
Pembroke Rotary Club Chronicle



August 7, 2008:

On Duty: George Cubbon & Donna Daniels

Attendance: 27 of 40 members (67.5%) better numbers this week; let’s aim for 80% next week!

Honorary Members: Donnie Tolaram

Visiting Rotarians: Yvette Swan joined us today – perhaps a member of our club should not really be in the Visiting Rotarian category, but Yvette is a Rotarian, and she is visiting us after an extended time in Canada – so that’s probably ok. At any rate, great to see you Yvette!

Guests: Kimberly Harris, student at Howard University and guest of Gilda Furbert.

Exchange Student: none

Birthdays: Yvette Swan (Aug 20), Ann Marie Pailing (Aug 21)

Anniversaries: Yvette & Malcolm Swan (Aug 15), Sam & Maureen Nusum (Aug 21)

Raffle: was won by, none other than Yvette Swan, congratulations!



·  Exchange Student: President Bob announced that our exchange student is due to arrive on August 22nd; her name is Eva Coulombe from Quebec, Canada; we look forward to her arrival!

·  Pre-Paid Breakfast and Annual Dues: Treasurer Bob Flath announced that those who wish to prepay for breakfast on a quarterly basis can do so now – the cost is $221. per quarter. Bob, Treasurer Bob that is, also advised that our Annual Dues are now due - in the amount of $150 for the year - please take care of this as soon as possible.

·  Attendance 2007-2008: Treasurer Bob also announced that he had posted the attendance to the club website and asked every member to check to make sure the information is recorded accurately – i.e. that all make-up meetings have been recorded.

·  The Chronicle Archives: Delano Ingham announced that he has a printed record of every Chronicle from the start of our club up to 1996 and indicated we should get the file up to date. Ken Siggins advised that he has everything from 2000 to current so that leaves a smaller gap of 1996 to 2000. Hopefully someone has these and can let Delano know – let the search begin.


Not sure if it was Charles Jeffers the Sgt at Arms, or Charles Jeffers from Saturday Night Live, but he delivered 3 or 4 very funny words of wisdom for our entertainment, including the last one – “Aspire to Inspire before you Expire!” Not may fines after that, but lots of Happy Bucks from folks – lots of fun! It was also interesting to note that there were no late comers this week – everyone was here on time!

More Fun with Words:

More new words from the Washington Post's Mensa Invitational (object is to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.)

Cashtration (n): The act of buying a house, rendering the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

Giraffiti : Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

Sarchasm : The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

TODAY’S PROGRAM: The Bermuda Cadet Corps

Today’s speaker, Henry Campbell, was introduced by George Scott. Henry served with the Bermuda Regiment from 1982 to 1996 and currently is with the Bermuda Housing Corporation. He was recently promoted to Major and Commandant of the Bermuda Cadet Corps.

The Corps currently has 16 cadets who, as stipulated by the 1994 Act, are all male. It is in a re-building program at present and Major Campbell is leading this re-building, going back to square one to restore things to the way they once were. Eligibility has recently been extended to the Middle School level so that students from M2 and up may now attend.

The Corps stands alone from the Regiment. A committee of Management has been established and consists of representatives from the Business and Medical communities along with School Principals and a member of the Bermuda Government Department of Youth and Sports.

This is not just a summer program but is structured to expose youth to many different opportunities that often leads them to cadet schools in the UK or Canada. There is a 4 star training program that logs progress with record cards. Once a cadet reaches the Star 3 level, they can then teach those beginners who are at Star 1 level.

A drill team has been formed as well as other military activities beyond the 4 star program. Activities include involvement with Seniors in the community with cadets participating in the Senior Citizen’s Tea and the presentation of a Wii unit to a Seniors home to encourage physical activity. Interaction between the two age levels is very beneficial to both and involves the youths in community service work.

Discipline is taught in the program similar to the Regiment level of discipline but adjusted to suit the age group. Of great benefit to the cadets is that the program is free and therefore available to youths and families that could not otherwise afford the uniforms and supplies.

There are opportunities to travel to places like Canada, Barbados, Jamaica and the UK where affiliations exist with Regiments in those countries. This provides exposure to other countries and, with the focus being on education, widens the possibilities for future schooling.

George Cubbon expressed the thanks of our club to Henry for his most interesting presentation.


August 14, 2008:

Duty: Joe DaSilveira & Maurice Darlington

Program: Tony Brannon "Fun in Bermuda - Intro by Barbara Edwards

Have a great week! Don Voisey, Editor


2008-2009 Executive Officers

President: Bob Wood Club Service: Barbara Edwards

President Elect: George Dove Community Service: Gilda Furbert

Vice President: Sasha Castle Co-Chair: Maurice Darlington

Past President: Donato Sgobba Vocational Service: Donna Daniels

Secretary: Lisa Wagner Co-Chair: Jesse Graham

Treasurer: Bob Flath International Service: David Thompson

Sgt. at Arms: Charles Jeffers Exchange Students: Barbara Edwards

Membership: Joe DaSilveira Matching Grants: Joe DaSilveira

Public Relations: Barbara Edwards Website Manager: Ken Siggins

Chronicle Editor: Don Voisey Chronicle Staff: Lisa Wagner
