Categorical Pediatrics and Global Health Block Schedule
# / PL-1 / PL-2 / PL-3
1 / *PHM-i / *PICU / SHarris Health-outpt-u
2 / *PHM-i / *TCH NICU 3 / *SBT NICU-u
3 / *PHM-i / *Liver / GI / *SPHM-u
4 / *Hematology-Oncology-i / *Core Subspecialty / S*Subspecialty-u
5 / *Subspecialty-i / *Cardiology / SSTAR
6 / *Subspecialty-i / TCH EC / Flex EC (BT or TCH)
7 / *BT NICU / ICN-i / TCH EC / SBT EC
8 / Newborn / Adolescent Medicine / Community peds
9 / Pedi 101 / Harris Health Outpt-i / *Underserved / Elective
10 / Harris Health Outpt-i / Scholarly Activity / Capstone
11 / Development / IC Column A / IC Column A
12 / PCU / IC Colum B / IC Column B
13 / Pedi Skills / Elective / Flex (*SSupervisor, SNB chief, TCH EC)


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

-i = designates an intern rotation

S= supervisory rotation

-u = upper level rotations

BT ICN/NICU = Ben Taub neo ICU and intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Capstone = rotation unique to the individualized curriculum track designed to “cap” the experience in that track

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

Core Subspecialty = rotation in which team covers multiple services (renal, rheumatology, genetics, and allergy-immunology)

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital; BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

IC = Individualized Curriculum (selectives chosen from a restricted list [Column A] or long list [Column B] specific to each IC track)

Pedi 101 = survey course covering topics such as teaching, ethics, communication, domestic violence, etc.

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

Scholarly Activity = rotation involving scholarly work (research, QI, patient safety, curriculum development, advocacy, etc.)

Subspecialty = neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Inpt and Outpt)

*Underserved = rotation working with an underserved population (local, national, or international location); global health residents will do a block rotation in tropical medicine instead

NOTE: Global health residents will complete the above rotations over 4 years, with an additional 12 months of rotations in global health

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience
= individualized curriculum
Pediatrician Scientist Training & Development Program (PSTDP)
# / PL-1 / PL-2 / PL-3
1 / *PHM - i / *PICU / Research
2 / *PHM - i / *TCH PFW / Research
3 / *PHM - i / S* Subspecialty-u / Research
4 / *Hematology - Oncology - i / *Liver / GI or Core / Research
5 / #PSTDP/HH outpt or TCH EC / Cardiology / S*PHM-u
6 / ##TCH EC +/- HH outpt / Research / Research
7 / *BT NICU / ICN - i / Adolescent / Research
8 / Newborn / DevelopmentV / Research
9 / ElectiveV / SHarris Health outpt-u*V / Research
10 / PCU / Community PediatricsV / Research
11 / Harris Health outpt-iV / BT EC / Research
12 / *Subspecialty - i / TCH EC / Research
13 / Pedi SkillsV (x2) / ElectiveV / Capstone rotation

Rotation Order

The sequence of rotations within each heavy black box above can be varied as long as they remain within the box, but should not be moved to a position outside that respective box. Thus, PL-1 rotations can occur in any order during the PL-1 year, with the exception of the PSTPD/Harris Health outpt block, which is in block 5 for all residents. In the second year, there are 3 groups of rotations. The PL-2 research block will always be in block 6. PICU, TCH PFW, Subspecialty-u, Liver/GI or Core, and Cardiology will all preferentially occur in the blocks 1-5 of the second year. However, if it is necessary to give someone a vacation during block 1-5 time, one of the vacation-allowed rotations (i.e. Harris Health outpt-u, Community Pediatrics, or Elective) can be substituted for one of the block 1-5 rotations. The substituted rotation will then occur within blocks 7-11 of the PL-2 year; they will not be moved to block 12 or 13.


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

-i = designates an intern rotation

S= supervisory rotation

-u = upper level rotations

V=Rotation in which vacation can be given

# = some residents will pair PSTDP with Harris Health ouptpt and some will pair with TCH EC

## = those pairing PSTDP and TCH EC in block 5 will split the TCH EC block with HH outpt; the others will have a full block of TCH EC

BT ICN/NICU = Ben Taub neo ICU and intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

Core Subspecialty = rotation in which team covers multiple services (renal, rheumatology, genetics, and allergy-immunology)

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital; BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt (HH outpt) = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

PSDTP = 2weeks dedicated to PSDTP training

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

Subspecialty = neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Inpt and Outpt)

