Colombian Government has the power to authorize the entry and stay of foreigners in Colombian territory. This power is founded on the principle of state sovereignty. In this sense, corresponds to the Foreign Affairs Ministry granted, not admit or deny the granting of the visa.

The foreigner citizen who wants to request or application for a visa must meet all requirements as applicable to the class and category of visa, due to the activity developed in Colombia.

Any inaccuracies in the information or documents that are part of the application shall be grounds for denial. The decision on a visa application shall be communicated to the person concerned only in the office to which submitted the request.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 74 of Decree 4000 of 2004, visa holders whose validity exceeds three (3) months, and the beneficiaries thereof shall be entered in the register of foreigners Foreign Branch or Sectional in the Administrative Department of Security, within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of entry into the country or the date the visa, if this was issued in the country.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry study the applications in one day and in the same day this entity will grant, not admit or deny the granting of the visa.

The following are the different types of visas:

- Beneficiary
- Business
- Qualified resident
- Resident and Colombian national family
- Resident investor
- Temporary student
- Temporary Colombian national spouse
- Temporary special as renter
- Temporary special as a volunteer or volunteer NGO
- Temporary special as pensioner
- Temporary special partner or commercial establishment owner of


- Temporary special for the pursuit of an independent character
- Temporary special adoption proceedings
- Temporary special medical treatment
- Temporary refugee
- Temporary religious
- Temporary worker
- Transfer of visa
- Member of the crew
- Tourism Visitor
- Technical Guest
- Temporary Visitor

Below please find the requirements and the conditions of some of the most important visas:

Business visa:

This visa can be granted to the foreign that is the legal representative, director, manager or executive of a foreign company commercial, industrial or service, or company that has economic links with a domestic or foreign company established in the country and be able to develop activities of related business management representing interests such as attending meetings of partners, conducting business, conducting market research consultants, or supervise the management of the companies with which they have a legal relationship, strategic or economic.

The Business Visa will be valid for up to four (4) years for multiple entries and allows a stay until the end of one (1) continuous year for each entry.

The validity of this visa will end if the foreign beyond the term of one (1) continuous year in Colombia.

Under the Foreign Business Visa, the applicant cannot establish their domicile in the country and the activities carried out will not be able to generate on its holder the payment of wages in Colombia.

The Business Visa, in all cases, may be granted as Beneficiary.

Temporary worker visa:

This visa is granted to the foreigner hired by a labor contract.

The Temporary Worker Visa will be valid for up to two(2) years for multiple entries.

The validity of this visa will end if the foreign beyond the term of one (1) continuous year in Colombia.

The validity of this visa will end if the foreign stay beyond the term of (180) continuous days out of Colombia.

The Temporary Worker Visa may be granted as Beneficiary.

If the temporary worker’s visa is being applied for the first time, the application should be filed abroad, in a consulate of the Republic of Colombia.

Temporary special owner of property visa:

This visa requires a minimum investment of one hundred thousand dollars (US $100,000) in a real state property in Colombia.

For this visa is required the proof of the registration of this investment with the Central Bank.

The Temporary Worker Visa will be valid for up to two(2) years for multiple entries.

The Temporary Worker Visa may be granted as Beneficiary.

For more information about immigration-related issues in Colombia, please contact:

Carlos Silva

Cavelier Abogados

Edificio Siski
Carrera 4 No. 72 - 35
Bogota 8, Colombia

P: +57 1 319 0243