Electronic Supplementary Material
Effects of propofol on sleep quality
in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients – A Physiological study
Eumorfia Kondili, Christina Alexopoulou, Nectaria Xirouchaki and Dimitris Georgopoulos
Intensive Care Medicine Department, University Hospital of Heraklion, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
D. Georgopoulos,
Professor of Medicine,
Director of Intensive Care Medicine Department
University Hospital of Heraklion,
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Fax: +30 2810 392409
Additional Methods details
Flow (V’) at the airway opening was measured with a heated pneumotachograph (Hans-Rudolf 3700, Kansas, USA) and a differential pressure transducer (Micro-Switch 140PC, Honeywell, Ontario, Canada), placed between the endotracheal tube and the Y-piece of the ventilator. Flow was electronically integrated to provide volume (V). Airway pressure (Paw; Micro-Switch 140PC, Honeywell, Ontario, Canada) was measured from a side port between the pneumotachograph and the endotracheal tube. Partial pressure of end-tidal CO2 was measured at the distal end of the endotracheal or tracheostomy tube using a mainstream capnometer (Alice, Respironics, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.). Pulse oxymetry was recorded continuously with a finger probe. The motion of the rib cage and abdomen was measured using respiratory inductive plethysmography (Alice, Respironics, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.). Electroencephalogram (EEG) (C4/A1, C3/A2, O1/A2, O2/A1), right and left electrooculogram, submental electromyogram, and electrocardiogram signals were amplified, filtered recorded, and stored with other signals in a data acquisition system (Alice, Respironics, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.).
Data analysis
Sleep architecture was scored manually in 30-s period epochs according to standard criteria [1]. Total sleep time (TST) was defined as the sum of total time spent in all sleep stages during the total time monitored [1]. The percentage of time spent in each stage of sleep during TST was calculated. EEG arousals were defined as an abrupt shift in EEG frequency consisting of theta, α, and/or frequencies greater than 12 Hz lasting 3 seconds or longer [1]. Awakenings were defined as EEG features compatible with wakefulness and lasting > 15 sec of an epoch preceded and followed by an epoch of sleep [1]. Total sleep fragmentation index was calculated as the sum of arousals and awakenings per hour of sleep [1]. Central apneas were defined as the absence of airflow, based on pneumotachography, for 10 seconds or longer, occurring in the absence of detectable respiratory effort on respiratory inductive plethysmography [1].
Total respiratory cycle time (TTOT), end-tidal CO2, tidal volume (TV) and peak inspiratory airway pressure (Pawpeak) were measured on a breath-by-breath basis [2]. TTOT were calculated from the flow signal. Breath components (TTOT, TV), end-tidal CO2, and Pawpeak were measured during NREM sleep, and in a similar fashion during wakefulness. Major patient-ventilator asynchrony, such as ineffective efforts, autotriggering and double triggering, was evaluated breath by breath by inspection of flow-time and Paw-time waveforms as described previously [2]. Analysis of breathing pattern and end-tidal CO2 during sleep was confined to nonrapid eye movement sleep (NREM) because of the greater variability of breathing pattern expected during rapid eye movement sleep [3]. Periodic breathing was identified visually by the presence of gross fluctuations in TV and/or ventilator rate with a periodicity consistent with Cheyne-Stokes breathing (0.7to 3.0cycles/min) [4, 5]. We did not set a specific threshold (for the amplitude of TV oscillation or ventilator rate change) with which to define Chyene-Stokes breathing.
Additional results
Table S1: Patients’ characteristics.