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience
= EC
= Other required
Child Neurology /NDD Prelim Block Schedule
# / PL-1 / PL-2
1 / *PHM-i / *SPHM-u
2 / *PHM-i / *TCH PICU
3 / *PHM-i / *TCH NICU 2/3
4 / *Hematology-Oncology-i / Adolescent
5 / *BT ICN/NICU-i / *Cardiology
6 / *Neurology-i / *Liver/GI or *Core Subspecialty
7 / *Subspecialty-i / TCH EC
8 / *Subspecialty-i / TCH EC
9 / Development / SBT EC
10 / Pedi 101/Harris Health Outpt-i / Community Pediatrics
11 / Newborn / SHarris Health Outpatient-u
12 / PCU / Elective
13 / Pedi Skills / Elective


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

-i = designates an intern rotation

S= supervisory rotation

-u = upper level rotations

BT ICN/NICU = Ben Taub neo ICU and intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

Core Subspecialty = rotation in which team covers multiple services (renal, rheumatology, genetics, and allergy-immunology)

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital; BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

Pedi 101 = survey course covering topics such as teaching, ethics, communication, domestic violence, etc.

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

Subspecialty= neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Inpt and Outpt)

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience
Neurosciences Block Schedule
# / PL-1
1 / *PHM-i
2 / *PHM-i
3 / *PHM-i
4 / *Hematology-Oncology-i
5 / *BT ICN/NICU-i
6 / *Subspecialty-i (Neuro)
7 / *Subspecialty-i
8 / Harris HealthOutpt-i
9 / Pedi 101/Pedi Skills
10 / Development
11 / Newborn
12 / TCH EC
13 / PCU


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

-i = designates an intern rotation

BT ICN/NICU = Ben Taub neo ICU and intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital; BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

Pedi 101 = survey course covering topics such as teaching, ethics, communication, domestic violence, etc.

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

Subspecialty = neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Inpt and Outpt)

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience
Med-Peds Block Schedule
# / MP-1 / MP-2/3 / MP-4
1 / *Hematology-Oncology-i / *Cardiology / *SFlex-u (Subsp, STAR, NB chief)
2 / *PHM-i / *Liver/GI / *SBT NICU-3 or ICN-u
3 / *PHM-i / *Core Subspecialty / *SPHM-u
4 / Pedi 101/Harris Health Outpt-i / *Harris Health Outpt-u / Community Pediatrics
5 / Newborn / *SPHM-u / Elective
6 / *Subspecialty-i / *TCH PICU / IC
13 / Pedi Skills^ / IC / EC^


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

^13th block is ½ block for MP1 and MP4 residents

-i = designates an intern rotation

S = supervisory rotation

-u = designates upper level rotations

BT ICN/NICU= Ben Taub neo ICU and intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

Core Subspecialty = rotation in which team covers multiple services (renal, rheumatology, genetics, and allergy-immunology)

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital; BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

IC = Individualized Curriculum (selectives selected in conjunction with Med-Peds leadership to advance the individual residents career goals)

Pedi 101 = survey course covering topics such as teaching, ethics, communication, domestic violence, etc.

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

Subspecialty = neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Inpt and Outpt)

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience
= individualized curriculum
Peds-Medical Genetics Block Schedule – OLD
# / PL-1 / PL-2 / 3 / PL-4 / PL-5
1 / *PHM - i / *PICU / *BT NICU-u / GENETICS
2 / *PHM - i / *TCH NICU 3 / *PHM-u / GENETICS
3 / *PHM - i / *Liver / GI / * Subspecialty -u / GENETICS
4 / *Hematology - Oncology - i / *Core Subspecialty / BT EC / GENETICS
5 / *Subspecialty - i / *Cardiology / Elective / GENETICS
6 / *Subspecialty - i / Adolescent / Elective / GENETICS
9 / Pedi 101 / HCHD / Flex EC (BT or TCH) / GENETICS / GENETICS
11 / Development / Community Pediatrics / GENETICS / GENETICS
12 / PCU / Elective / GENETICS / GENETICS
13 / Pedi Skills / Elective / Flex (supervisor, NB chief) / GENETICS

The above schedule is for residents entering BEFORE 2014.


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

-i = designates an intern rotation

S= supervisory rotation

-u = upper level rotations

BT ICN/NICU = Ben Taub neo ICU and intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

Core Subspecialty = rotation in which team covers multiple services (renal, rheumatology, genetics, and allergy-immunology)

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital; BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

Pedi 101 = survey course covering topics such as teaching, ethics, communication, domestic violence, etc.

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

Subspecialty = neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Inpt and Outpt)

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience
Peds-Medical Genetics Block Schedule
# / PL-1 / PL-2+
1 / *PHM - i / *PICU
2 / *PHM - i / *TCH NICU 3
3 / *PHM - i / *PHM-u
4 / *Hematology - Oncology - i / *Liver / GI
5 / *Subspecialty - i / *Core Subspecialty
6 / *Subspecialty-i (Infectious Disease) / *Cardiology
7 / *BT NICU / ICN - i / Adolescent
8 / Newborn / * Subspecialty-u
9 / Pedi 101 / HCHD / * Subspecialty-u
10 / HCHD outpt / BT EC
11 / Development / TCH EC
12 / PCU / Flex EC (BT or TCH)
13 / Pedi Skills / Community Pediatrics

The above schedule is for residents entering in 2014 or later.


