JULY 26, 2012PAGE 1
Location / Position / NAME / Beginning Date / Ending Date / Amount of Agreement / Executive CouncilMember
Grissom High / Serve as Auditorium Technician / Brown, James Dennis / 07/27/12 / 06/30/13 / $15.00 per hour
(not to exceed 14 hours per week)
Rent Fund Account / Deputy Superintendent
Huntsville High / Perform clerical duties / Surles, Beatrice * / 07/27/12 / 08/09/12 / $12.86 per hour
(not to exceed 40 hours per week)
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Grissom High / Assist Principal in building Master School Schedule for the 2012-2013 school year / Crigger, Sheri * / 07/27/12 / 07/30/13 / $500.00 each
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Grissom High / Assist Principal in building Master School Schedule for the 2012-2013 school year / Hurt, Cary *
Staggs, Kathleen* / 07/27/12 / 08/03/12 / $500.00 each
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Grissom High / Assist Principal in building Master School Schedule for the 2012-2013 school year / Eversmeyer, Maureen * / 07/27/12 / 08/03/12 / $20.00 per hour
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
James I. Dawson Elementary / Work on school improvement grant requirements / Curlee, Jennifer * / 07/27/12 / 08/03/12 / $35.82 per hour
(not to exceed 40 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Blossomwood Elementary / Perform clerical duties / Shwab, Vickie * / 07/27/12 / 08/09/12 / $14.35 per hour
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Ed White Middle / Assist with various duties with scheduling, classroom assignments, and data information / Kilgore, Evelyn * / 07/27/12 / 08/03/12 / $20.00 per hour
(not to exceed 30 hours per week)
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Federal Programs / Attend ESL Training / Mahone, Jan *
Brady, Patricia *
Strong, Jamel *
Hooten, Angela *
Steed, Michelle *
Wiles, Judy *
Gray, Patricia *
Vasquez, Felecia *
Grimaud, Mary *
Hughes, Katherine *
Harris, Peggy *
Blankenship, Kimberly *
Pippen, Paula *
Harrison, Leigh *
Johnson, Nicole L. *
Lattimore, Sirlinda *
Brady, Ann T. *
Carson, Lillian *
Rice, Melanie *
Herring, Julie *
Williams, Donna *
Ford, Tori *
Gregson, Nancy *
Spray, Doris *
Montgomery, Mary *
Tower, Feyadora *
Oldham, Kelsea *
Jolly, Beverly *
Hall, Amber *
Wade, Sherry *
Haught, Sheila *
McCrary-Warren, Shaundrea *
Baker, Patrick *
Fuqua, Crystal *
Bruce, Regina *
White, Donna *
Maddox, Jennifer *
Crawford, Charlene *
Hill, Angela *
Jones, Lisa *
Moore, Yulonda *
Sanderson, Yvonne *
Davis, Katrina *
Patterson, Ebonee *
McNeil, Melinda *
Boswell, Tawana *
Draine, April *
Hannah, Donna *
Mitchell, Darlene *
Stewart, Brenda *
Grant, LaVonda *
Killen, Tara *
Davison, Anthony *
Wells, Erika *
Walker, Lora *
Davis, Helen *
Carnes, Collette *
Ethridge, Paula *
Johnson, Jacqueline *
Fedoseyev, Eugene *
Rodriguez, Zunilda *
Kilgore, Paula *
Gross, Nicole *
Davis, Steve *
Knight, Kia *
Cunningham, Stacy *
Kindred, Kathy *
Roach, Bettye *
Wright, Michelle *
Drake, Carolyn *
Gray, Linda *
Howard, Shana *
Brookins, Susie *
Ledyard, Jennifer *
Nevlous, YaLynda *
Varner, Stephanie *
Hyche, Lacey *
Jones-Thomas, Sonya *
Roberts, Dunia *
Rodgers, Taryn *
Thomas, Esther *
Jacobs, Norma *
Heam, Gregory *
Hodges, Everette *
Oden, Danielia *
Caspers, Stephanie *
Respess, Nanetta *
Granger, Leadrester *
Payne, Richard *
Davis-Wright, Michelle *
Belvitt, Olive *
Dixon, Amena *
Jones, Taleshay *
Brown, Dorothy *
Chavers, Lucille *
Dyer, Gina *
Pollard, Pamela *
Harris, Kawania *
Maldonado, Joy *
Henry, Adrienne * / 07/30/12 / 07/31/12 / $100.00 per day for 1 day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
James I. Dawson Elementary / Perform clerical duties / Lambert, Kecia * / 07/30/12 / 08/03/12 / $12.65 per hour
(not to exceed 30 hours per week)
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Westlawn Middle / Perform clerical duties / Terry, Deborah * / 07/30/12 / 08/09/12 / $13.00 per hour