PatientNo. / Sex / Age
(years) / APACHE II
On admission / Admission Diagnosis / Days
on MV / Mode
of MV / PEEP
(cmH2O) / FIO2
1 / F / 75 / 16 / MODS / 25 / PS / 7 / 0.5
2 / M / 75 / 32 / COPD/Pneumonia / 16 / CPAP / 5 / 0.3
3 / M / 63 / 15 / Sepsis / 20 / PS / 6 / 0.45
4 / F / 73 / 16 / Pneumonia / 11 / PS / 5 / 0.35
5 / M / 49 / 12 / SCI/Sepsis / 39 / PS / 5 / 0.40
6 / F / 73 / 18 / COPD/Pneumonia / 34 / PAV+ / 6 / 0.35
7 / F / 70 / 22 / MODS/Sepsis / 24 / PS / 6 / 0.30
8 / F / 75 / 25 / MODS / 22 / PS / 6 / 0.40
9 / M / 72 / 22 / AECOPD / 23 / PS / 7 / 0.30
10 / M / 46 / 18 / Pneumonia / 21 / PS / 5 / 0.50
11 / F / 72 / 30 / COPD/Pneumonia / 43 / PS / 6 / 0.50
12 / M / 78 / 17 / ARDS/Sepsis / 6 / PS / 6 / 0.26
Median IQR / 72.5
63-75 / 22.5
16-34 / 18.0
16-25 / 6.0
5-6 / 0.38
F; female. M; male. MODS; multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. ARDS; acute respiratory distress syndrome. COPD; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. AECOPD; acute exacerbation of COPD. SCI; spinal cord injury. PEEP; positive end-expiratory airway pressure. MV; mechanical ventilation. PS; pressure support. CPAP; continuous positive airway pressure. PAV+; proportional assist ventilation with load adjustable gain factors. FIO2; fractional concentration of inspired O2. IQR; interquartile range.
Table S2: Individual arousals awakening and total sleep fragmentation indices with and without propofol
Patient no. / AI / AwI / TSFI / AI / AwI / TSFI
1 / 8.26 / 1.81 / 10.07 / 27.80 / 21.95 / 49.76
2 / 0.00 / 1.69 / 1.69 / 8.23 / 1.23 / 9.46
3 / 3.67 / 1.22 / 4.90 / 2.87 / 0.72 / 3.58
4 / 4.25 / 1.86 / 6.11 / 4.33 / 13.61 / 17.94
5 / 10.43 / 41.74 / 52.17 / 8.40 / 7.29 / 15.69
6 / 11.73 / 3.65 / 15.38 / 4.49 / 1.50 / 5.98
7 / 2.00 / 0.25 / 2.25 / 0.13 / 0.00 / 0.13
8 / 2.36 / 2.96 / 5.32 / 1.45 / 0.97 / 2.42
9 / 6.13 / 9.73 / 15.86 / 2.84 / 0.71 / 3.55
10 / 16.28 / 2.93 / 19.21 / 9.10 / 2.04 / 11.13
11 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
12 / 7.64 / 8.73 / 16.36 / 0.62 / 0.31 / 0.93
Median IQR / 5.19
2.09-9.89 / 2.40
1.34-7.46 / 8.09
2.91-16.24 / 3.60
0.83-8.36 / 1.10
0.41-5.98 / 4.78
AI, AwI, TSFI; arousals index, awakening index, total sleep fragmentation index, respectively (events/hr). IQR; interquartile range.
On both study nights patient no. 11 did not achieve sleep.
Table S3: Arterial blood gasses in the beginning and at the end of each study night.
Beginning / End / p values / Beginning / End / p values
PaO2 / 92.3 (77.0-96.1) / 87.4 (78.2-103.0) / 0.79 / 103.0 (88.6-124.0) / 98.0 (80.0-118.2) / 0.75
PaCO2 / 45.0 (40.1-47.3) / 43.5 (41.0-51.1) / 0.48 / 44.5 (41.4-50.0) / 47.6 (41.0-52.8) / 0.09
pH / 7.40 (7.38-7.45) / 7.40 (7.36-7.43) / 0.36 / 7.40 (7.36-7.44) / 7.39 (7.35-7.42) / 0.21
Values are median (interquartile range). PaO2 and PaCO2; partial pressure of arterial O2 and CO2, respectively.
1. (2007) The AASM manual for the scoring of sleep and associated events: rules, terminology, and technical specification,. Westchester, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine
2. Georgopoulos D, Prinianakis G, Kondili E, (2006) Bedside waveforms interpretation as a tool to identify patient-ventilator asynchronies. Intensive Care Med 32: 34-47
3. Alexopoulou C, Kondili E, Vakouti E, Klimathianaki M, Prinianakis G, Georgopoulos D, (2007) Sleep during proportional-assist ventilation with load-adjustable gain factors in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med 33: 1139-1147
4. Irwin M, Rinetti G, Redwine L, Motivala S, Dang J, Ehlers C, (2004) Nocturnal proinflammatory cytokine-associated sleep disturbances in abstinent African American alcoholics. Brain Behav Immun 18: 349-360
5. Klimathianaki M, Kondili E, Alexopoulou C, Prinianakis G, Georgopoulos D, (2010) Effect of propofol on breathing stability in adult ICU patients with brain damage. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 171: 232-238