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

-i = designates an intern rotation

S= supervisory rotation

-u = upper level rotations

BT ICN/NICU = Ben Taub neo ICU and intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

Core Subspecialty = rotation in which team covers multiple services (renal, rheumatology, genetics, and allergy-immunology)

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital; BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

Pedi 101 = survey course covering topics such as teaching, ethics, communication, domestic violence, etc.

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

Subspecialty = neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Inpt and Outpt)

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience
Integrated Research Pathway (Non-PSTDP)
# / PL-1 / PL-2 / PL-3
1 / *PHM-i / *PICU / Research
2 / *PHM-i / *TCH NICU3 / Research
3 / *PHM-i / S* Subspecialty-u / Research
4 / *Hematology-Oncology-i / *Liver / GI or Core / Research
5 / *Subspecialty-i / Cardiology / Research
6 / *Subspecialty-i / S*PHM-u / Research
7 / *BT NICU / ICN-i / Adolescent Medicine / Research
8 / Newborn / DevelopmentV / Research
9 / Pedi 101 / Harris Health Outpt-i / SHarris Health outpt-u*V / Research
10 / Harris Health Outpt-i / Community PediatricsV / Research
11 / Development / SBT EC / Research
12 / PCU / TCH EC / Research
13 / Pedi Skills / ElectiveV / Capstone rotation


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

-i = designates an intern rotation

S= supervisory rotation

-u = upper level rotations

BT ICN/NICU = Ben Taub neo ICU and intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Capstone = rotation unique to the subspecialty that the resident will be entering designed to “cap” the experience in that track and prepare the individual for fellowship

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

Core Subspecialty = rotation in which team covers multiple services (renal, rheumatology, genetics, and allergy-immunology)

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital; BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

IC = Individualized Curriculum (selectives chosen from a restricted list [Column A] or long list [Column B] specific to each IC track)

Pedi 101 = survey course covering topics such as teaching, ethics, communication, domestic violence, etc.

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

Subspecialty = neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Includes both inpatient and outpatient experience)

NOTE: Residents may have a maximum of 11 blocks of research, with a minimum of 5 of those blocks in the 3rd year of training; the specific timing of research blocks will be negotiated on an individual basis

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience
Lead & Acquire – Primary Care Program
# / PL-1 / PL-2 / PL-3
1 / *PHM-I (Main) / *PCU / *PICU
2 / PHM-I (West Campus) / *TCH NICU 3 / *SBT ICN-u
3 / Community Pediatrics / *SPHM-I (Main) / *SPHM-u (Main)
4 / *Hematology-Oncology-i / Psychiatry/Mental Health / Camp 4 All/Sports Medicine
5 / *Subspecialty-i / *Cardiology / SSTAR
6 / Subspecialty- Outpt-I (PULM) with asthma ed (v) / *TCH EC / SPHM-u (West)
7 / Development / SHarris Health-outpt-u / Underserved
8 / Newborn / *Adolescent Medicine / QI Public Health
9 / Pedi 101 / Harris Health Outpt-i / Underserved / *EC
10 / Harris Health Outpt-I (v) / Scholarly Activity / Capstone – Primary Care
11 / Community Collaborations / Leadership/Public Policy / Subspecialty Elective
12 / *TCH EC (MC or WC) / Dermatology / Subspecialty Elective
13 / Surgical Subspecialty (v) / Complex Care Clinic/Surgical Subspecialty / Subspecialty Elective


*Call or Night Shift Rotation

-i = designates an intern rotation

S= supervisory rotation

-u = upper level rotations

BT ICN = Ben Taub neonatal intermediate care nursery (Level 2 nursery)

Capstone = rotation designed to “cap” the experience in primary care

Community Pediatrics = mixed experience, including school health, ride with EMS system, mobile clinic

EC = Emergency Center (TCH – Texas Children’s Hospital (MC = main campus; WC = west campus); BT – Ben Taub)

Harris Health Outpt = County pediatric clinic (general peds and some subspecialty care); located in Pasadena

Pedi 101 = survey course covering topics such as teaching, ethics, communication, domestic violence, etc.

Pedi Skills = rotation in which basic pediatric procedures (e.g. venipuncture, lumbar puncture, bladder catheterization) are taught

PHM = Pediatric Hospital Medicine (general pediatric service)

SubspecialtyElective= neurology, endocrinology, pulmonary, or infectious diseases (Includes both inpatient and outpatient experience)

NOTE: 2nd and 3rd year schedule remains tentative and subject to change for Primary Care Program

= inpatient rotation
= outpatient rotation
= subspecialty rotation (includes inpatient and outpatient experience)