Horsebridge Meadows, Maplebeck Road, Caunton, Newark, Notts, NG23 6AS.

tel: 01636 636 688 e mail :


All ages calculated as at 1st January / FEE
before 01/01/2015 / FEE
from 01/01/2015
FAMILY (2 adults + juniors under 18) / £340.00 / £360.00
ADULT (over 18) / £170.00 / £180.00
STUDENT/JUNIOR (in full-time education) / £55.00 / £60.00
COUNTRY (Restricted membership for fully paid up member of another club) / £85.00 / £85.00
65+ / £110.00 / £110.00
SOCIAL (non-playing) / £25.00 / £25.00
IMPORTANT NOTICE- Any existing members who do not pay their subscription renewal by 31st JANUARY 2015 will be considered to have terminated their membership. They may only be entitled to renew by payment of the full appropriate annual subscription together with a re-admission fee of £20

Please PRINT all details clearly and enter all family members on this form.

Title / First Name / Surname / Date of Birth / Membership Fees
(see above)
Address / Total fees
Post Code
Mobile tel no / Home tel no
Email address
(please write clearly)
New Members
Please give an indication of your playing standard, (eg beginner, mini tennis, club/county coaching, social player, previous clubs) If this form is being used for more than one person, please include names relating to individual information. Please also indicate if you would like coaching or to play in a team - we have teams for all abilities.
First name / Details of playing experience / Interested in coaching? (Y or N) / Team Play (Y or N)

New to British Tennis?

By completing this form, you are also being automatically signed up as a British Tennis Member for free. This will enable you to take advantage of the many benefits offered to British Tennis Members including Wimbledon tickets, exclusive news and discounts and a player rating. For more information visit: .
Please select NO if you do not wish to join British Tennis:- YES / NO (delete as applicable)

By giving your consent to you/your child becoming a British Tennis Member, you agree that you/your child will abide by the Terms and Conditions of British Tennis Membership (at and that the LTA and its directly affiliated bodies (see can use the personal data of you/your child, including sensitive personal data that you provide, for the purposes of your involvement in British Tennis, and to send you/your child by post, e-mail or SMS information related to those purposes (for more information see

Occasionally, the LTA may also use your details to:

- send you information about LTA offers and offers from third parties that the LTA work with by post, email or SMS.
Please select NO if you do NOT want to hear about these offers:- YES / NO (delete as applicable)

- pass your contact details on to carefully selected third parties so that they can send you, by post, details of their products and

services. Please select NO if you do NOT want the LTA to pass on your details:- YES / NO (delete as applicable)

All members Medical Conditions
Please use the box to describe any medical conditions and / or any particular needs that we should be aware of (eg inhaler use; allergies etc)

Other permissions:
* I give permission for myself / my child / children to be involved in any publicity (including photographs and video footage) surrounding Caunton Tennis Club: YES / NO (delete as applicable)

* I give permission for the coach of my child / children to video my child / children playing tennis during their lesson for training purposes only: YES / NO (delete as applicable)

* To help members' communication , we would like to display contact details in the Clubhouse of our adult members.
If you would prefer personal information not to be displayed, please delete either or both of the following:

Home Phone / Mobile Phone

Conditions of membership of Caunton LTC – please read all conditions

1.  Juniors under 14 may not be left at the Club on their own unless they are attending organised Junior sessions.

2.  Visitors fees are:- Adults £5. Juniors: £2.50 per hour. Please ensure your guests sign the Visitors book.

3.  Country Members are ineligible to play in Caunton LTC tournaments or teams, stand for office or vote on any issue and their play is restricted to 9am to 5pm weekdays only.

4.  Members agree to abide by the Rules and Code of Conduct of Caunton Tennis Club. These are available upon request , and are on display in the Clubhouse


I / we wish to apply for membership of Caunton LTC, starting from 1st January 2015 and agree to the conditions above.

Date (DD/MM/YY)

Please email completed application form to , or post to:
Rosie Watkins
Caunton Lawn Tennis Club
Horsebridge Meadows
Maplebeck Road
Newark, Notts, NG23 6AS / How to pay?
Post cheque payable to 'Caunton Tennis Club' to club address
Pay by BACS via
Sort Code: 54-10-23 Acct Number: 05810353
NB Please include your surname as a reference
Date of BACS payment: (DD/MM/YY)
Please ensure that all sections have been completed.
To confirm receipt of your application and payment, you will be sent an email which will contain the new 2015 codes to the gate and club house and alarm. The codes will be changed on 1st February 2015.