal iseffectiveon the last dayof the month inwhich thewithdrawal was given tothe other contracting party.

V. Other Regulations

1. Incase of an economicinterest orinthe caseof reconstructions, the UWB is entitled to allocate the different accommodation place than is stated in Art. II. of this contract to the accommodated person.

2. Forrelations not explicitly regulated bythe contract, the relevant provisionsof the Actandthe Rector´s Directive No.39R/2011 apply.

3. This contract comes into effect on the day of its signature and is provided in two identical copies.

In Pilsen, dated …………..201…

……………………… …………......

SKM accommodated person

Attachment: Protocol on handover and takeover of accommodation place

Attachment No. 3


on handover and takeover of accommodation place

Concerning room number ………...... in dormitory …………………......

This protocol is simultaneously signed by

the Head of dormitory


the accommodated person……………………………… birth number/student identification number………………......

Date of Accommodation Contract conclusion…………………..

For the academic year………...... ………from………………...... to………………

At the time of handing over and taking over the following faults were found in the fixtures and fittings when compared with the inventory list no. ………...... dated ………......

The accommodated person has the right within two calendar days to notify the Head of the dormitory of any faults found.

In Pilsen, dated ……………. 201…….


Head of dormitory accommodated person

Attachment No. 4


forpermission to useown electrical appliances in the area of dormitory

Surname and first name:………………………......

Birth number/Student identification number:……......

Permanent address:…………………………………………......

Tel. (mobile) :…………………………………………………… e-mail :……………………………………….

Academic year: ...... faculty:…………………......

Code of dormitory/room number …………………......

Own electrical appliances:

Microwave oven
Sandwich maker
Coffee machine
Fridge / Computer/notebook
Video recorder/DVD player
Audio amplifier
Digital frame
Chargerformobile phone


Period of use: from ...... to ......

The applicanthonestlydeclaresthat eachownappliancehas undergonerevisionwithin the meaning ofCSN33 1600, thus fulfilling theprescribed technicalstandards, andthusassumes fullresponsibilityfor damagescaused by usingof this appliance.

Date: ......


Signature of the Head of the dormitory signature of the applicant

Attachment No. 5


Article 1

Rights and obligations of the accommodated person

(1) It is forbidden to form and promote political and religious organizations or groups at the Dormitory.

(2) Rights of the accommodated person inaccordancewith legal regulationsandCrisis Plan ofPilsen Region may be in the case of evacuation (in specific crisis situation) limited.

(3) The accommodated student has the right to:

a)on allocation of basic room furnishings (furniture, bedclothes with pillow, bed linen, study lamp and other items on the inventory list of the relevant room) and to their maintenance,

b)a change of bed linen at least twice every two weeks,

c)use of communal spaces in the dormitory,

d)have visitors between 6:00 and 24:00 on the understanding that the student is responsible for any loss or damage caused by the visitors,

e)share in the social life of the dormitory and participate in events organized by the dormitory,

f)submit in written form comments on all aspects of life in residence to the representative of self-government and the Director of the SKM,

g) use his own (announced) electrical appliances in the dormitory

h)complain in written form to the Director of the SKM about the behaviour of employees of university dormitory on the understanding that a solution will be proposed within 15 days,

i)connection to a computer network in accordance with technical conditions of dormitory networks.

(4) The accommodated student is obliged to:

a)submit to the Head of the dormitory when moving into the dormitory his identity card (for foreigners a valid passport or residence permit) or study documents (e.g. index) or decision of acceptance,

b)inhabit solely dedicated room,

c)abide by the provisions of these Regulations and instructions of the Head of the dormitory,

d)uphold the rules for civil co-existence,

e)keep the room clean and tidy, keep communal areas tidy, look after dormitory facilities and conserve electricity,

f)regularly pay the accommodation fee in accordance with the Contract,

g) adhere to the operating and accommodation regulations of the dormitory,

h)observe quite hours,

i)submit accommodation card (JIS) at the entrance,

j)adhere to the dormitory safety and fire regulations,

k)enter immediately any faults into the Fault Book in the reception

l)compensate for any loss or damage

m)adhere to hygienic regulations,

n)make the rooms available to the persons carrying out the maintenance

o)hand (at the end of the accommodation) borrowed items and tidy room in accordance with normal wear to the Head of the dormitory and sign out of the register.

p)adhere to the technicalconditions for the operationof dormitorynetworks.

(5) The accommodated student must not

a)damage the property of UWB and third persons,

b)disturb the peace and studies of other students,

c)use and harbour drugs and other intoxicating substances and over indulge in alcohol,

d)have visitors outside aforementioned visiting hours,

e)have visitors who are not properly registered in reception,

f)smoke or use an open flame outside areas designated for this purpose,

g) interfere with fittings of any kind

h)use unregistered electrical appliances according to Article 4 (computers, televisions, fridge),

i)keep any kind of animal in dormitory,

j)harbour fire arms and explosives in dormitory,

k)park bicycles outside the designated areas,

l)carry out business in dormitory

m) use electrical appliances with high electrical consumption (kettles, infra-red heaters, hot plates, toasters, radiators) outside the designated areas – kitchenettes.

(6) Breach of any of the above points in (5) will be considered as gross violation of the Directive.

Article 2

Operational regulations of dormitory

(1) The dormitory closes at 24:00 and opens at 5:00. Entry and exit of accommodated persons is not limited.Accommodated studentfor the purposesof this Directive meansstudent accommodatedin anydormitoryof UWB. The student isrequired to respect theoperatingandaccommodation regulationsof any dormitoryregardlessof whether he is accommodated there.

(2) Visitors are permitted only between 6:00 and 24:00.

(3) A registration of visitors is carried out at the reception. The date of visit, first name and surname of the visitor and surname and the room number of the host and time of arrival and on leaving - the time of departure. The visitor is obliged to show his identity card on arrival and announce his departure.

(4) The quiet hours are in effect from 22:00 to 6:00.

(5) Operating and accommodation regulations are posted in each dormitory.

(6) Repeated infringement of the Operating and accommodation regulations of dormitory will be judged to be a gross breach of the Dormitory Regulations.

(7) The short-term accommodation of visitors in temporarily vacant beds can be arranged with the agreement of the co-habitants. The length of stay must not be longer than one week. The host is completely responsible for the guest for the length of his stay. The administrativefeeis set out inthe Price List ofworks and services. The daily fee is not paid by a student accommodated in another dormitory of UWB.