(not to exceed 34 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Morris Elementary / Provide ESL Instruction for ELL Transition Program / Fujita, Midori * / 07/30/12 / 08/09/12 / $20.00 per hour
(not to exceed 19 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
James I. Dawson Elementary / Serve as a ten-month TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment) Teacher / Williams, Donna * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $255.19 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Special Education / Interpret for students in extracurricular activities after school hours / Johnson, Derrick * / 07/31/12 / 05/24/13 / $13.16 per hour
(not to exceed 20 hours per week)
General Fund / Deputy Superintendent
James I. Dawson Elementary / Serve as a ten-month Curriculum Specialist / Campbell, Rebecca * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $273.70 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Federal Programs / Serve as a ten-month Instructional Technologist / Washington, Beth * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $328.06 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Federal Programs / Serve as a ten-month Instructional Technologist / Schneider, Lynne * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $351.77 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Federal Programs / Serve as a ten-month Instructional Technologist / Hosey, Jan * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $339.22 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
James I. Dawson / Serve as a ten-month Instructional Technologist / Nunez, Deborah * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $347.72 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Westlawn Middle / Serve as a ten-month TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment) Teacher / Balentine, Rebecca * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $306.62 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Ed White Middle / Serve as a ten-month Curriculum Specialist / Strong, Jamel * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $269.18 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Morris Elementary / Provide ESL Instruction for ELL Transition Program / Crawford, Charlene *
Sanderson, Kathy *
Stewart, Brenda * / 07/31/12 / 08/09/12 / $20.00 per hour
(not to exceed 6 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Ridgecrest Elementary / Provide ESL Instruction for ELL Transition Program / Dixon, Danesia *
Kindred, Kathy * / 07/31/12 / 08/09/12 / $20.00 per hour
(not to exceed 6 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
University Place Elementary / Provide ESL Instruction for ELL Transition Program / Brantley, Sheila *
Coleman, Louanna * / 07/31/12 / 08/09/12 / $20.00 per hour
(not to exceed 6 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
University Place Elementary / Serve as a ten-month Curriculum Specialist / Newman, Judith * / 07/31/12 / 06/04/13 / $298.94 per day
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Staff Development / Consultant – New Teacher Orientation: Positive Behavior Support / Hodges, Rosemary / 08/02/12 / 08/03/12 / $500.00 per day
Staff Development Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Staff Development / Consultant – New Teacher Orientation: Positive Behavior Support / Fernandez, Karl / 08/02/12 / 08/03/12 / $350.00 per day
Staff Development Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Staff Development / Provide training for new teachers in the area of formative assessment at the Early Works Museum / Barnes, Pamela *
Kilgore, Evelyn *
Nash, Beth * / 08/02/12 / 08/03/12 / $40.00 per hour
(not to exceed 15 hours)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Child Nutrition Program / Serve as CNP Area Training Manager / Washington, Stefanie * / 08/06/12 / 12/10/12 / $17.14 per hour
(not to exceed 35 hours per week)
CNP Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Child Nutrition Program / Serve as CNP Area Supervisor / Whited, Patricia * / 08/06/12 / 08/31/12 / $20.00 per hour
