Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration (ADAA) is responsible for the establishment and support of a comprehensive alcohol and drug abuse service delivery system. ADAA develops, establishes, regulates and promotes, monitors and supports programs for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation related to the misuse of alcohol and drugs. This program also promotes and conducts substance abuse related education, training, data collection and research.
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration is committed to providing access to a quality and effective substance abuse prevention, intervention and treatment service system for the citizens of Maryland.
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration envisions a future in which we substantially increase the number of Maryland citizens who enjoy a healthy drug free life by:
● Creating communities that possess the protective factors that discourage substance abuse, and
● Providing high quality addictions treatment on request.
Goal 1. Provide a comprehensive continuum of accessible treatment services for women with dependent children.
Objective 1.1 By fiscal year 2010, at least 40% of women with dependent children who completed/transferred/referred from Level III.7 (Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient Treatment) will enter another level of care within 30 days.
2007 2008 2009 2010
Performance Measures Actual Actual Estimated Estimated
Input: Number of mothers with dependent children transferred/
referred from Level III.7 953 995 1,050 1,050
Output: Total number of mothers with dependent children
who enter another level of care 387 359 420 420
Outcome: Percent of mothers with dependent children who
entered into another level of care 41% 36% 40% 40%
Goal 2. Provide an effective length of treatment in the continuum of care.
Objective 2.1 By fiscal year 2010, 62% of the patients in ADAA funded outpatient programs are retained in treatment at least 90 days.
2007 2008 2009 2010
Performance Measures Actual Actual Estimated Estimated
Output: Number of patients discharged from outpatient services
during the fiscal year 2,865 2,687 3,300 3,300
Outcome: Percent of patients retained in treatment at least 90 days 60% 59% 62% 62%
Output: Number of patients discharged from outpatient services
during the fiscal year 17,775 16,106 18,000 18,000
Outcome: Percent of patients retained in treatment at least 90 days 58% 58% 62% 62%
Objective 2.2 By fiscal year 2010, 60% of the patients in ADAA funded halfway house programs are retained in treatment at least 90 days.
2007 2008 2009 2010
Performance Measures Actual Actual Estimated Estimated
Output: Number of patients discharged from halfway house programs
during the fiscal year 1,296 1,336 1,300 1,300
Outcome: Percent of patients retained in treatment at least 90 days 56% 56% 60% 60%
Objective 2.3 By fiscal year 2010, 35% of adolescent and 45% of adult patients completing/transferred/referred from ADAA funded intensive outpatient programs enter another level of treatment within thirty days of discharge.
2007 2008 2009 2010
Performance Measures Actual Actual Estimated Estimated
Output: Number of patients completing/transferred/referred
from intensive outpatient services 166 156 200 200
Outcome: Percent of patients entering another level of treatment
within 30 days of discharge 42% 42% 45% 45%
Output: Number of patients completing/transferred/referred from
intensive outpatient services 3,337 3,017 3,500 3,500
Outcome: Percent of patients entering another level of treatment
within 30 days of discharge 48% 53% 55% 55%
Objective 2.4 By fiscal year 2010, 72% of the patients completing/transferred/referred from ADAA funded detoxification programs enter another level of treatment within 30 days of discharge.
2007 2008 2009 2010
Performance Measures Actual Actual Estimated Estimated
Output: Number of patients completing/transferred/referred from
detoxification services 2,330 3,103 3,000 3,000
Outcome: Percent of patients entering another level of treatment
within 30 days of discharge 74% 76% 78% 78%
Goal 3. Provide treatment services that decrease substance use and improve social functioning.
Objective 3.1 By fiscal year 2010 the number of patients using substances at completion/transfer/referral from treatment will be reduced by 70% among adolescents and 75% among adults from the number of patients who were using substances at admission to treatment.
2007 2008 2009 2010
Performance Measures Actual Actual Estimated Estimated
Input: Number of patients using substances at admission 1,883 1,472 1,800 1,800
Output: Patients using substances at completion/transfer/referral 619 318 540 540
Outcome: Percent decrease in substance abuse during treatment 67% 78% 70% 70%
Input: Number of patients using substances at admission 16,718 17,960 17,000 17,000
Output: Patients using substances at completion/transfer/referral 3,949 4,011 3,740 3,740
Outcome: Percent decrease in substance abuse during treatment 76% 78% 78% 78%
Objective 3.2 By fiscal year 2010 the number of employed adult patients at completion/transfer/referral from treatment will increase by 29% from the number of patients who were employed at admission to treatment.
2007 2008 2009 2010
Performance Measures Actual Actual Estimated Estimated
Input: Number of patients employed at admission 8,327 7,920 8,500 8,500
Outcome: Number of patients employed at completion of treatment 10,675 9,584 10,540 10,540
Percent increase in employment at completion of treatment 28% 21% 24% 24%
Objective 3.3 By fiscal year 2010 the number arrested during the 30 days before discharge will decrease by 70% for adolescents and 75% for adults from the number arrested during the 30 days before admission.
2007 2008 2009 2010
Performance Measures Actual Actual Estimated Estimated
Input: Number arrested before admission 556 528 550 550
Output: Number arrested before discharge 184 161 165 165
Outcome: Percent decrease in number arrested 67% 70% 70% 70%
Input: Number arrested before admission 3,297 3,160 3,300 3,300
Output: Number arrested before discharge 894 809 825 825
Outcome: Percent decrease in number arrested 73% 74% 75% 75%