Ms. Wessel’s ABC’s of Kindergarten

If your child is absent, please send a note stating the reason for the absence as soon as possible to avoid an unexcused absence.

If you would like to send a birthday treat with your child on or near his/her birthday, please let us know in advance that you will be sending treats. These treats will be eaten during our snack time. Please note that all food items must be store-bought. Please do not send birthday party invitations to be distributed at school unless allchildren receive an invitation.

Parent and Teacher conferences are held at the end of the first and third grading periods. Watch for information and reply accordingly. Other conferences will be held when necessary.

Communicationis important. Feel free to contact me whenever you have a question or concern. You can reach me by phone (910-327-2104), by email (), or by note.

Disciplineis simple. We work hard as a class to make the classroom a positive and safe place for all. The students will be working together to create our classroom rules.

My school email address. I check email daily. If you have an email address that you’d like me to be aware of, please let me know.

Onslow County will be observing several Early Release days this year. Students will attend school for ½ day. The dates are: September 23, October 21, February 24, March 16, and April 20.

Information about field trips will be sent home in your child’s folder. It will be detailed in the field trip permission slip and weekly newsletter.

Our class will have gym(physical education) each WAVE day and two days after each WAVE day. Children are asked to wear athletic shoes on gym days. Please dress your child appropriately on these days (refer to the WAVE calendar) Girls should not wear dresses.

Students will havehomework in Kindergarten. Homework assignments will vary and will be listed on your child’s homework calendar.

Independence is a goal for students because it builds self-esteem and self-confidence. Kindergarteners are very capable of doing many things on their own and I encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom. Please work on the following skills at home with your child: zipping, tying shoes, buttoning,dressing, etc.

Writing takes place every day in kindergarten. One way we accomplish this is through free writing in our journals and through writer’s workshop. Encourage your child to write at home for a variety or purposes.

Keep updatedby reading the classroom newsletters/e-mails, checking your child’s folder daily, and checking the school webpage as well as our classroom webpage.

Our class will visit the library periodically. Your child will check out a book when we visit the library and return it within the following WAVE day. If your child forgets to return the book, they will not be allowed to check out a new book until it is returned.

Our class eats lunchat 12:40. If lunch money is sent to school, please send it in your child’s folder in either an envelope or ziplock bag labeled with their name. (We do not check backpacks for these items.)

Studentsarriving late (after8:45) must be accompanied to the office by an adult. Our instructional day starts promptly at 8:45, so please make every

effort to have your child to school on time.

The children will have musicclass each WAVE day.

The kindergarten math curriculum provides students with mathematical experiences that help them develop number sense and a positive attitude towards mathematics that will continue throughouttheir school career and lives.

There will be no school on the following days: September: 7; November: 11, 25-27; December: 21-31; January: 1, 18-20; February:15;March: 25-31; April: 1, 29; May: 30.

Open House will take place in mid-September. Info will be forthcoming.

When picking up your child, please use the parent and visitorparking lot.

Questions?Please feel free to call, email, or send a note.

  • 910-327-2104

Report cards will be sent home4 times during the school year.The first report card will be given out at the first parent/teacher conference.

Kindergarteners haverecess daily. Please dress your child accordingly. This means that students are not to wear flip flops to school.

I will be using text message Remind system to send out important class reminders. I encourage every parent to subscribe and receive notifications.

Students may bring a water for snack. (Please no juice as it can be very sticky.)

The focus of the kindergarten sciencecurriculum is on developing an awareness of the world in which we live.

The kindergarten social studies curriculum focuses on the students and how they relate to others in their families, classroom, school and community.

If your child has any changes in their transportation please send a note, but please try to limit changes. You may also send changes in by faxing a note to 910-327-3336. Changes must be made by 3:00 p.m.

Useyour parent intuition for when children are sick. If they have a fever, keep them home and return to school after 24 hours.

Volunteers and visitors must sign in at the office and pick up a sticker. All volunteers must be fingerprinted through the County Office.

We will have WAVE dayevery 6 days. You can find our wave day schedule on the Dixon Elementary School website.

Wetand/or dirty clothes can be uncomfortable. Please send an extra set of clothing (shirt, pants, socks, underclothes) in a Ziploc baggie marked with your child’s name on the outside of the bag. These will be stored at school and used by your child in the event they are needed.

Parents and family members may eXit and enter via the main school entry.

Your ideas…and suggestions are welcome!

Zzzzzzz - Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest.We recommend 10 hours. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give your child.