St. Bartholomew’s CE First School
Hot Lunch Menu for February 2017
My Child’s Name: ______Class______
Monday 6thFebruary / Tuesday 7thFebruary / Wednesday 8thFebruary / Thursday 9thFebruary / Friday 10thFebruaryW
1 / Cooked Sausages, Boiled Potatoes & Mixed Veg / Meatballs in Tomato Sauce, Mashed Potato & Peas / Roast Chicken Breast, Gravy, Roast Potatoes & Broccoli / Sweet & Sour Chicken, Rice & Carrots / INSET DAY TODAY
Chilli con Carne with Rice & Mixed Veg / Chicken Curry, Rice and Peas / Beef Casserole, Roast Potatoes & Broccoli / Shepherds Pie, Boiled PotatoesCarrots
Pasta Provencale with Mixed Veg / Potato, Cheese & Leek Bake with Peas / Veg Sausage Casserole, Roast Potatoes & Broccoli / Moroccan Bean Casserole with Rice & Carrots
Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch
Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch
Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch
Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch
Raspberry Sponge Custard / Choc-ice / Apricot Crumble Custard / Sultana Sponge & Custard
Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt
Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits
Monday 20th February / Tuesday 21st February / Wednesday 22nd February / Thursday 23rd February / Friday 24th February
2 / Sausages in Onion Gravy, Mash Potato & Green Beans / Sliced Gammon & Pineapple Boiled Potatoes, Sweetcorn / Roast Beef in Gravy with Roast Potatoes & Mixed Veg / Chicken Curry with Rice & Carrots / Battered Fish with Boiled Potatoes and Peas
Pork & Apple Casserole with Mash Potato Green Beans / Cottage Pie, Boiled PotatoesSweetcorn / Fish Goujons, Mash Potato & Mixed Veg / Beef Bolognaise with Pasta & Carrots / Chicken Goujons, Boiled Potatoes, Peas
Pasta ProvencaleGreen Beans / Vegetable Curry with Rice & Sweetcorn / Quorn Casserole, Roast Potatoes & Mixed Veg / 3 Cheese Pizza, Jacket Potato & Carrots / Baked Veg Pie, Boiled Potatoes & Peas
Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch
Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch
Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch
Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch
Lemon Sponge Custard / Choc ice / Fruit Crumble Custard / Apple Crumble Custard / Somerset Apple Cake
Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt
Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits
Monday 27th February / Tuesday 28th February / Wednesday 1st March / Thursday 2nd March / Friday 3rd March
3 / Cooked Sausages,Jacket Potato Baked Beans / Chicken Goujons, Boiled Potatoes & Mixed Veg / Roast Pork in Gravy with Roast Potatoes & Carrots / Beef Lasagne Green Beans / Meatballs in Tomato Sauce, Boiled Potatoes& Peas
Beef Casserole, Jacket Potato & Broccoli / Steak Pie with Mash PotatoMixed Veg / Chicken and Ham Pie, Mash Potato & Carrots / Sweet & Sour Chicken with Rice & Green Beans / Tuna Pasta Bake & Peas
Pasta Provencale & Broccoli / Cheese Flan, Mash PotatoMixed Veg / Veg Sausage Casserole, Roast Potatoes & Broccoli / 3 Cheese Pizza with Mash Potato & Green Beans / QuornTikka Masala, Rice & Peas
Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch
Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch
Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch
Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Sardine Sandwich lunch
Raspberry Sponge Custard / Choc-ice / Rice Pudding / Rhubarb Crumble & Custard / Apple Crumble Custard
Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt
Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits
Monday 6thMarch / Tuesday 7thMarch / Wednesday 8thMarch / Thursday 9thMarch / Friday 10th March
4 / Toad in the Hole, Mash Potato & Carrots / Sliced Gammon & Pineapple Boiled Potatoes, Sweetcorn / Roast Turkey, Gravy, Roast Potatoes & Green Beans / Chicken Curry with Rice & Mixed Veg / Breaded Cod with Boiled Potatoes and Peas
Chicken & Broccoli Bake, Mash Potato & Carrots / Cottage Pie, Boiled PotatoesSweetcorn / Beef Casserole, Roast Potatoes & Green Beans / Beef Bolognaise with Pasta & Mixed Veg / Chicken Goujons with Boiled Potatoes and Peas
Pasta Provencale & Carrots / Sweet Potato Chilli with Rice & Sweetcorn / Cauliflower Cheese, Roast Potatoes & Green Beans / Veg Lasagnewith Mixed Veg / 3 Cheese Pizza, Potato Wedges & Peas
Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch / Cheese Sandwich lunch
Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch / Egg Sandwich lunch
Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch / Ham Sandwich lunch
Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch / Tuna Sandwich lunch
Apricot Crumble Custard / Choc ice / Fruit Crumble Custard / Sticky Toffee Pud Custard / Somerset Apple Cake
Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt / Fresh Fruitor Yoghurt
Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits / Cheese Biscuits
Select 1 main option (blue) and 1 dessert option (pink) and return completed menus to the school office byFriday 20th January. Menus for children entitled to a free meal not received by this date will result in the main meal and pudding choices being ordered. For those children who are not entitled to a free lunch meals will cost £2 per day. Please provide payment with your completed order form. Cheques should be made payable to St. Bartholomew’s CE First School. If you have any dietary requirements please notify the school office, where ingredient sheets can be viewed – Dairy Free meals are highlighted in yellow but mightneed slight alteration (e.g. our mash contains milk) let us know if this needs to be changed.