(not to exceed 40 hours per week)
CNP Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Staff Development / Consultant – Comprehensive Behavior Management Training/Embedded Classroom Coaching – Westlawn Middle and James I. Dawson Elementary / Simmons Associates: The Education Company / 08/06/12 / 05/23/13 / $2,400.00 per day for 7 days
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Challenger Middle / Serve as Acting CNP Manager / Cagle, Lisa * / 08/07/12 / 09/28/12 / $13.75 per hour
(not to exceed 40 hours per week)
CNP Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Grissom High / Provide clerical duties before school hours / Brown, James Dennis / 08/10/12 / 05/24/13 / $15.00 per hour
(not to exceed 5 hours per week)
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Lakewood Elementary / Serve as a nine-month ARI Reading Coach / Phillips, Lori * / 08/10/12 / 05/24/13 / $253.72 per day
Alabama Reading Initiative Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Special Education / Work with hearing impaired students / Harless-Woods, Frances / 08/20/12 / 05/24/13 / $25.00 per hour
(not to exceed 18.5 hours per week)
General Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Special Education / Work with hearing impaired students / Little, Nancy / 08/20/12 / 05/24/13 / $25.00 per hour
(not to exceed 15 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Special Education / Provide Audiological Services / Green, Elizabeth / 08/20/12 / 05/24/13 / $50.00 per hour
(not to exceed 18.5 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Special Education / Serve as Orientation and Mobility Specialist / Evans, Ramona / 08/20/12 / 05/24/13 / $55.00 per hour
(not to exceed 5.3 hours per week)
General Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Challenger Elementary / Serve as a Tutor after school hours / Allen, Susan * / 08/20/12 / 05/23/13 / $13.00 per hour
(not to exceed 5 hours per week)
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Weatherly Heights Elementary / Facilitate hands on science applications and activities in grades PreK - 5 / McAllister, Rebecca / 08/20/12 / 05/24/13 / $13.00 per hour
(not to exceed 19 hours per week)
Principal’s Books / Deputy Superintendent
Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary / Serve as an Intervention Tutor / Nesman, Bonnie / 08/27/12 / 05/22/13 / $20.00 per hour
(not to exceed 19 hours per week)
Federal Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Location / Position / NAME / Beginning Date / Ending Date / Amount of Agreement / Executive CouncilMember
Secondary Programs / Serve as a twelve-month Math Project Coordinator at the Annie C. Merts Center effective 06/07/12 / Roby, Sheila * / 07/22/11 / 06/30/13 / $316.37 per day or current daily rate
DoDEA Grant / Superintendent
Location / Position / NAME / Beginning Date / Ending Date / Amount of Agreement / Executive CouncilMember
Child Nutrition Program / Serve as Child Nutrition Program Service Improvement Specialist for Huntsville City Schools / Waller, Janet * / 04/20/12 / 08/31/12 rather than
06/29/12 / $30.00 per hour
CNP Fund / Deputy Superintendent
Location / Position / NAME / Beginning Date / Ending Date / Amount of Agreement / Executive CouncilMember
McDonnell Elementary / Serve as a Teacher for Pre-K Jump Start Program / Killen, Megan * / 05/31/12 / 06/29/12 / $25.00 per hour rather than $28.47 per hour
(not to exceed 40 hours per week)
Jump Start Program / Superintendent
Lakewood Elementary rather than McDonnell Elementary / Serve as a Teacher for Pre-K Jump Start Program / Mann, Marlee * / 06/01/12 / 06/29/12 / $25.00 per hour rather than $28.47 per hour
(not to exceed 40 hours per week)
Jump Start Program / Superintendent
McDonnell Elementary / Serve as a Teacher for Pre-K Jump Start Program / Gattis, Elizabeth * / 06/04/12 / 06/29/12 / $25.00 per hour rather than $28.47 per hour
(not to exceed 40 hours per week)
Jump Start Program / Superintendent
*Employee of Huntsville City Schools