Course Check-Sheet for the English Major (2015-2016), p. 1

Course Check-Sheet for the English Major (2016-2017)

Please use this check-sheet only as a general guide to check off requirements as you meet them. Official university guidelines as published in the university catalog take precedence. You should check with the registrar periodically to get an official program evaluation to make certain you’re on track for your degree. General studies courses may not be used in meeting requirements forboth an academic major or minor and general studies. This check-sheet is for students who are majoring in English but do not plan to pursue teaching certification. Course descriptions are available in the university catalog. Courses listed below are all for three hours’ credit unless otherwise indicated.

General Requirements / Measure of Academic Proficiency and Progress (MAPP) Exam [Take when you have earned 60 to 89 hours.]
Minimum of 120 credit hours total (40 three-hour courses—but remember that some courses are worth only 1 or 2 hours).
Six-hour sequence (two courses, first and second halves) required in literature or history in Area II and/or IV.
General Studies
Area I (6 hours) / ENG 1101 Composition and Modern English I or ENG 1103 Honors English Comp. I [Minimum grade of C.]
ENG 1102 Composition and Modern English II or ENG 1104 Honors English Comp. II [Minimum grade of C.]
General Studies Area II
(12 hours) / One Course →
(3 hours) /  / ENG 2205 World Lit. before 1660 or ENG 2207 Honors World Lit. before 1660
ENG 2206 World Lit. after 1660 or ENG 2208 Honors World Lit. after 1660
One Course →
(3 hours) / 1000-2000-level fine arts (Art, Music, Theatre, Film, etc.)
 ______
Two Courses →
(6 hours) / 1000-2000-level humanities/fine arts (Classics, Communication, Dance, English, Foreign Languages, Interdisciplinary Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Sign Language, Theatre, etc. {World Literature recommended, ENG 2205 or 2206})
General Studies
Area III
(11 hours) / One course →
(3 hours) /  / MTH 1110 Finite Mathematics [Minimum grade of C.]
MTH 1112 Pre-Calculus Algebra or higher [Minimum grade of C.]
One Course →
with Lab (4 hours) / 1000-2000-level science (BIO, CHM, PHY, SCI, etc. [Must be taken simultaneously.])
Course: ______Lab (1 hour): ______
One Course →
with Lab (4 hours) / 1000-2000-level science (BIO, CHM, PHY, SCI, etc. [Must be taken simultaneously.])
Course: ______Lab (1 hour): ______
General Studies
Area IV
(12 hours) / One Course →
(3 hours) / 1000-2000-level history
HIS ______
Three Courses →
(9 hours) / 1000-2000-level social science (Anthropology, Business, Criminal Justice, Economics, Finance, Geography, History, Hospitality, Tourism, Sport Management, Human Services, Interdisciplinary Studies, Leadership, Nursing, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Social Work, Sociology, etc.)
General Studies
Area V
(18 hours) /  ENG 2211 American Literature before 1875
 ENG 2212 American Literature after 1875
 ENG 2244 British Literature before 1785
 ENG 2245 British Literature after 1785 /  IS 2241 Computer Concepts & Applications
 TROY 1101 (1 hour) University Orientation
Elective (2+ hours): ______
English Major
(36 hours) /  ENG 3341 Advanced Grammar
ENG 4495 Senior Seminar
ENG 3000+ ______
ENG 3000+ ______
ENG 3000+ ______
ENG 3000+ ______
ENG 3000+ ______
ENG 3000+ ______
ENG 3000+ ______
ENG 4000+ ______
ENG 4000+ ______
ENG 4000+ ______/ Minor
(18 hours) / Subject: ______
(12 hours)
B.A. degree only / Language: _(FRN, GER, GRK, LAT, SPN, other)
Other Electives
(as needed to reach 120 hours total—usually 7hours for B.S. degree) / ______
______/ ______